1,320 research outputs found

    A visual tool for assessing tension-resolving models in the H0H_0-σ8\sigma_8 plane

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    Beyond-Λ\LambdaCDM models, which were proposed to resolve the "Hubble tension", often have an impact on the discrepancy in the amplitude of matter clustering, the "σ8\sigma_8-tension". To explore the interplay between the two tensions, we propose a simple method to visualize the relation between the two parameters H0H_0 and σ8\sigma_8: For a given extension of the Λ\LambdaCDM model and data set, we plot the relation between H0H_0 and σ8\sigma_8 for different amplitudes of the beyond-Λ\LambdaCDM physics. We use this visualization method to illustrate the trend of selected cosmological models, including non-minimal Higgs-like inflation, early dark energy, a varying effective electron mass, an extra number of relativistic species and modified dark energy models. We envision that the proposed method could be a useful diagnostic tool to illustrate the behaviour of complex cosmological models with many parameters in the context of the H0H_0 and σ8\sigma_8 tensions.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 5 table

    Photosynthetic Light Response of Tanzania Grass under Four Levels of Leaf Temperature

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish photosynthetic light response curves for Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) under four leaf temperature levels. Photosynthetic rate was measured as a response to levels of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) on the youngest fully expanded leaves of 12 representative tillers with an infra red gas analyzer. The effect of PPFD was tested for each leaf temperature level in a randomized complete block design. Photosynthetic light response curves were adjusted for each leaf temperature using a non-linear hyperbolic model. The maximum photosynthetic response was 25,59; 31,43; 34,57 and 27,53 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 for 25, 30, 35 and 40 oC of leaf temperature, respectively. Although light saturation was not attained, response to light increments declined with light levels higher than 1000 – 2000 µmol photon m-2 s-1, and the response curve approximated saturation slowly. Photosynthetic rates of Tanzania grass depend on light and temperature level and these must be considered when modelling crop yield potential

    Caracterização nutricional de silagens do coproduto da pupunha.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a dinâmica de fermentação, a composição química e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) das silagens do coproduto da pupunha. Os tratamentos constituíram-se no coproduto da pupunha: in natura, emurchecido, com 10% de farelo de mandioca, com 10% de fubá de milho, com 10% de torta de dendê e com 1% de uréia. Os silos experimentais foram abertos com 1; 3; 5; 7; 14; 28 e 56 dias. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 6 x 7 (tratamentos e períodos de fermentação) com duas repetições. O pH variou de 3,78 a 3,93. As silagens com farelo de mandioca ou fubá de milho apresentaram menores concentrações de fibra detergente neutro, fibra detergente ácido, celulose e lignina. Houve redução nos teores de matéria seca no decorrer da abertura dos silos. O teor de proteína bruta da silagem com uréia foi superior. A adição de farelo de mandioca ou fubá de milho aumentou a DIVMS. As silagens apresentaram valores adequados de nitrogênio amoniacal. O coproduto da extração do palmito da pupunha apresenta potencial de conservação na forma de silagem, e a adição de farelo de mandioca melhora o seu valor nutritivo

    Efeito da adição de fubá de milho no perfil fermentativo da silagem do co-produto da extração do palmito da pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth).

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    Resumo: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o perfil fermentativo das silagens do resíduo agroindustrial da extração do palmito da pupunha in natura, aditivada com fubá de milho (10% do peso verde) e emurchecida. Utilizou-se silos de laboratório (de PVC, 10 cm de diâmetros x 40 cm de comprimento). As aberturas dos silos ocorreram aos 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias após a ensilagem. Os valores de pH não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos tendo como média (3,80) no dia 56, no entanto esses valores apresentaram padrão de mudança cúbico ao longo dos dias com o valor mínimo sendo atingido no dia 14 para todos os tratamentos. A adição do fubá de milho na silagem elevou os teores de MS (19,71%) e PB (7,09%), no entanto não reduziu o valor de N-NH3/NT (7,89%) apresentando diferença significativa (P0,05) between the treatments having as average (3,80) in day 56, however these values had presented cubical standard of change throughout the days with the minimum value being reached in the day the 14 for all treatments. The addition of corn of maize in the ensilage raised texts of DM (19.71%) and PB (7.09%), however did not reduce the value of N-NH3/NT (7.89%) presenting significant difference (P<0,05) with the treatment with emurchecimento that got the lesser value of N-NH3/NT (6.35%). The ensilage of the residue of the extration of the palmetto of pejibaye additive with ground corn improved the value of DM and the value of PB, being able to be an alternative for feeding of the ruminants

