1,527 research outputs found

    Consumers’ evaluation of imported organic food products: The role of geographical distance

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    Country-of-origin (COO) effects and consumer evaluation of organic food products are rarely studied in combination. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate organic consumers’ preferences for imported organic food products from different origins and the underlying reasons for these preferences, including how consumers’ COO preferences depend on the geographical distance to the COO. We employed a multi-method, qualitative approach consisting of in-store interviews (N = 255) and focus groups (six, N = 38) with organic consumers in three German cities located in the north (Hamburg, close to Denmark), west (Münster, close to The Netherlands) and south (Munich, close to Austria). The interviews confirmed the well-known preference for domestic (also for) organic products. It also revealed a preference for geographically close countries as origin for imported organic products. The main reason for this preference is the perceived negative environmental impact of transportation, followed by trust in the country and general country image. Implications for exporters of organic food products are discussed, underlining the importance of building trust and supporting a positive country image, especially in geographically close export markets


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    Gojibær ble en populær snack og juice for noen år siden da den ble kjent i Norge. De dyrkes i stor skala bl. a. i Kina. Det er nå interesse for å dyrke den hos i Norge, så det kan være nyttig å vite mer om forholdene den dyrkes under, men også for å vurdere om det er risiko for at planten blir invaderende. Det er mye forvirring og motsigelser i litteraturen om gojibær både om botanikk, anvendelse og innhold. Dessuten er mye skrevet på vanskelig tilgjengelige asiatiske språk og dokumentasjonen er ofte snever

    Community supported agriculture in urban settings. A way for better understanding and complementation of sustainability - a Norwegian experience.

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    Norway covers an abundant wilderness, only 3 % of the land are cultivated. Population is scarce many places of the country, but like trends elsewhere, there are a concentration towards more urban settings. Urban citizens take action for future sustainable development through producing some of their own food. Politics protect land resources for agriculture, but agricultural areas are still decreasing. Literature states how people carries out top goals for sustainability in a humble practical approach. The eagerness to grow food is underlined by the growth of community supported agriculture (CSA) from a single one in 2006 to more than 50 in 2016. Market statistics illustrates that the majority of organic food in Norway is distributed in alternative channels like CSAs, Farmers market or directly from the farms. Compared to other Scandinavian countries the common market chains for organic food are less developed in Norway. Consumers motivation for participating in CSA is food security, environment and control of the food chain. CSA farmers are motivated by minimizing the economic risk and getting company in everyday life. CSAs are mostly located in urban surroundings and directed by a farmer or a gardener. Consumers in the cities also initiate CSAs. The visibility and learning by doing makes a comprehensive demonstration of sustainability

    Quinoa - veiledning og anbefaling om dyrking

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    Dyrking av quinoa er mulig i Norge. Informasjon om klima og sorter, vekstskifte, etablering, gjødsling, plantevern, høsting og avling

    Introduction to the quinoa dilemma

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    Quinoa production and consumption have experienced a boom and may be called a great success. The boom affects economy, ecology and social relations, three important aspects of sustainability. These three key points will be discussed in the present introduction and a humble suggestion for sustainable approaches will be made where contradictions are found. The presentation was a short introduction to a panel taking place in Helsinki 12th of June 2015

    Dyrking av økologiske agurker

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    Agurk er populært på smørbrød, i salatbar eller i gresk tzatziki - for å nevne noe. Hver nordmann spiser i gjennomsnitt 5 kg agurk i året. Agurkdyrking stiller krav til varme og areal. Et følsomt punkt er roten av planten, særlig i starten av kulturen. Biologisk bekjempelse og beskjæringsmetode må løpende vurderes underveis i sesongen. Forhold som avsetning, lagring og salg må også tenkes igjennom før oppstart. Disse emnene behandles i det følgende

    Community supported agriculture in urban settings. A way for better understanding and complementation of sustainability - a Norwegian experience.

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    Norway covers an abundant wilderness, only 3 % of the land are cultivated. Population is scarce many places of the country, but like trends elsewhere, there are a concentration towards more urban settings. Urban citizens take action for future sustainable development through producing some of their own food. Politics protect land resources for agriculture, but agricultural areas are still decreasing. The official goal of 15 % production and market shares of organic products in 2020 can stimulate urban farming. Literature states how people carries out top goals for sustainability in a humble practical approach. The eagerness to grow food is underlined by the growth of community supported agriculture (CSA) from a single one in 2006 to more than 50 in 2016. Market statistics illustrates that the majority of organic food in Norway is distributed in alternative channels like CSAs, Farmers market or directly from the farms. Compared to other Scandinavian countries the common market chains for organic food are less developed in Norway. Consumers motivation for participating in CSA is food security, environment and control of the food chain. CSA farmers are motivated by minimizing the economic risk and getting company in everyday life. CSAs are mostly located in urban surroundings and directed by a farmer or a gardener. Consumers in the cities also initiate CSAs. The visibility and learning by doing makes a comprehensive demonstration of sustainability

    Community supported agriculture in urban settings. A way for better understanding and implementation of sustainability - a Norwegian experience.

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    Norway covers an abundant wilderness, only three % of the land are cultivated. The last ten years the eagerness to form and join Community supported Agriculture, CSA, has boomed. The initiative is supported by NGOs and authorities. A literature survey shows what makes the Norwegian experience special and what is common with other urban efforts. The survey focuses on sustainability in household and lifestyle. Hypothesis was that organic agriculture is a way for sustainability and furthermore a goal set by authorities and peoples organizations. Most important conclusions where that CSA indeed makes a step forward to sustainability even though some questions and conflicts of interests may appear

    Hassel i natur eller kultur

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    Hassel er naturlig forekommende i Norge, men kunne også være dyrket til å gi høyere avling. Tips til dyrking i kulturlandskap og havebruk gjennomgås. Hassels betydning historisk beskrives

    Kjernen i økologisk er belgvekster

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    De fleste kjernebelgvekster som dyrkes til frømodning, er dyrket på den sørlige halvkule og fortrinnsvis i Asia. Tørkete frø eller kjerner har lang lagringstid og er viktige kilder til protein for både mennesker og dyr. FNs internasjonale år for kjernebelgvekster har fokus på matvekster