4 research outputs found

    Rights and responsibilities of individuals participating in medical research

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    Current geophysical knowledge of the planet Mercury is based upon observations from ground-based astronomy and flybys of the Mariner 10 spacecraft, along with theoretical and computational studies. Mercury has the highest uncompressed density of the terrestrial planets and by implication has a metallic core with a radius approximately 75% of the planetary radius. Mercury’s spin rate is stably locked at 1.5 times the orbital mean motion. Capture into this state is the natural result of tidal evolution if this is the only dissipative process affecting the spin, but the capture probability is enhanced if Mercury’s core were molten at the time of capture. The discovery of Mercury’s magnetic field by Mariner 10 suggests the possibility that the core is partially molten to the present, a result that is surprising given the planet’s size and a surface crater density indicative of early cessation of significant volcanic activity. A present-day liquid outer core within Mercury would require either a core sulfur content of at least several weight percent or an unusual history of heat loss from the planet’s core and silicate fraction. A crustal remanent contribution to Mercury’s observed magnetic field cannot be ruled out on the basis of current knowledge. Measurements from the MESSENGER orbiter, in combination with continued ground-based observations, hold the promise of setting on a firmer basis our understanding of the structure and evolution of Mercury’s interior and the relationship of that evolution to the planet’s geological history

    Complex mosaic of sexual dichromatism and monochromatism in Pacific robins results from both gains and losses of elaborate coloration

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    Pacific robins exhibit one of the most complex range-wide mosaics of sexual dichromatism and monochromatism. The evolutionary origins of this geographic mosaic remain poorly understood despite long-standing interest from ornithologists, and its influential role in the development of Ernst Mayr’s theories on speciation and the 'Biological Species Concept'. One factor limiting our understanding of the evolution of sexual plumage variation in Pacific robins is a lack of well-resolved taxon boundaries and phylogenetic relationships in the group. Here, we use primarily historical museum specimens to obtain dense sampling of mtDNA, nuclear DNA, plumage color and morphometrics from all named taxa in the radiation in order to infer taxon boundaries and relationships. We use these data to test hypotheses about colonization history, plumage evolution and reduced island dichromatism. Our data show that the Pacific robin radiation comprises four distinct lineages, which warrant recognition as separate species – the previously recognized Norfolk robin P. multicolor and redcapped robin P. goodenovii, and two new species we propose to name: ‘Solomon robin’ P. polymorpha Mayr, 1934 for the populations on Solomon and Bougainville Islands, and ‘Mayr’s robin’ P. pusilla Peale, 1848 (in honor of Ernst Mayr’s detailed work on the southwest Pacific robins) for the populations on Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa. Our data suggest that the common ancestor of the entire Pacific robin radiation was most likely sexually dichromatic and that the radiation-wide mosaic of sexual plumage color arose via repeated losses of elaborate plumage in males and gains of elaborate plumage in females on separate islands.Anna M. Kearns, Leo Joseph, Jeremy J. Austin, Amy C. Driskell and Kevin E. Omlan

    MESSENGER Mission Overview

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