17,824 research outputs found

    Dirac model of electronic transport in graphene antidot barriers

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    In order to use graphene for semiconductor applications, such as transistors with high on/off ratios, a band gap must be introduced into this otherwise semimetallic material. A promising method of achieving a band gap is by introducing nanoscale perforations (antidots) in a periodic pattern, known as a graphene antidot lattice (GAL). A graphene antidot barrier (GAB) can be made by introducing a 1D GAL strip in an otherwise pristine sheet of graphene. In this paper, we will use the Dirac equation (DE) with a spatially varying mass term to calculate the electronic transport through such structures. Our approach is much more general than previous attempts to use the Dirac equation to calculate scattering of Dirac electrons on antidots. The advantage of using the DE is that the computational time is scale invariant and our method may therefore be used to calculate properties of arbitrarily large structures. We show that the results of our Dirac model are in quantitative agreement with tight-binding for hexagonal antidots with armchair edges. Furthermore, for a wide range of structures, we verify that a relatively narrow GAB, with only a few antidots in the unit cell, is sufficient to give rise to a transport gap

    Electronic and optical properties of graphene antidot lattices: Comparison of Dirac and tight-binding models

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    The electronic properties of graphene may be changed from semimetallic to semiconducting by introducing perforations (antidots) in a periodic pattern. The properties of such graphene antidot lattices (GALs) have previously been studied using atomistic models, which are very time consuming for large structures. We present a continuum model that uses the Dirac equation (DE) to describe the electronic and optical properties of GALs. The advantages of the Dirac model are that the calculation time does not depend on the size of the structures and that the results are scalable. In addition, an approximation of the band gap using the DE is presented. The Dirac model is compared with nearest-neighbour tight-binding (TB) in order to assess its accuracy. Extended zigzag regions give rise to localized edge states, whereas armchair edges do not. We find that the Dirac model is in quantitative agreement with TB for GALs without edge states, but deviates for antidots with large zigzag regions.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed matte

    Scaling behavior of spin transport in hydrogenated graphene

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    We calculate the spin transport of hydrogenated graphene using the Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism with a spin-dependent tight-binding Hamiltonian. The advantages of using this method is that it simultaneously gives information on sheet resistance and localization length as well as spin relaxation length. Furthermore, the Landauer-B\"uttiker formula can be computed very efficiently using the recursive Green's function technique. Previous theoretical results on spin relaxation time in hydrogenated graphene have not been in agreement with experiments. Here, we study magnetic defects in graphene with randomly aligned magnetic moments, where interference between spin-channels is explicitly included. We show that the spin relaxation length and sheet resistance scale nearly linearly with the impurity concentration. Moreover, the spin relaxation mechanism in hydrogenated graphene is Markovian only near the charge neutrality point or in the highly dilute impurity limit

    Bubble coalescence in breathing DNA: Two vicious walkers in opposite potentials

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    We investigate the coalescence of two DNA-bubbles initially located at weak segments and separated by a more stable barrier region in a designed construct of double-stranded DNA. The characteristic time for bubble coalescence and the corresponding distribution are derived, as well as the distribution of coalescence positions along the barrier. Below the melting temperature, we find a Kramers-type barrier crossing behaviour, while at high temperatures, the bubble corners perform drift-diffusion towards coalescence. The results are obtained by mapping the bubble dynamics on the problem of two vicious walkers in opposite potentials.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Excitation of zero-frequency magnetic field-aligned currents by ionospheric heating

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    Time-dependent, three-dimensional numerical simulations of the reduced MHD model describing shear Alfve ́n waves in the magnetosphere provide an interesting prediction superficially similar to results of several iono- spheric heating experiments conducted at high altitudes. In these experiments, heating of the ionospheric F-region with a constant/zero-frequency beam of HF waves causes luminous structures in the ionosphere in the form of a ring or a solid spot with a characteristic size comparable to the size of the heated spot. Simulations suggest that spots/rings or similar optical appearance might be associated with a magnetic field- aligned current system produced by the ionospheric heat- ing. Two of the most interesting features of this current system are (1) strong localization across the ambient mag- netic field and (2) distinctive non-symmetrical luminous sig- natures (ring/spot) in magnetically conjugate locations in the ionosphere

    Volume-energy correlations in the slow degrees of freedom of computer-simulated phospholipid membranes

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    Constant-pressure molecular-dynamics simulations of phospholipid membranes in the fluid phase reveal strong correlations between equilibrium fluctuations of volume and energy on the nanosecond time-scale. The existence of strong volume-energy correlations was previously deduced indirectly by Heimburg from experiments focusing on the phase transition between the fluid and the ordered gel phases. The correlations, which are reported here for three different membranes (DMPC, DMPS-Na, and DMPSH), have volume-energy correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 to 0.89. The DMPC membrane was studied at two temperatures showing that the correlation coefficient increases as the phase transition is approached

    A Mesolithic settlement site at Howick, Northumberland: a preliminary report

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    Excavations at a coastal site at Howick during 2000 and 2002 have revealed evidence for a substantial Mesolithic settlement and a Bronze Age cist cemetery. Twenty one radiocarbon determinations of the earlier eighth millennium BP (Cal.) indicate that the Mesolithic site is one of the earliest known in northern Britain. An 8m core of sediment was recovered from stream deposits adjacent to the archaeological site which provides information on local environmental conditions. Howick offers a unique opportunity to understand aspects of hunter-gatherer colonisation and settlement during a period of rapid palaeogeographical change around the margins of the North Sea basin, at a time when it was being progressively inundated by the final stages of the postglacial marine transgression. The cist cemetery will add to the picture of Bronze Age occupation of the coastal strip and again reveals a correlation between the location of Bronze Age and Mesolithic sites which has been observed elsewhere in the region

    Clar Sextet Analysis of Triangular, Rectangular and Honeycomb Graphene Antidot Lattices

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    Pristine graphene is a semimetal and thus does not have a band gap. By making a nanometer scale periodic array of holes in the graphene sheet a band gap may form; the size of the gap is controllable by adjusting the parameters of the lattice. The hole diameter, hole geometry, lattice geometry and the separation of the holes are parameters that all play an important role in determining the size of the band gap, which, for technological applications, should be at least of the order of tenths of an eV. We investigate four different hole configurations: the rectangular, the triangular, the rotated triangular and the honeycomb lattice. It is found that the lattice geometry plays a crucial role for size of the band gap: the triangular arrangement displays always a sizable gap, while for the other types only particular hole separations lead to a large gap. This observation is explained using Clar sextet theory, and we find that a sufficient condition for a large gap is that the number of sextets exceeds one third of the total number of hexagons in the unit cell. Furthermore, we investigate non-isosceles triangular structures to probe the sensitivity of the gap in triangular lattices to small changes in geometry