12 research outputs found

    CCWI2017: F106 'Water and Energy Efficiency in Bulk Water Systems'

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    Water losses and energy efficiency in supply systems is an actual concern for utilities. While the methodologies for water losses and energy efficiency assessment have been developed, their application in bulk water supply systems is limited. This paper provides data on water losses levels and energy efficiency performance of three Portuguese bulk water supply systems that can be benchmarked with similar systems worldwide. In addition, it points out major uncertainties in water balances calculation in such systems and identifies constraints in applying the methodology. The usefulness of computing the energy balance for efficiency assessment in bulk supply systems is demonstrated

    Additional file 3: Appendix III. of How can information systems provide support to nurses’ hand hygiene performance? Using gamification and indoor location to improve hand hygiene awareness and reduce hospital infections

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    Game Elements applied in the solution. List of the game elements applied in both instantiations, categorized accordingly to Werbach and Hunter’s list, and to the part of the gamification solution they appear in. (DOCX 12 kb

    Predicted probability of death for each component of PIRO and for the combination of the four components.

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    <p>Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and areas under the curves (AUC) for each PIRO components, Predisposition (A), Infection (B), Response (C), Organ failure (D) and the four components of PIRO combined (E).</p

    Response variables and their association with hospital mortality.

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    <p>OR– odds ratio; CRP – C-reactive protein (mg/dL); WCC – white cell count (10<sup>−3</sup> L); log – logarithm,</p>*<p>per increase of 0.1 units.</p><p>Results from the univariate (raw OR) and multivariable (adjusted OR) logistic regressions based on a sample of 891 patients admitted to ICU with the diagnosis of community-acquired Sepsis.</p

    Organ variables and their association with hospital mortality.

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    <p>OR – odds ratio; log – logarithm; SOFA – sequential organ failure assessment score,</p>*<p>per increase of 0.1 units.</p><p>Results from the univariate (raw OR) and multivariable (adjusted OR) logistic regressions based on a sample of 891 patients admitted to ICU with the diagnosis of community-acquired Sepsis.</p

    Predisposing variables and their association with hospital mortality.

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    <p>HCAS - Health-care associated sepsis; HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus, AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Long corticosteroid therapy - At least 0.2 mg/kg/day of prednisolone for at least 3 months in 12 months previous the hospital admission; Short corticosteroid therapy - at least 1 mg/kg/day of prednisolone for at least 1 week during the 3 months previous to the hospital admission; OR-Odds ratio.</p><p>Results from the univariate (raw OR) and multivariable (adjusted OR) logistic regressions based on a sample of 891 patients admitted to ICU with the diagnosis of community-acquired Sepsis.</p

    Demographic data from the selected matched cohort.

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    <p>SAPS II - Simplified Acute Physiology Score; ICU – Intensive Care Unit; NFGNB – Non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria.</p><p>Data presented as mean ± standard deviation or N (percentage).</p>*<p>McNemar’s test;</p>**<p>Paired Student’s <i>t</i> test.</p

    Main microorganisms isolated.

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    <p>All included microorganisms had <i>in vitro</i> susceptibility to piperacillin/tazobactam.</p><p>NFGNB – Non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria.</p

    Outcomes of patients treated with piperacillin/tazobactam, either as continuous infusion or intermittent dosing.

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    1<p>Patients discharged from ICU;</p>2<p>Patients discharged from hospital.</p><p>ICU – Intensive Care Unit; SAPS - Simplified Acute Physiology Score.</p><p>Data presented as percentage or median [Interquartile Range].</p>*<p>McNemar’s test;</p>**<p>Mann Whitney <i>U</i> test;</p>#<p>Chi Square test.</p