63 research outputs found

    The role of the patellar tendon angle and patellar flexion angle in the interpretation of sagittal plane kinematics of the knee after knee arthroplasty: A modelling analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Many different measures have been used to describe knee kinematics. This study investigated the changes of two measures, the patellar tendon angle and the patellar flexion angle, in response to variations in the geometry of the knee due to surgical technique or implant design. METHODS: A mathematical model was developed to calculate the equilibrium position of the extensor mechanism for a particular tibiofemoral position. Calculating the position of the extensor mechanism allowed for the determination of the patellar tendon angle and patellar flexion angle relationships to the knee flexion angle. The model was used to investigate the effect of anterior-posterior position of the femur, change in joint line, patellar thickness (overstuffing, understuffing), and patellar tendon length; these parameters were varied to determine the effect on the patellar tendon angle/knee flexion angle and patellar flexion angle/knee flexion angle relationships. RESULTS: The patellar tendon angle was a good indicator of anterior-posterior femoral position and change in patellar thickness, and the patellar flexion angle a good indicator of change in joint line, and patellar tendon length. CONCLUSIONS: The patellar tendon angle/knee flexion angle relationship was found to be an effective means of identifying abnormal kinematics post-knee arthroplasty. However, the use of both the patellar tendon angle and patellar flexion angle together provided a more informative overview of the sagittal plane kinematics of the knee

    Vivir sin recaídas : Recomendaciones para los familiares de personas con esquizofrenia

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    Las personas con esquizofrenia se encuentran en el grupo de individuos altamente vulnerables, por barreras para el acceso a salud en su condición de pacientes y otros factores como personas, por ejemplo el estigma y la discriminación, las murallas para lograr una vida digna en educación, trabajo, vivienda, vida social y recreación. La primera línea involucrada en la detección e intervención son sus familiares, quienes carecen de conocimientos y experiencia que requieren y que no la reciben del estado ni del resto de sociedad. Hoy la respuesta a esta necesidad insatisfecha la dan las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil. Asociaciones de familiares de salud mental nacional, con los colaboradores profesionales que las asesoran y Asociaciones de profesionales de salud mental elaboraron este documento educativo para capacitar a quienes tienen responsabilidad de cuidados para mejorar sus habilidades en pos de afrontar exitosamente la enfermedad, procurando que las personas con esquizofrenia recuperen su bienestar y lograr así una vida plena y digna. En este marco, se incorporó la Mesa de trabajo sobre Salud Mental de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata para brindarle el conveniente apoyo académico, un mayor impacto en los beneficiarios y darle a la iniciativa la conveniente visibilidad en la comunidad.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    The Small Pelagic Fisheries of Sarangani Bay, Southern Mindanao, Philippines

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    Historically, the waters of Sarangani Bay have rich fishing grounds. Fisherfolks depend mostly on fishing and have been the primary source of living. The study covered two municipal landing sites in Sarangani Province and one site in General Santos City, with its fishing ground in Sarangani Bay, to have information on the status of pelagic resources. Results show a decreasing trend in catches of pelagic species from 92% in 2008 to 86% in 2012. The same decreasing trend can be seen in the number of species recorded compared to the previous study, from 401 species to 249. With regards to fishing gears used in the bay, there are five commonly used: multiple hook and line, scoop net, surface gill net, encircling gill net, and troll line. Analysis of data was made using different analytical models contained in FiSAT II software. Growth parameters like maximum length (Lmax), K-values, total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M), fishing mortality (F), and exploitation ratio were computed using the length data. Recruitment pattern analysis, virtual population analysis, and yield per recruit were also analyzed

