726 research outputs found

    Plain language and organisational challenges

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    Changing the language in an organization is a major organizational change. In this article, I discuss some of the organizational challenges for one specific language change implementation, taking the stance that language change must be treated as any other organizational change for it to have an effect. I work with the case of the Danish tax authorities’ language project aimed at producing more readable letters. The empirical data that I work with are two qualitative informant interviews. One recorded at the language project’s headquarters where they lay out the general lines for the project, and the other at the payment center where they use the revised letters

    Communicating to heterogeneous target groups

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    The Øresund Traffic Model - An introduction

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    Øresund trafik modellen, som den er udviklet af COMWIN J/V for Øresundskonsortiet, er udviklet til at beregne fremtidige trafikstrømme over Kattegat, Øresund og Østersøen på basis af forudsætninger om økonomisk vækst, udbud af services for mere end 25 færgeruter og den faste forbindelse, samt af udviklingen i infrastrukturen, herunder den kolektive trafiks service. Modellen består af et antal delmodeller for vækst og distribution samt valg af transportmidellel og færgerute/fast forbindelse samten delmodel for ændret land use. Modellerne er opbygget som hierarkiske logit modeller baseret på et stort antal RP og SP interviews. Modellen er implementeret med udgangspunkt i moduler fra TRIPS, en brugertilpasset brugerflade og en ekstern SQL database

    Non-collinear magnetoconductance of a quantum dot

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    We study theoretically the linear conductance of a quantum dot connected to ferromagnetic leads. The dot level is split due to a non-collinear magnetic field or intrinsic magnetization. The system is studied in the non-interacting approximation, where an exact solution is given, and, furthermore, with Coulomb correlations in the weak tunneling limit. For the non-interacting case, we find an anti-resonance for a particular direction of the applied field, non-collinear to the parallel magnetization directions of the leads. The anti-resonance is destroyed by the correlations, giving rise to an interaction induced enhancement of the conductance. The angular dependence of the conductance is thus distinctly different for the interacting and non-interacting cases when the magnetizations of the leads are parallel. However, for anti-parallel lead magnetizations the interactions do not alter the angle dependence significantly.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Rapport om brugerevaluering af pilotprojektet ’Bedre Breve’ i Stevns Kommune

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