4 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of some herbicides in sugar beet crop in the production conditions of 2020 and 2021

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    Tokom 2020. i 2021. godine ispitivana je efikasnost herbicida za suzbijanje Å”irokolisnih korova u usevu Å”ećerne repe na području Južnog Banata. Ispitivane su varijante sa kombinacijom sledećih aktivnih materija: metamitron, etofumesat, fenmedifan, trisulfuron-metil, klopiralid i lenacil. Herbicidi su primenjeni u tri split tretmana u razmaku od 10 do 20 dana, tretiranjem korova u osetljivoj fazi (kotiledoni i prvi par stalnih listova). U ogledu su bile zastupljene sledeće korovske vrste Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, i Abutilon theophrasti. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je Ch. album u obe godine ispitivanja pokazao nisku osetljivost prema svim ispitivanim varijantama osim kombinacije metamitron, etofumesat, lenacil, trisulfuron metil koja je ispoljila maksimalnu efikasnost kako prema ovom korovu tako i prema ostalim korovskim vrstama. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju efikasnost dostupnih herbicida na tržiÅ”tu, nakon povlačenja iz upotrebe do sada koriŔćenih aktivnih materija.In 2020 and 2021 field trials were carried out to evaluate efficacy herbicides (three and four active substances) for controlling broadleaf weeds in sugar beet crop, in the South Banat region. Treatmans with a combination of the following active substances were tested: metamitron, ethofumesate, fenmedifam, triflusulfuron-methyl,clopyralid, lenacil. Herbicides were applied in three treatments with an interval of 10 to 20 days depending on depending on weather conditions and the appearance of weed plants that were treated in a sensitive phase (cotyledons and the first pair of permanent leaves). The following types of weeds were represented in the experiment Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, Abutilon theophrasti. The results suggest that Ch. album in both years of testing showed low susceptibility to all tested variants, except for the combination of metamitron, etofumesate, lenacil, trisulfuron methyl, which showed maximum efficiency both against this weed and against other weed species. The obtained results confirm that even with the loss of the license for the registration of some active substances, there are effective combinations of herbicides that can successfully keep the sugar beet crop free from weeds

    Effectiveness of some herbicides in sugar beet crop in the production conditions of 2020 and 2021

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    Tokom 2020. i 2021. godine ispitivana je efikasnost herbicida za suzbijanje Å”irokolisnih korova u usevu Å”ećerne repe na području Južnog Banata. Ispitivane su varijante sa kombinacijom sledećih aktivnih materija: metamitron, etofumesat, fenmedifan, trisulfuron-metil, klopiralid i lenacil. Herbicidi su primenjeni u tri split tretmana u razmaku od 10 do 20 dana, tretiranjem korova u osetljivoj fazi (kotiledoni i prvi par stalnih listova). U ogledu su bile zastupljene sledeće korovske vrste Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, i Abutilon theophrasti. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je Ch. album u obe godine ispitivanja pokazao nisku osetljivost prema svim ispitivanim varijantama osim kombinacije metamitron, etofumesat, lenacil, trisulfuron metil koja je ispoljila maksimalnu efikasnost kako prema ovom korovu tako i prema ostalim korovskim vrstama. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju efikasnost dostupnih herbicida na tržiÅ”tu, nakon povlačenja iz upotrebe do sada koriŔćenih aktivnih materija.In 2020 and 2021 field trials were carried out to evaluate efficacy herbicides (three and four active substances) for controlling broadleaf weeds in sugar beet crop, in the South Banat region. Treatmans with a combination of the following active substances were tested: metamitron, ethofumesate, fenmedifam, triflusulfuron-methyl,clopyralid, lenacil. Herbicides were applied in three treatments with an interval of 10 to 20 days depending on depending on weather conditions and the appearance of weed plants that were treated in a sensitive phase (cotyledons and the first pair of permanent leaves). The following types of weeds were represented in the experiment Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, Abutilon theophrasti. The results suggest that Ch. album in both years of testing showed low susceptibility to all tested variants, except for the combination of metamitron, etofumesate, lenacil, trisulfuron methyl, which showed maximum efficiency both against this weed and against other weed species. The obtained results confirm that even with the loss of the license for the registration of some active substances, there are effective combinations of herbicides that can successfully keep the sugar beet crop free from weeds