    Efeito da adição da torta de dendê no perfil fermentativo da silagem do resíduo da extração do palmito da pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth).

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    Resumo: A extração de palmito da pupunha, na região Sul do estado da Bahia, vem gerando grande quantidade de derivados, que podem ser uma alternativa de alimentação para os ruminantes na forma de ensilagem. Podendo, assim, solucionar o destino desses co-produtos e, desta forma, gerar tecnologias voltadas para o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais associados ao ecossistema regional. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o perfil fermentativo das silagens do coproduto agroindustrial da extração do palmito da pupunha in natura, aditivada com torta de dendê (10% do peso verde) e emurchecida. Utilizou-se silos de PVC com 10 cm de diâmetros x 40 cm de comprimento. As aberturas dos silos ocorreram aos 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias após a ensilagem. Os valores de pH não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos tendo como média (3,82) no dia 56, no entanto esses valores apresentaram padrão de mudança cúbica ao longo dos dias com o valor mínimo sendo atingido no dia 14 para todos os tratamentos. A adição da torta de dendê na silagem elevou os teores de MS (21,06%) e PB (7,79%), reduziu os valores de N-NH3/NT (3,73%) e de perda de MS (0,82%) apresentando diferença significativa (P0.05) between the treatments (3.82) in 56 day, however these with the minimum value being reached in the 14 day for all treatments. The addition of palm meal improve dry matter values (21.06%) and crude protein (7.79%), reduced the values of ammoniac nitrogen (N-NH3/NT, 3.73%) and dry matter losses (0.82%) presenting significant difference (P<0.05) for all treatments. The addition of palm meal in pupunha by-product silage improved the fermentation parameters, increased crude protein. This practice is able to be an alternative for feeding ruminants

    Efeito da adição de raspa de mandioca no perfil fermentativo da silagem do co-produto da extração do palmito da pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth).

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    Resumo: Na região do Baixo Sul da Bahia, a cultura da pupunha tem se destacado, a qual apresenta clima e pluviosidade adequados para a exploração desta lavoura visando a produção de palmito. Porém após a extração do palmito da pupunha verifica-se uma grande quantidade de resíduos (folhas, bainhas e partes dos caules), o que implica preocupação econômica e ambiental relacionada ao destino desses resíduos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o perfil fermentativo das silagens do co-produto agroindustrial da extração do palmito da pupunha in natura, aditivada com raspa de mandioca (10% do peso verde) e emurchecida. Utilizou-se tubos de PVC com 10 cm de diâmetros e 40 cm de comprimento. As aberturas dos silos ocorreram aos 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias após a ensilagem. Os valores de pH não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos tendo como média (3,94) no dia 56, no entanto esses valores apresentaram padrão de mudança cúbico ao longo dos dias com o valor mínimo sendo atingido no dia 14 para todos os tratamentos. A adição da raspa de mandioca na ensilagem reduziu o teor de PB (3,65%) e elevou o teor de MS (21,23%), mas não reduziu os valores de pH (3,93) e N-NH3/NT (8,65%) apresentando diferença significativa (P0.05) between the treatments having as average (3.94) in day 56, however these values had presented cubical standard of change throughout the days with the minimum value being reached in the day the 14 for all treatments. The addition of the cassava pulp in the ensilage reduced the PB text (3.65%) and raised the DM text (21.23%), but did not reduce the values of pH (3.93) and N-NH3/NT (8.65%) presenting significant difference (P<0.05) for the too much treatments. The addition of the cassava pulp in the ensilage of the residue of pejibaye had positive effect in the DM text, did not compromise the quality of the ensilage

    Embrapa research network on ecosystem services in Brazil.

