619 research outputs found

    Sequential Innovations and Intellectual Property Rights

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    We analyze a two-stage patent race. In the first phase firms seek to develop a research tool, an innovation that has no commercial value but is necessary to enter the second phase of the race. The firm that completes the second phase of the race first obtains a patent on the final innnovation and enjoys its profits. We ask whether patent protection for the innovator of the research tool is beneficial from the ex ante point of view. We show that there is a range of values of the final innovation such that firms prefer to have no Intellectual Property Rights for research tools.Sequential Patent Race ; Intellectual Property Rights ; Knowledge Sharing

    Letter from Henry Payot to John Muir, 1881 Apr 13.

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    [letterhead]San Francisco Apr 13 1881My dear Mr. Muir –Don’t believe a word of what Upham has been writing!!! for you might think that he alone is pleased to hear the good news – as it is not so – The [Payor?] family are all interested in the little miss as well as the Upham family & you will please accept our congratulations with the request that Mrs. Muir will kiss the baby for each of us – this is quite a task I know[Page 2]for according to the last census we number ½ doz – but it will be a pleasant one we know. With the permission of Dr & Mrs. Strentzel as well yours & your good wife’s, we ask the privilege of joining with you in your happiness and add to the affection that is centered around that dear “little love” at the Albamba – Please accept our very best compliments to all, and an extra kiss for baby –Your friend [illegible].0098

    Sequential innovations and intellectual property rights

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    We analyze a two-stage patent race. In the first phase firms seek to develop a research tool, an innovation that has no commercial value but is necessary to enter the second phase of the race. The firm that completes the second phase of the race first obtains a patent on the final innnovation and enjoys its profits. We ask whether patent protection for the innovator of the research tool is beneficial from the ex ante point of view. We show that there is a range of values of the final innovation such that firms prefer to have no Intellectual Property Rights for research tools

    Revenances de Jean-Louis Déotte

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    Cet article montre comment, dans la pensée de Jean-Louis Déotte, les notions centrales d’appareil (compris aussi comme condition d’apparaître) et de disparition sont liées. C’est la disparition des corps, dans le cadre d’une stratégie d’oubli organisée par certains régimes, et aussi la structure spectrale peut-être inhérente à toute technique de représentation depuis la perspective albertienne et jusqu’au cinéma, qui sont en jeu. La spectralité permet ainsi d’envisager de manière originale les rapports entre arts, techniques et politique

    Le jugement de l’architecture

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    L’une des difficultés propres à la critique est qu’elle doit toujours lier, et que précisément il lui faut effectuer cette opération, là où la dimension générale de la liaison n’a plus aucune évidence. Les problèmes de la critique révèlent peut-être, en ce sens, des embarras, mais aussi des chances, qui seraient le fait de toute une modernité, et pas seulement théorique. Critiquer, on le sait, c’est examiner, krinein, et c’est aussi juger : rapporter un prédicat à un sujet, une qualité à une..
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