    Evaluation of salinity stress tolerance in various wheat genotypes

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    U cilju procene tolerantnosti pÅ”enice na stres saliniteta, sproveden je dvogodiÅ”nji ogled sa 27 genotipova pÅ”enice, gajenih na dva lokaliteta: Kumane (solonjec, povećana zaslanjenost) i Rimski Å ančevi (černozem, kontrola). Stres zaslanjenosti je uticao na smanjenje prinosa zrna po klasu za oko 30%, Å”to ovu osobinu čini dobrim fenotipskim markerom uticaja stresa zaslanjenosti na razvoj pÅ”enice. Selekcija zasnovana na vrednostima indikatora SP, ITS i IP favorizuje odabir genotipova Bankut 1205, OraÅ”anka, KG-58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa i Harmonija. Iz grupe genotipova sa visokim vrednostima SP, ITS i IP (klaster A), genotip Harmonija ima nisku vrednost parametra IOS (0,52) i visoke vrednosti ISP (0,84), IP (1,66) i prinosa zrna po klasu na solonjecu (1,50 g), Å”to ga čini veoma tolerantnim genotipom na salinitet. Parametri IOS i ISP identifikuju genotipove koji se, bez obzira na nizak prinos, odlikuju malom osetljivoŔću na stres (Å umadija, Rujna i Premija), zbog čega mogu biti koristan genetički resurs u oplemenjivačkim programima.In order to assess the tolerance of wheat to salinity stress, a two-year trial was conducted with 27 wheat genotypes, grown on two soil types: Solonetz (salinity stress) and Chernozem (control). Salinity stress reduced grain yield per ear by about 30%, which makes this trait a good phenotypic marker of salinity stress. Selection based on SP, ITS and IP indicators favors the selection of genotypes Bankut 1205, OraÅ”anka, KG- 58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa, and Harmonija. From the group of genotypes with high values of SP, ITS and IP, the genotype Harmonija has a low value of the parameter IOS (0.52) and a high value of ISP (0.84), IP (1.66), and grain yield per ear on the Solonetz (1.50 g), which makes it salinity-tolerant genotype. The parameters IOS and ISP identify genotypes that, regardless of low yield, are characterized by low sensitivity to stress (Å umadija, Rujna, and Premija), because these genotypes could be a useful genetic resource in breeding program

    Evaluation of salinity stress tolerance in various wheat genotypes

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    U cilju procene tolerantnosti pÅ”enice na stres saliniteta, sproveden je dvogodiÅ”nji ogled sa 27 genotipova pÅ”enice, gajenih na dva lokaliteta: Kumane (solonjec, povećana zaslanjenost) i Rimski Å ančevi (černozem, kontrola). Stres zaslanjenosti je uticao na smanjenje prinosa zrna po klasu za oko 30%, Å”to ovu osobinu čini dobrim fenotipskim markerom uticaja stresa zaslanjenosti na razvoj pÅ”enice. Selekcija zasnovana na vrednostima indikatora SP, ITS i IP favorizuje odabir genotipova Bankut 1205, OraÅ”anka, KG-58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa i Harmonija. Iz grupe genotipova sa visokim vrednostima SP, ITS i IP (klaster A), genotip Harmonija ima nisku vrednost parametra IOS (0,52) i visoke vrednosti ISP (0,84), IP (1,66) i prinosa zrna po klasu na solonjecu (1,50 g), Å”to ga čini veoma tolerantnim genotipom na salinitet. Parametri IOS i ISP identifikuju genotipove koji se, bez obzira na nizak prinos, odlikuju malom osetljivoŔću na stres (Å umadija, Rujna i Premija), zbog čega mogu biti koristan genetički resurs u oplemenjivačkim programima.In order to assess the tolerance of wheat to salinity stress, a two-year trial was conducted with 27 wheat genotypes, grown on two soil types: Solonetz (salinity stress) and Chernozem (control). Salinity stress reduced grain yield per ear by about 30%, which makes this trait a good phenotypic marker of salinity stress. Selection based on SP, ITS and IP indicators favors the selection of genotypes Bankut 1205, OraÅ”anka, KG- 58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa, and Harmonija. From the group of genotypes with high values of SP, ITS and IP, the genotype Harmonija has a low value of the parameter IOS (0.52) and a high value of ISP (0.84), IP (1.66), and grain yield per ear on the Solonetz (1.50 g), which makes it salinity-tolerant genotype. The parameters IOS and ISP identify genotypes that, regardless of low yield, are characterized by low sensitivity to stress (Å umadija, Rujna, and Premija), because these genotypes could be a useful genetic resource in breeding program