11,812 research outputs found

    On Chow Stability for algebraic curves

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    In the last decades there have been introduced different concepts of stability for projective varieties. In this paper we give a natural and intrinsic criterion of the Chow, and Hilbert, stability for complex irreducible smooth projective curves C⊂PnC\subset \mathbb P ^n. Namely, if the restriction TP∣CnT\mathbb P_{|C} ^n of the tangent bundle of Pn\mathbb P ^n to CC is stable then C⊂PnC\subset \mathbb P ^n is Chow stable, and hence Hilbert stable. We apply this criterion to describe a smooth open set of the irreducible component HilbChP(t),sHilb^{P(t),s}_{{Ch}} of the Hilbert scheme of Pn\mathbb{P} ^n containing the generic smooth Chow-stable curve of genus gg and degree d>g+n−⌊gn+1⌋.d>g+n-\left\lfloor\frac{g}{n+1}\right\rfloor. Moreover, we describe the quotient stack of such curves. Similar results are obtained for the locus of Hilbert stable curves.Comment: Minor corrections and improvements to presentation. We add Theorem 4.

    Dynamical phases for the evolution of the entanglement between two oscillators coupled to the same environment

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    We study the dynamics of the entanglement between two oscillators that are initially prepared in a general two-mode Gaussian state and evolve while coupled to the same environment. In a previous paper we showed that there are three qualitatively different dynamical phases for the entanglement in the long time limit: sudden death, sudden death and revival and no-sudden death [Paz & Roncaglia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 220401 (2008)]. Here we generalize and extend those results along several directions: We analyze the fate of entanglement for an environment with a general spectral density providing a complete characterization of the corresponding phase diagrams for ohmic and sub--ohmic environments (we also analyze the super-ohmic case showing that for such environment the expected behavior is rather different). We also generalize previous studies by considering two different models for the interaction between the system and the environment (first we analyze the case when the coupling is through position and then we examine the case where the coupling is symmetric in position and momentum). Finally, we analyze (both numerically and analytically) the case of non-resonant oscillators. In that case we show that the final entanglement is independent of the initial state and may be non-zero at very low temperatures. We provide a natural interpretation of our results in terms of a simple quantum optics model.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure
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