20 research outputs found

    Biased signaling of lipids and allosteric actions of synthetic molecules for GPR119

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    AbstractGPR119 is a Gαs-coupled lipid-sensor in the gut, where it mediates release of incretin hormones from the enteroendocrine cells and in pancreatic α-cells, where it releases insulin. Naturally occurring lipids such as monoacylglycerols (MAGs) and N-acylethanolamines (NAEs), like oleoylethanolamide (OEA), activate GPR119, and multiple synthetic ligands have been described. Here, we extend the GPR119 signaling profile to Gαq and Gαi in addition to β-arrestin recruitment and the downstream transcription factors CRE (cAMP response element), SRE (serum response element) and NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells). The endogenous OEA and the synthetic AR231453 were full agonists in all pathways except for NFAT, where no ligand-modulation was observed. The potency of AR231453 varied <16-fold (EC50 from 6 to 95nM) across the different signaling pathways, whereas that of OEA varied >175-fold (from 85nM to 15μM) indicating a biased signaling for OEA. The degree of constitutive activity was 1–10%, 10–30% and 30–70% of OEA-induced Emax in Gαi, Gαq and Gαs-driven pathways, respectively. This coincided with the lowest and highest OEA potency observed in Gαi and Gαs-driven pathways, respectively. Incubation for 2h with the 2-MAG-lipase inhibitor JZL84 doubled the constitutive activity, indicating that endogenous lipids contribute to the apparent constitutive activity. Finally, besides being an agonist, AR231453 acted as a positive allosteric modulator of OEA and increased its potency by 54-fold at 100nM AR231453. Our studies uncovering broad and biased signaling, masked constitutive activity by endogenous MAGs, and ago-allosteric properties of synthetic ligands may explain why many GPR119 drug-discovery programs have failed so far

    Mutation-Guided Unbiased Modeling of the Fat Sensor GPR119 for High-Yield Agonist Screening.

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    SummaryRecent benchmark studies have demonstrated the difficulties in obtaining accurate predictions of ligand binding conformations to comparative models of G-protein-coupled receptors. We have developed a data-driven optimization protocol, which integrates mutational data and structural information from multiple X-ray receptor structures in combination with a fully flexible ligand docking protocol to determine the binding conformation of AR231453, a small-molecule agonist, in the GPR119 receptor. Resulting models converge to one conformation that explains the majority of data from mutation studies and is consistent with the structure-activity relationship for a large number of AR231453 analogs. Another key property of the refined models is their success in separating active ligands from decoys in a large-scale virtual screening. These results demonstrate that mutation-guided receptor modeling can provide predictions of practical value for describing receptor-ligand interactions and drug discovery

    Structural basis for constitutive activity and agonist-induced activation of the enteroendocrine fat sensor GPR119

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: GPR119 is a Gαs-coupled 7TM receptor activated by endogenous lipids such as oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and by the dietary triglyceride metabolite 2-monoacylglycerol. GPR119 stimulates enteroendocrine hormone and insulin secretion. But despite massive drug discovery efforts in the field, very little is known about the basic molecular pharmacology of GPR119. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: GPR119 receptor signalling was studied in transfected cells. Mutational mapping (30 mutations in 23 positions) was performed on residues required for ligand-independent and agonist-induced GPR119 activation (AR231453 and OEA). Novel Rosetta-based receptor modelling was applied, using a composite template approach with segments from different X-ray structures and fully flexible ligand docking. KEY RESULTS: The increased signalling induced by increasing the cell surface expression of GPR119 in the absence of agonist and the inhibitory effect of two synthetic inverse agonists demonstrated that GRP119 signals with a high degree of constitutive activity through the Gαs pathway. The mutational maps for AR231453 and OEA were very similar and, surprisingly, also similar to the mutational map for residues affecting the constitutive signalling – albeit with key differences. Surprisingly, almost all residues in extracellular loop-2b were important for the constitutive activity. The molecular modelling and docking demonstrated that AR231453 binds in a ‘vertical’ pocket in between mutational hits reaching from the centre of the receptor out to extracellular loop-2b. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The high constitutive activity of GPR119 should be taken into account in future drug discovery efforts, which can now be guided by the detailed knowledge of the physiochemical properties of the extended ligand-binding pocket

    OZITX, a pertussis toxin-like protein for occluding inhibitory G protein signalling including Gα<sub>z</sub>

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    Heterotrimeric G proteins are the main signalling effectors for G protein-coupled receptors. Understanding the distinct functions of different G proteins is key to understanding how their signalling modulates physiological responses. Pertussis toxin, a bacterial AB5 toxin, inhibits Gαi/o G proteins and has proven useful for interrogating inhibitory G protein signalling. Pertussis toxin, however, does not inhibit one member of the inhibitory G protein family, Gαz. The role of Gαz signalling has been neglected largely due to a lack of inhibitors. Recently, the identification of another Pertussis-like AB5 toxin was described. Here we show that this toxin, that we call OZITX, specifically inhibits Gαi/o and Gαz G proteins and that expression of the catalytic S1 subunit is sufficient for this inhibition. We identify mutations that render Gα subunits insensitive to the toxin that, in combination with the toxin, can be used to interrogate the signalling of each inhibitory Gα G protein