    Psicoeducación familiar en esquizofrenia

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    El propósito del presente capítulo “Psicoeducación Familiar en Esquizofrenia” del Manual para estudiantes de grado de la Cátedra de Psiquiatría, UNC, es incorporar, describir y resaltar esta herramienta terapéutica en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia. Actualmente es recomendada para un abordaje integral de la enfermedad, por ser considerada complementaria a las terapias psicosociales y los tratamientos psicofarmacológicos, integrándose así a los programas y dispositivos que dan respuesta a las necesidades extrasanitarias de quienes padecen esta enfermedad. La Psicoeducación dirigida a los familiares, también llamada Intervención Familiar Psicoeducacional, es el proceso de capacitación dirigido a los familiares o allegados con funciones de cuidadores de las personas con una enfermedad mental severa, cuyo objetivo inmediato es reducir la brecha de conocimiento entre la información disponible en los profesionales y la que efectivamente posee el familiar. Su propósito final es fortalecer las posibilidades de recuperación de quienes sufren esquizofrenia, con la meta puesta en una vida digna de la persona enferma, procurando que alcance un bienestar pleno y logre un desempeño psicosocial satisfactorio. Corresponde resaltar que la Psicoeducación familiar en esquizofrenia, constituye un recurso de empleo imperativo en las recomendaciones y guías de abordaje de la salud mental de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, 2013, OMS 2018), apoyado en la sólida evidencia que ofrece la prolífica bibliografía de numerosos investigadores y expertos en gestión de salud mental internacionales, como se describen en este capítulo.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Risk classification of households with multiline P&C insurance claim frequency models

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    Actuarial risk classification studies are typically confined to univariate, policy-based analyses: Individual claim frequencies are modelled for a single product in isolation, without accounting for the interactions between the different coverages bought by the same policyholder. Moreover, independence between the policyholders is generally assumed. In this thesis, we aim to move from such marginal, policy-based actuarial analyses to joint, household-based risk assessment. Although insurers possess a priori available information about the risks they insure and use this information to discriminate between higher and lower risks, the risk classes constructed with the a priori available variables remain heterogeneous. This heterogeneity originates from the fact that some important but unobserved risk factors still differentiates policyholders from the same a priori constructed risk class. In this thesis, we show that the unobserved risk factors across policyholders from the same household and across different insurance products, namely Motor and Home insurance, are connected to each other. Consequently, we suggest that by proper inclusion of mixed effects in Poisson model for claim frequencies, the unexplained heterogeneity across members of the household and across insurance products is accounted for, allowing for periodic revaluations based on previous claim experience. These latent factors can then be combined using multiline credibility models so that the correlation existing between the different claim frequencies related to members of the same household and related to different insurance products can be exploited for a posteriori corrections.(SC - Sciences) -- UCL, 201

    La surveillance électronique en Belgique

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    Master [120] en droit, Université catholique de Louvain, 200

    Effect of Hand Tractor Implements on Soil Physical Properties in Upland Conditions

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 9 (2007): Effect of Hand Tractor Implements on Soil Physical Properties in Upland Conditions. Manuscript PM 07 005. Vol. IX. May, 2007

    Global Trends in International Music: How Does Globalization Affect the Way We Consume Music?

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    In this project, I used Python to analyze trends in foreign music in four different countries around the world: the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Brazil. Using various top singles charts, I was able to create a dataset of foreign singers for each country spanning the decades from the 1950s/60s to present day. After cleaning, filtering and processing this data, I applied historical events to analyze trends in the data and found a notable decrease in music produced by international artists in recent years. This contradicts the prevailing notions of globalization, forcing us to ask the question: Is our society really as cosmopolitan and open-minded as we’d like to think

    Rapport II.13 Présentation d'un modèle de transport littoral sous l'action de la houle

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    Presentation of a model simulating sediment transport induced by wave breakings To study the wave action on the sea-bed in the coastal area, the L.N.H. has developed a numerical model able to calculate longshore currents induced by wave breakings and to evaluate the sea-bed evolutions, using a sediment transport formula. The main problems to be solved in order to build such a model are presented with the solutions which have been chosen. Then an application of the numerical model over a schematic bay is related and the results of a scale model which has been built to perform a comparison between the two models, are summed up.Dans le but d'étudier l'action de la houle sur les fonds côtiers, le L.N.H. a développé un modèle numérique capable de reproduire les courants de houle induits par le déferlement et d'évaluer, à l'aide d'une formule de transport solide, les évolutions de fond qui en résultent. On présente dans ce papier les principaux problèmes à résoudre pour élaborer un tel code ainsi que les choix qui ont été effectués. D'autre part, une application du modèle numérique à une baie schématique est présentée et les résultats d'un modèle physique construit en vue d'effectuer une comparaison entre les deux modèles sont résumés.Pechon Philippe, Coeffé Yves. Rapport II.13 Présentation d'un modèle de transport littoral sous l'action de la houle. In: L'hydraulique et la maitrise du littoral. Problèmes côtiers posés par le mouvement des sédiments et la pollution. Dix-huitièmes journées de l'hydraulique. Marseille, 11-13 septembre 1984. Tome 2, 1984