5 research outputs found

    Varied effects of algal symbionts on transcription factor NF-ÎșB in a sea anemone and a coral: possible roles in symbiosis and thermotolerance

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    Many cnidarians, including the reef-building corals, undergo symbiotic mutualisms with photosynthetic dinoflagellate algae of the family Symbiodiniaceae. These partnerships are sensitive to temperature extremes, which cause symbiont loss and increased coral mortality. Previous studies have implicated host immunity and specifically immunity transcription factor NF-ÎșB as having a role in the maintenance of the cnidarian-algal symbiosis. Here we have further investigated a possible role for NF-ÎșB in establishment and loss of symbiosis in various strains of the anemone Exaiptasia (Aiptasia) and in the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Our results show that NF-ÎșB expression is reduced in Aiptasia larvae and adults that host certain algae strains. Treatment of Aiptasia larvae with a known symbiosis-promoting cytokine, transforming growth factor ÎČ, also led to decreased NF-ÎșB expression. We also show that aposymbiotic Aiptasia (with high NF-ÎșB expression) have increased survival following infection with the pathogenic bacterium Serratia marcescens as compared to symbiotic Aiptasia (low NF-ÎșB expression). Furthermore, a P. damicornis coral colony hosting Durusdinium spp. (formerly clade D) symbionts had higher basal NF-ÎșB expression and decreased heat-induced bleaching as compared to two individuals hosting Cladocopium spp. (formerly clade C) symbionts. Lastly, genome-wide gene expression profiling and genomic promoter analysis identified putative NF-ÎșB target genes that may be involved in thermal bleaching, symbiont maintenance, and/or immune protection in P. damicornis. Our results provide further support for the hypothesis that modulation of NF-ÎșB and immunity plays a role in some, but perhaps not all, cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae partnerships as well as in resistance to pathogens and bleaching.Accepted manuscrip

    Self-patterning of human stem cells into post-implantation lineages

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    Investigating human development is a substantial scientific challenge due to the technical and ethical limitations of working with embryonic samples. In the face of these difficulties, stem cells have provided an alternative to experimentally model inaccessible stages of human development in vitro1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. Here we show that human pluripotent stem cells can be triggered to self-organize into three-dimensional structures that recapitulate some key spatiotemporal events of early human post-implantation embryonic development. Our system reproducibly captures spontaneous differentiation and co-development of embryonic epiblast-like and extra-embryonic hypoblast-like lineages, establishes key signalling hubs with secreted modulators and undergoes symmetry breaking-like events. Single-cell transcriptomics confirms differentiation into diverse cell states of the perigastrulating human embryo14,15 without establishing placental cell types, including signatures of post-implantation epiblast, amniotic ectoderm, primitive streak, mesoderm, early extra-embryonic endoderm, as well as initial yolk sac induction. Collectively, our system captures key features of human embryonic development spanning from Carnegie stage16 4–7, offering a reproducible, tractable and scalable experimental platform to understand the basic cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie human development, including new opportunities to dissect congenital pathologies with high throughput

    Floristic compositions and physiognomy aspects of plant in river-bay of Igarapés riacho doce, lages and onça, located in the city of President Figueiredo, state of Amazonas, Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a composição florĂ­sticas das comunidades vegetais dos IgarapĂ©s Riacho Doce, Lajes e IgarapĂ© da Onça do MunicĂ­pio de Presidente Figueiredo, estado do Amazonas, Brasil, apresentando as estimativas dos nĂșmeros de espĂ©cies, famĂ­lias e indivĂ­duos registrados numa ĂĄrea de 1 ha (parcelas de 10x1000m, alocadas aleatoriamente para cada comunidade vegetal). Nestas parcelas foram tomadas medidas de indivĂ­duos com 10cm ou mais de diĂąmetro Ă  altura do peito (D.A.P.), medidas as alturas do fuste (m), posição sociolĂłgica e qualidade do fuste. Analisou-se o Ă­ndice de diversidade de Shannon e Weaver (H’), uniformidade ou equitabilidade, coeficiente de mistura e o Ă­ndice de espĂ©cie raras, (IER). Os resultados encontrados mostram que, as famĂ­lias Fabaceae, Sapotaceae e Caesalpiniaceae, destacaram-se pela riqueza florĂ­stica e dominĂąncia nas diferentes comunidades vegetais. As espĂ©cies mais abundantes que ocorreram nesses ambientes foram Sandwithia guyanensis, Pouteria sp. e Oenocarpus bataua. O Índice de Shannon- Weaver registrou valores bastante elevados nas trĂȘs comunidades vegetais estudadas, a comunidade vegetal do IgarapĂ© Riacho Doce, entretanto apresentou maior diversidade (3,67). De acordo com o coeficiente de mistura, as comunidades vegetais dos igarapĂ©s analisadas sĂŁo similares entre [email protected] objective of this work was to study the floristic composition of plant communities of IgarapĂ©s Riacho Doce, Lajes and Onça of the city of President Figueiredo, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Estimates of the numbers of species, families and individuals registered in an area of one hectare (plots of 10x1000m, randomly allocated to each plant community) were presenting. In these plots measures were taken from individuals with 10 cm or more of diameter at breast height (DBH), heights of trunk (m), sociological position and trunk quality. It was examined the diversity index of shannon and Weaver (H‘), uniformity coefficient of mixture and the index of rare species. The results show that the families Fabaceae, sapotaceae and caesalpiniaceae, outstanding the number of species and dominance in the different plant communities. The most abundant species occurring in these environments were Sandwithia guyanensis, Pouteria sp. and Oenocarpus bataua. The index of shannon-Weaver recorded very high values in the three plant communities studied. However, the plant community of igarapĂ© Riacho Doce presented greater diversity (3.67). According to the coeffi cient of mixture, the plant communities of the igarapĂ©s considered are similar to each other