4 research outputs found

    Sensitivity simulation and measurement of the SKA Band 1 wideband feed package on MeerKAT

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    Advances in wideband feed technology for radio telescopes enable high sensitivity observations over large bandwidths. The wideband quad-ridge flared horn (QRFH) feed package for Band 1 of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) was optimized for high sensitivity. The 3:1 feed package covers 350-1050 MHz and is a complete room temperature system with low-noise amplifiers integrated inside the ridges of the horn. The QRFH is dual-linear polarized and designed with spline-defined profiles for the horn and ridge shape. Measured feed s-parameters show input reflection less than -11 dB across the band with good port isolation. In this paper we present the first measured sensitivity levels of the Band 1 feed package, which was tested on the SKA precursor reflector MeerKAT. We also present measured aperture efficiency and intrinsic cross-polarization (IXR). The measured results show good agreement with simulations

    An innovative, highly sensitive receiver system for the Square Kilometre Array Mid Radio Telescope

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    International audienceThe Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project is a global science and engineering project realizing the next-generation radio telescopes operating in the metre and centimetre wavelengths regions. This paper addresses design concepts of the broadband, exceptionally sensitive receivers and reflector antennas deployed in the SKA1-Mid radio telescope to be located in South Africa. SKA1-Mid (350 MHz - 13.8 GHz with an option for an upper limit of 24 GHz) will consist of 133 reflector antennas using an unblocked aperture, offset Gregorian configuration with an effective diameter of 15 m. Details on the unblocked aperture Gregorian antennas, low noise front ends and advanced direct digitization receivers, are provided from a system design perspective. The unblocked aperture results in increased aperture efficiency and lower side-lobe levels compared to a traditional on-axis configuration. The low side-lobe level reduces the noise contribution due to ground pick-up but also makes the antenna less susceptible to ground-based RFI sources. The addition of extra shielding on the sub-reflector provides a further reduction of ground pick-up. The optical design of the SKA1-Mid reflector antenna has been tweaked using advanced EM simulation tools in combination with sophisticated models for sky, atmospheric and ground noise contributions. This optimal antenna design in combination with very low noise, partially cryogenic, receivers and wide instantaneous bandwidth provide excellent receiving sensitivity in combination with instrumental flexibility to accommodate a wide range of astronomical observation modes

    MID-Radio Telescope, Single Pixel Feed Packages for the Square Kilometer Array: An Overview

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    The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is an international effort to build the world\u27s largest radio telescope, enabling science with unprecedented detail and survey speed.The project spans over a decade and is now at a mature stage, ready to enter the construction and integration phase. In the fully deployed state, the MID-Telescope consists of a 150-km diameter array of offset Gregorian antennas installed in the radio quiet zone of the Karoo desert (South Africa). Each antenna is equipped with three feed packages, that are precision positioned in the sub-reflector focus by a feed indexer platform. The total observational bandwidth (0.35-15.4GHz) is segmented into seven bands. Band 1 (0.35 – 1.05 GHz) and Band 2 (0.95 – 1.76 GHz) are implemented as individual feed packages. The remaining five bands (Bands 3, 4, 5a, 5b, and 6) are combined in a single feed package. Initially only Band 5a (4.6 – 8.5 GHz) and Band 5b (8.3 – 15.4 GHz) will be installed. This paper provides an overview of recent progress on design, test and integration of each feed package as well as project and science goals, timeline and path to construction

    Inflation of 430-parsec bipolar radio bubbles in the Galactic Centre by an energetic event

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    The Galactic Centre contains a supermassive black hole with a mass of four million Suns1 within an environment that differs markedly from that of the Galactic disk. Although the black hole is essentially quiescent in the broader context of active galactic nuclei, X-ray observations have provided evidence for energetic outbursts from its surroundings2. Also, although the levels of star formation in the Galactic Centre have been approximately constant over the past few hundred million years, there is evidence of increased short-duration bursts3, strongly influenced by the interaction of the black hole with the enhanced gas density present within the ring-like central molecular zone4 at Galactic longitude |l|\ua0<\ua00.7\ua0degrees and latitude |b|\ua0<\ua00.2\ua0degrees. The inner 200-parsec region is characterized by large amounts of warm molecular gas5, a high cosmic-ray ionization rate6, unusual gas chemistry, enhanced synchrotron emission7,8, and a multitude of radio-emitting magnetized filaments9, the origin of which has not been established. Here we report radio imaging that reveals a bipolar bubble structure, with an overall span of 1\ua0degree by 3\ua0degrees (140\ua0parsecs\ua0 7\ua0430\ua0parsecs), extending above and below the Galactic plane and apparently associated with the Galactic Centre. The structure is edge-brightened and bounded, with symmetry implying creation by an energetic event in the Galactic Centre. We estimate the age of the bubbles to be a few million years, with a total energy of 7\ua0 7\ua01052\ua0ergs. We postulate that the progenitor event was a major contributor to the increased cosmic-ray density in the Galactic Centre, and is in turn the principal source of the relativistic particles required to power the synchrotron emission of the radio filaments within and in the vicinity of the bubble cavities