527 research outputs found

    Functional Analysis of the TAN-1 Gene, a Human Homolog of Drosophila Notch

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    The TAN-1 gene was originally discovered at the breakpoint of a recurrent (7;9)(q34;q34.3) chromosomal translocation found in a subset of human T-lymphoblastic leukemias (Reynolds et al. 1987; Smith et al. 1988; Ellisen et al. 1991). This translocation joins roughly the 3′ half of TAN-1 head-to-head with the 3′ portion of the β T-cell-receptor gene (TCRB) beginning at the 5′ boundary of one or the other J segment. Intact TAN-1 is normally transcribed into an 8.2-kb transcript that is present in many tissues, most abundantly in developing thymus and spleen (Ellisen et al. 1991). This tissue distribution and the apparent involvement of an altered version of the gene in T-cell cancers have suggested that TAN-1 normally has some special function in lymphocytes or their precursors

    Pneumatosis intestinalis versus pseudo-pneumatosis: review of CT findings and differentiation

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    Pneumatosis intestinalis is defined as the presence of gas within the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. Originally described on plain abdominal radiographs, it is an imaging sign rather than a specific diagnosis and it is associated with both benign and life-threatening clinical conditions. The most common life-threatening cause of pneumatosis intestinalis is bowel ischaemia. Computed tomography (CT) is usually requested to detect underlying disease. The presence of pneumatosis intestinalis often leads physicians to make a diagnosis of serious disease. However, an erroneous diagnosis of pneumatosis intestinalis may be made (i.e. pseudo-pneumatosis) when intraluminal beads of gas are trapped within or between faeces and adjacent mucosal folds. The purpose of this pictorial essay is to review and describe the CT imaging findings of pneumatosis and pseudo-pneumatosis intestinalis and to discuss key discriminatory imaging features

    Policy Feedback and the Politics of the Affordable Care Act

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    There is a large body of literature devoted to how “policies create politics” and how feedback effects from existing policy legacies shape potential reforms in a particular area. Although much of this literature focuses on self‐reinforcing feedback effects that increase support for existing policies over time, Kent Weaver and his colleagues have recently drawn our attention to self‐undermining effects that can gradually weaken support for such policies. The following contribution explores both self‐reinforcing and self‐undermining policy feedback in relationship to the Affordable Care Act, the most important health‐care reform enacted in the United States since the mid‐1960s. More specifically, the paper draws on the concept of policy feedback to reflect on the political fate of the ACA since its adoption in 2010. We argue that, due in part to its sheer complexity and fragmentation, the ACA generates both self‐reinforcing and self‐undermining feedback effects that, depending of the aspect of the legislation at hand, can either facilitate or impede conservative retrenchment and restructuring. Simultaneously, through a discussion of partisan effects that shape Republican behavior in Congress, we acknowledge the limits of policy feedback in the explanation of policy stability and change

    Src-family kinases in the development and therapy of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    The BCR-ABL kinase inhibitor imatinib has shown significant efficacy in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and is the standard front-line therapy for patients in chronic phase. However, a substantial number of patients are either primarily refractory or acquire resistance to imatinib. While a number of mechanisms are known to confer resistance to imatinib, increasing evidence has demonstrated a role for BCR-ABL–independent pathways. The Src-family kinases (SFKs) are one such pathway and have been implicated in imatinib resistance. Additionally, these kinases are key to the progression of CML and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL). The dual SFK/BCR-ABL inhibitor dasatinib is now clinically available and has markedly greater potency compared with imatinib against native BCR-ABL and the majority of imatinib resistant BCR-ABL mutants. Therefore, this agent, as well as other dual SFK/BCR-ABL inhibitors under development, could provide added therapeutic advantages by overcoming both BCR-ABL– dependent (i.e., BCR-ABL mutations) and – independent forms of imatinib resistance and delaying transition to advanced phase disease. In this review, we discuss the preclinical and clinical evidence demonstrating the involvement of SFKs in imatinib resistance and the progression of CML and Ph+ ALL, as well as the potential role of dual SFK/BCR-ABL inhibition in the management of these diseases