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    Human pressures have caused degradation of natural resources and reduction of biodiversity on the planet with serious consequences to humanity, because of the increasing demands for water, fibers, food, energy and raw material. It is necessary to reconcile economic, social and environmental components in a scenario of climate change. Therefore, concerns about this issue have increased in all sectors of society. Many data on natural resources in the Brazilian biomes were obtained by re-search, education, government and non-government institutions in recent decades, but without a conceptual and methodological focus turned to ecosystem services. Research aiming at understand-ing ecosystem and environmental services has increased worldwide since the Millennium Ecosys-tem Assessment. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) has also followed this trend and in 2014 approved a network of projects entitled Environmental Services in Rural Land-scape Arrangement with over 60 related projects. The purpose of this paper is to present the status of research on ecosystem and environmental services related to agriculture in Brazil developed by Embrapa, and to identify how the expected results may contribute to the expansion of environmen-tal services in rural Brazil

    Embrapa research network on ecosystem services in Brazil.

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    Human pressures have caused degradation of natural resources and reduction of biodiversity on the planet with serious consequences to humanity, because of the increasing demands for water, fibers, food, energy and raw material. It is necessary to reconcile economic, social and environmental components in a scenario of climate change. Therefore, concerns about this issue have increased in all sectors of society. Many data on natural resources in the Brazilian biomes were obtained by re-search, education, government and non-government institutions in recent decades, but without a conceptual and methodological focus turned to ecosystem services. Research aiming at understand-ing ecosystem and environmental services has increased worldwide since the Millennium Ecosys-tem Assessment. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) has also followed this trend and in 2014 approved a network of projects entitled Environmental Services in Rural Land-scape Arrangement with over 60 related projects. The purpose of this paper is to present the status of research on ecosystem and environmental services related to agriculture in Brazil developed by Embrapa, and to identify how the expected results may contribute to the expansion of environmen-tal services in rural Brazil

    Herbage accumulation, nutritive value, and organic reserves of continuously stocked 'Ipyporã' and 'Mulato II' Brachiariagrasses.

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    Although Brachiaria spp. grasses are important components of sustainable forage?livestock systems in the Amazon biome, cultivar diversification is needed to reduce risk from pests and diseases. Brachiaria hybrid ?BRS RB331 Ipyporã? [B. ruziziensis Germ. & Evrard ´ B. brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf] was released in 2017 as an alternative for intensively managed forage?livestock systems. Our objective was to compare herbage accumulation (HA), nutritive value, and organic reserves of Ipyporã and standard hybrid ?Mulato II? (B. ruziziensis ´ B. brizantha ´ B. decumbens Stapf) under continuous stocking during 2 yr in the Amazon biome. Treatments were the two cultivars replicated four times in a randomized complete block design, and each experimental unit was 1.5 ha. Pastures of Mulato II presented 15% greater HA than Ipyporã (17,360 vs. 14,930 kg dry matter ha&#8722;1 yr&#8722;1) across the 2 yr, and Mulato II leaf mass was greater than Ipyporã (1440 vs. 1900 kg dry matter ha&#8722;1) in the dry season. Both cultivars had greater herbage mass, HA, and herbage bulk density during the rainy season of 2016?2017 compared with 2017?2018 due to a shorter period of water deficit (30 d) and greater rainfall (2147 vs. 1762 mm) in the first than second year. Mulato II herbage crude protein was 10 g kg&#8722;1 greater than Ipyporã. In this severe risk region for spittlebug, Mulato II required spittlebug monitoring and control due to occurrence of foliar damage. Although Ipyporã had lesser HA, no spittlebug damage was evident. Thus, Ipyporã is an attractive alternative for diversification of forage-based livestock systems in the Amazon biome