8 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Different adiposity indices and their association with blood pressure and hypertension in middle-aged urban black South African men and women: findings from the AWI-GEN South African Soweto Site
Table S1. Multivariate regression models examining the association between body composition parameters and blood pressure and hypertension in urban male and female black South African*. (DOCX 13Â kb
Additional file 1: of Different adiposity indices and their association with blood pressure and hypertension in middle-aged urban black South African men and women: findings from the AWI-GEN South African Soweto Site
Table S1. Multivariate regression models examining the association between body composition parameters and blood pressure and hypertension in urban male and female black South African*. (DOCX 13Â kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Prevalence of anogenital HPV infection, related disease and risk factors among HIV-infected men in inner-city Johannesburg, South Africa: baseline findings from a cohort study
Distribution of the HPV genotypes according to the cytological diagnosis. (DOC 66Â kb
Additional file 2: Table S2. of Prevalence of anogenital HPV infection, related disease and risk factors among HIV-infected men in inner-city Johannesburg, South Africa: baseline findings from a cohort study
Associations between intra anal HPV infection and abnormal cytology. (DOC 57Â kb
Additional file 2: Table S2. of Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender
Prevalence of peer violence, by gender within each city. (DOCX 32Â kb
Additional file 3: Table S3. of Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender
Prevalence of intimate partner and non-partner sexual violence, by gender within each city. (DOCX 35Â kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender
Prevalence of family and community violence, by gender within each city. (DOCX 36Â kb