4,760 research outputs found

    The COINS Sample - VLBA Identifications of Compact Symmetric Objects

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    We present results of multifrequency polarimetric VLBA observations of 34 compact radio sources. The observations are part of a large survey undertaken to identify CSOs Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS). Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) are of particular interest in the study of the physics and evolution of active galaxies. Based on VLBI continuum surveys of ~2000 compact radio sources, we have defined a sample of 52 CSOs and CSO candidates. In this paper, we identify 18 previously known CSOs, and introduce 33 new CSO candidates. We present continuum images at several frequencies and, where possible, images of the polarized flux density and spectral index distributions for the 33 new candidates and one previously known but unconfirmed source. We find evidence to support the inclusion of 10 of these condidates into the class of CSOs. Thirteen candidates, including the previously unconfirmed source, have been ruled out. Eleven sources require further investigation. The addition of the 10 new confirmed CSOs increases the size of this class of objects by 50%.Comment: 24 pages, incl 8 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Figure quality degraded in the interests of space, full gzipped PS version also available at http://www.ee.nmt.edu/~apeck/papers

    Observations of extragalactic masers in bright IRAS sources

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    We report the first results of an ongoing survey at 22 GHz with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope to search for water maser emission in bright IRAS sources. We have detected water vapor emission in IC 342. The maser, associated with a star forming region ~10-15 arcsec west of the nucleus, consists of a single 0.5 km/s wide feature and reaches an isotropic luminosity of 0.01 L(sun) (D = 1.8 Mpc). Our detection raises the detection rate among northern galaxies with IRAS point source fluxes S(100micron) > 50 Jy to 16%.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Proceeding of the conference "SRT: the impact of large antennas on Radio Astronomy and Space Science", Cagliari, Italy, 7-10 Nov. 2001, Eds. Porceddu et al. Needs srt_style.st

    Identifying Compact Symmetric Objects in the Southern Sky

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    We present results of multifrequency polarimetric VLBA observations of 20 compact radio sources. The observations represent the northern and southern extensions of a large survey undertaken to identify Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS). CSOs are young radio galaxies whose jet axes lie close to the plane of the sky, and whose appearance is therefore not dominated by relativistic beaming effects. The small linear sizes of CSOs make them valuable for studies of both the evolution of radio galaxies and testing unified schemes for active galactic nuclei (AGN). In this paper we report on observations made of 20 new CSO candidates discovered in the northern and southern extremities of the VLBA Calibrator Survey. We identify 4 new CSOs, and discard 12 core-jet sources. The remaining 4 sources remain candidates pending further investigation. We present continuum images at 5 GHz and 15 GHz and, where relevant, images of the polarized flux density and spectral index distributions for the 8 new CSOs and CSO candidates.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Redshifts and Neutral Hydrogen Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects in the COINS Sample

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    Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) are young radio galaxies whose jet axes lie close to the plane of the sky, and whose appearance is therefore not dominated by relativistic beaming effects. The small linear sizes of CSOs make them valuable for studies of both the evolution of radio galaxies and testing unified schemes for active galactic nuclei (AGN). A parsec-scale region of gas surrounding the central engine is predicted by both accretion and obscuration scenarios. Working surfaces, or ``hot spots,'' and the radio jets of CSOs are close enough to the central engines that this circumnuclear gas can be seen in absorption. The CSOs Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS) sample is comprised of 52 CSO candidates identified in three VLBI surveys. Of these, 27 have now been confirmed as CSOs. Optical redshifts are available in the literature for 28 of the CSO candidates, and HI absorption has been detected toward four. We present new optical spectroscopic redshifts for three of the candidates and summarize the current status of optical identifications. We further report on the discovery of HI in absorption towards the CSO J1816+3457 and summarize the results of neutral hydrogen absorption studies of the sources in this sample.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Monitoring the Bi-Directional Relativistic Jets of the Radio Galaxy 1946+708

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    We report on a multi-frequency, multi-epoch campaign of Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations of the radio galaxy 1946+708 using the VLBA and a Global VLBI array. From these high-resolution observations we deduce the kinematic age of the radio source to be \sim4000 years, comparable with the ages of other Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs). Ejections of pairs of jet components appears to take place on time scales of 10 years and these components in the jet travel outward at intrinsic velocities between 0.6 and 0.9 c. From the constraint that jet components cannot have intrinsic velocities faster than light, we derive H_0 > 57 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 from the fastest pair of components launched from the core. We provide strong evidence for the ejection of a new pair of components in ~1997. From the trajectories of the jet components we deduce that the jet is most likely to be helically confined, rather than purely ballistic in nature.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    Star-forming Cloud Complexes in the Central Molecular Zone of NGC 253

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    We report 350 and 230 GHz observations of molecular gas and dust in the starburst nucleus of NGC 253 at 20-40 pc (1"-2") resolution. The data contain CO(3-2), HCN(4-3), CO(2-1), 13CO(2-1), C18O(2-1), and continuum at 0.87 mm and 1.3 mm toward the central kiloparsec. The CO(2-1) size of the galaxy's central molecular zone (CMZ) is measured to be about 300 pc x 100 pc at the half maximum of intensity. Five clumps of dense and warm gas stand out in the CMZ at arcsecond resolution, and they are associated with compact radio sources due to recent massive star formation. They contribute one third of the CO emission in the central 300 pc and have 12CO peak brightness temperatures around 50 K, molecular gas column densities on the order of 10^{4} Msun pc^{-2}, gas masses on the order of 10^{7} Msun in the size scale of 20 pc, volume-averaged gas densities of n(H2) ~ 4000 cm^{-3}, and high HCN-to-CO ratios suggestive of higher fractions of dense gas than in the surrounding environment. It is suggested that these are natal molecular cloud complexes of massive star formation. The CMZ of NGC 253 is also compared with that of our Galaxy in CO(2-1) at the same 20 pc resolution. Their overall gas distributions are strikingly similar. The five molecular cloud complexes appear to be akin to such molecular complexes as Sgr A, Sgr B2, Sgr C, and the l=1.3deg cloud in the Galactic center. On the other hand, the starburst CMZ in NGC 253 has higher temperatures and higher surface (and presumably volume) densities than its non-starburst cousin.Comment: ApJ in press, 18 page

    Observation of Muon Neutrino Disappearance with the MINOS Detectors in the NuMI Neutrino Beam

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    This Letter reports results from the MINOS experiment based on its initial exposure to neutrinos from the Fermilab NuMI beam. The rates and energy spectra of charged current ν_μ interactions are compared in two detectors located along the beam axis at distances of 1 and 735 km. With 1.27×10^(20) 120 GeV protons incident on the NuMI target, 215 events with energies below 30 GeV are observed at the Far Detector, compared to an expectation of 336±14 events. The data are consistent with ν_μ disappearance via oscillations with Δm_(32)^2|=2.74_(-0.26)^(+0.44)×10^(-3)  eV^2 and sin^2(2θ_(23))>0.87 (68% C.L.)