    A Highly Sensitive Assay for Monitoring the Secretory Pathway and ER Stress

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    Background: The secretory pathway is a critical index of the capacity of cells to incorporate proteins into cellular membranes and secrete proteins into the extracellular space. Importantly it is disrupted in response to stress to the endoplasmic reticulum that can be induced by a variety of factors, including expression of mutant proteins and physiologic stress. Activation of the ER stress response is critical in the etiology of a number of diseases, such as diabetes and neurodegeneration, as well as cancer. We have developed a highly sensitive assay to monitor processing of proteins through the secretory pathway and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in real-time based on the naturally secreted Gaussia luciferase (Gluc). Methodology/Principle Findings: An expression cassette for Gluc was delivered to cells, and its secretion was monitored by measuring luciferase activity in the conditioned medium. Gluc secretion was decreased down to 90% when these cells were treated with drugs that interfere with the secretory pathway at different steps. Fusing Gluc to a fluorescent protein allowed quantitation and visualization of the secretory pathway in real-time. Expression of this reporter protein did not itself elicit an ER stress response in cells; however, Gluc proved very sensitive at sensing this type of stress, which is associated with a temporary decrease in processing of proteins through the secretory pathway. The Gluc secretion assay was over 20,000-fold more sensitive as compared to the secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP), a well established assay for monitoring of protein processing and ER stress in mammalian cells. Conclusions/Significance: The Gluc assay provides a fast, quantitative and sensitive technique to monitor the secretory pathway and ER stress and its compatibility with high throughput screening will allow discovery of drugs for treatment of conditions in which the ER stress is generally induced

    Janus kinase 2 regulates Bcr–Abl signaling in chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Despite the success of imatinib mesylate (IM) in the early chronic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), patients are resistant to IM and other kinase inhibitors in the later stages of CML. Our findings indicate that inhibition of Janus kinase 2 (Jak2) in Bcr–Abl+ cells overcomes IM resistance although the precise mechanism of Jak2 action is unknown. Knocking down Jak2 in Bcr–Abl+ cells reduced levels of the Bcr–Abl protein and also the phosphorylation of Tyr177 of Bcr–Abl, and Jak2 overexpression rescued these knockdown effects. Treatment of Bcr–Abl+ cells with Jak2 inhibitors for 4–6 h but not with IM also reduced Bcr–Abl protein and pTyr177 levels. In vitro kinase experiments performed with recombinant Jak2 showed that Jak2 readily phosphorylated Tyr177 of Bcr–Abl (a Jak2 consensus site, YvnV) whereas c-Abl did not. Importantly, Jak2 inhibition decreased pTyr177 Bcr–Abl in immune complexes but did not reduce levels of Bcr–Abl, suggesting that the reduction of Bcr–Abl by Jak2 inhibition is a separate event from phosphorylation of Tyr177. Jak2 inhibition by chemical inhibitors (TG101209/WP1193) and Jak2 knockdown diminished the activation of Ras, PI-3 kinase pathways and reduced levels of pTyrSTAT5. These findings suggest that Bcr–Abl stability and oncogenic signaling in CML cells are under the control of Jak2

    Global Surveillance of Emerging Influenza Virus Genotypes by Mass Spectrometry

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    Effective influenza surveillance requires new methods capable of rapid and inexpensive genomic analysis of evolving viral species for pandemic preparedness, to understand the evolution of circulating viral species, and for vaccine strain selection. We have developed one such approach based on previously described broad-range reverse transcription PCR/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RT-PCR/ESI-MS) technology.Analysis of base compositions of RT-PCR amplicons from influenza core gene segments (PB1, PB2, PA, M, NS, NP) are used to provide sub-species identification and infer influenza virus H and N subtypes. Using this approach, we detected and correctly identified 92 mammalian and avian influenza isolates, representing 30 different H and N types, including 29 avian H5N1 isolates. Further, direct analysis of 656 human clinical respiratory specimens collected over a seven-year period (1999-2006) showed correct identification of the viral species and subtypes with >97% sensitivity and specificity. Base composition derived clusters inferred from this analysis showed 100% concordance to previously established clades. Ongoing surveillance of samples from the recent influenza virus seasons (2005-2006) showed evidence for emergence and establishment of new genotypes of circulating H3N2 strains worldwide. Mixed viral quasispecies were found in approximately 1% of these recent samples providing a view into viral evolution.Thus, rapid RT-PCR/ESI-MS analysis can be used to simultaneously identify all species of influenza viruses with clade-level resolution, identify mixed viral populations and monitor global spread and emergence of novel viral genotypes. This high-throughput method promises to become an integral component of influenza surveillance