24 research outputs found

    Characterization of the VirG binding site of Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    The Outer Dynein Arm-Docking Complex: Composition and Characterization of a Subunit (Oda1) Necessary for Outer Arm Assembly

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    To learn more about how dyneins are targeted to specific sites in the flagellum, we have investigated a factor necessary for binding of outer arm dynein to the axonemal microtubules of Chlamydomonas. This factor, termed the outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC), previously was shown to be missing from axonemes of the outer dynein armless mutants oda1 and oda3. We have now partially purified the ODA-DC, determined that it contains equimolar amounts of M(r) ∼105,000 and ∼70,000 proteins plus a third protein of M(r) ∼25,000, and found that it is associated with the isolated outer arm in a 1:1 molar ratio. We have cloned a full-length cDNA encoding the M(r) ∼70,000 protein; the sequence predicts a 62.5-kDa protein with potential homologs in higher ciliated organisms, including humans. Sequencing of corresponding cDNA from strain oda1 revealed it has a mutation resulting in a stop codon just downstream of the initiator ATG; thus, it is unable to make the full-length M(r) ∼70,000 protein. These results demonstrate that the ODA1 gene encodes the M(r) ∼70,000 protein, and that the protein is essential for assembly of the ODA-DC and the outer dynein arm onto the doublet microtubule

    Kinesin-II Is Required for Flagellar Sensory Transduction during Fertilization in Chlamydomonas

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    The assembly and maintenance of eucaryotic flagella and cilia depend on the microtubule motor, kinesin-II. This plus end-directed motor carries intraflagellar transport particles from the base to the tip of the organelle, where structural components of the axoneme are assembled. Here we test the idea that kinesin-II also is essential for signal transduction. When mating-type plus (mt+) and mating-type minus (mt−) gametes of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas are mixed together, binding interactions between mt+ and mt− flagellar adhesion molecules, the agglutinins, initiate a signaling pathway that leads to increases in intracellular cAMP, gamete activation, and zygote formation. A critical question in Chlamydomonas fertilization has been how agglutinin interactions are coupled to increases in intracellular cAMP. Recently, fla10 gametes with a temperature-sensitive defect in FLA10 kinesin-II were found to not form zygotes at the restrictive temperature (32°C). We found that, although the rates and extents of flagellar adhesion in fla10 gametes at 32°C are indistinguishable from wild-type gametes, the cells do not undergo gamete activation. On the other hand, fla10 gametes at 32°C regulated agglutinin location and underwent gamete fusion when the cells were incubated in dibutyryl cAMP, indicating that their capacity to respond to the cAMP signal was intact. We show that the cellular defect in the fla10 gametes at 32°C is a failure to undergo increases in cAMP during flagella adhesion. Thus, in addition to being essential for assembly and maintenance of the structural components of flagella, kinesin-II/intraflagellar transport plays a role in sensory transduction in these organelles

    The 14-kDa Dynein Light Chain-Family Protein Dlc1 Is Required for Regular Oscillatory Nuclear Movement and Efficient Recombination during Meiotic Prophase in Fission Yeast

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    A Schizosaccharomyces pombe spindle pole body (SPB) protein interacts in a two-hybrid system with Dlc1, which belongs to the 14-kDa Tctex-1 dynein light chain family. Green fluorescent protein-tagged Dlc1 accumulated at the SPB throughout the life cycle. During meiotic prophase, Dlc1 was present along astral microtubules and microtubule-anchoring sites on the cell cortex, reminiscent of the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain Dhc1. In a dlc1-null mutant, Dhc1-dependent nuclear movement in meiotic prophase became irregular in its duration and direction. Dhc1 protein was displaced from the cortex anchors and the formation of microtubule bundle(s) that guide nuclear movement was impaired in the mutant. Meiotic recombination in the dlc1 mutant was reduced to levels similar to that in the dhc1 mutant. Dlc1 and Dhc1 also have roles in karyogamy and rDNA relocation during the sexual phase. Strains mutated in both the dlc1 and dhc1 loci displayed more severe defects in recombination, karyogamy, and sporulation than in either single mutant alone, suggesting that Dlc1 is involved in nuclear events that are independent of Dhc1. S. pombe contains a homolog of the 8-kDa dynein light chain, Dlc2. This class of dynein light chain, however, is not essential in either the vegetative or sexual phases

    Identification of a Novel Leucine-rich Repeat Protein as a Component of Flagellar Radial Spoke in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis

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    Axonemes are highly organized microtubule-based structures conserved in many eukaryotes. In an attempt to study axonemes by a proteomics approach, we selectively cloned cDNAs of axonemal proteins by immunoscreening the testis cDNA library from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis by using an antiserum against whole axonemes. We report here a 37-kDa protein of which cDNA occurred most frequently among total positive clones. This protein, named LRR37, belongs to the class of SDS22+ leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family. LRR37 is different from the LRR outer arm dynein light chain reported in Chlamydomonas and sea urchin flagella, and thus represents a novel axonemal LRR protein. Immunoelectron microscopy by using a polyclonal antibody against LRR37 showed that it is localized on the tip of the radial spoke, most likely on the spoke head. The LRR37 protein in fact seems to form a complex together with radial spoke protein 3 in a KI extract of the axonemes. These results suggest that LRR37 is a component of the radial spoke head and is involved in the interaction with other radial spoke components or proteins in the central pair projection

    Cilia in cell signaling and human disorders

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