11 research outputs found

    Denosumab Treatment for a Residual Giant Cell Tumor of the Clivus: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Background Giant cell tumors (GCTs) are a locally aggressive primary bone neoplasm of osteoclast-like cells. These lesions largely occur in the epiphyses of long bones, but there have been rare reports of occurrence in the pelvis, spine, or skull. Of those located in the skull, involvement of the clivus has been rarely reported. Case Description We present a case of an 18-year-old woman presenting with a third nerve palsy, found to have a lytic lesion of the upper clivus that was primarily treated with endoscopic endonasal resection. Her third nerve palsy resolved postoperatively, and subsequent histopathologic analysis revealed a GCT. Six-month postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed progression of residual disease for which she was treated with adjuvant denosumab. This treatment resulted in a significant decrease in the tumor size. She subsequently underwent proton beam radiation. At 1-year postsurgery, the patient's MRI remained stable after completing denosumab and proton therapy. She was neurologically intact and had no issues from her treatment. Conclusions Denosumab has demonstrated anti-GCT efficacy. In combination with proton therapy, it has the potential to spare a young, vulnerable population from adverse long-term effects of traditional adjuvant radiation therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of denosumab in the treatment of GCT of the clivus in the United States

    Intraoperative angiography via the popliteal artery: a useful technique for patients in the prone position

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    OBJECTIVE Intraoperative angiography can be a valuable tool in the surgical management of vascular disorders in the CNS. This is typically accomplished via femoral artery puncture; however, this can be technically difficult in patients in the prone position. The authors describe the feasibility of intraoperative angiography via the popliteal artery in the prone patient. METHODS Three patients underwent intraoperative spinal angiography in the prone position via vascular access through the popliteal artery. Standard angiography techniques were used, along with ultrasound and a micropuncture needle for initial vascular access. Two patients underwent intraoperative angiography to confirm the obliteration of dural arteriovenous fistulas. The third patient required unexpected intraoperative angiography when a tumor was concerning for a vascular malformation in the cervical spine. RESULTS All 3 patients tolerated the procedure without complication. The popliteal artery was easily accessed without any adaptation to typical patient positioning for these prone-position cases. This proved particularly beneficial when angiography was not part of the preoperative plan. CONCLUSIONS Intraoperative angiography via the popliteal artery is feasible and well tolerated. It presents significant benefit when obtaining imaging studies in patients in a prone position, with the added benefit of easy access, familiar anatomy, and low concern for catheter thrombosis or kinking

    Recurrent Primary Intrasellar Paraganglioma

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    We describe a case of an 81-year-old male presenting with bitemporal visual field defects and blurry vision in the right eye. The patient was found to have a recurrent primary paraganglioma in the sellar and suprasellar region requiring a repeat transsphenoidal endoscopic resection. Immunohistochemical examination confirmed paraganglioma with the classic zellballen appearance which stained positive for chromogranin, synaptophysin, and S-100 in the periphery. Paragangliomas (PGLs) in the sella turcica are a rare entity; only 19 cases have ever been reported in the literature. PGLs in the sellar region are often misdiagnosed or diagnosed in a delayed fashion. Earlier diagnosis of this locally aggressive tumor and meticulous debulking can prevent morbidity secondary to the tumor's compressive effects. This report highlights the effectiveness of surgical interventions in treatment of paragangliomas. More research is still needed to determine the need for adjuvant therapies such as radiation

    A Systematic Review of Sellar and Parasellar Brown Tumors: An Analysis of Clinical, Diagnostic, and Management Profiles

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    Objective To systematically review and analyze clinical, diagnostic, and management trends in sellar and parasellar brown tumors reported in existing literature. Methods In this systematic review, PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases were searched for reported cases of sellar/parasellar brown tumors. Relevant titles and abstracts were screened in accordance to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol. Articles meeting inclusion criteria were subjected to data extraction, summarization, and analysis. A rare case of parasellar brown tumor was also presented. Results Eight reports (including the current report) were eligible for inclusion. Mean patient age was 42.75 years. Reported symptoms included visual disturbances (n = 6), headache (n = 5), fatigue (n = 3), nausea/vomiting (n = 2), chest pain (n = 1), neck pain (n = 1), and dysphagia (n = 1). In cases where computed tomography findings were provided (n = 6), lesions were noted to be expansile and lytic. Lesions were hyperintense on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (66.7%) and demonstrated contrast enhancement (83.3%). Histology unanimously showed multinucleated giant cells in a fibrovascular connective tissue stroma. Dramatic symptom resolution was noted in all patients who underwent resection of the sellar/parasellar brown tumor (n = 4; 50%). Conclusions Sellar/parasellar brown tumors are a rare, tertiary manifestation of hyperparathyroidism and can be elusive to diagnose. Diagnosis requires a high index of clinical suspicion in addition to comprehensive biochemical testing, imaging, and histopathologic analysis. Surgical extirpation is favored in cases where the lesion is causing compressive symptoms, or if it is unresponsive to management of hyperparathyroidism

    The Use of a Pipeline Embolization Device for Treatment of a Ruptured Dissecting Middle Cerebral Artery M3/M4 Aneurysm: Challenges and Technical Considerations

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    Prompt, effective treatment is necessary following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage to prevent recurrent rupture, which is thought to double mortality. Atypical ruptured aneurysms, such as blister or dissecting pseudoaneurysms, or those that are unusually distal in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) are challenging to treat with either open or endovascular options, though the pipeline embolization device (PED) has shown promise in multiple case series. We present a case of a ruptured dissecting pseudoaneurysm in the distal MCA (distal M3/proximal M4) prefrontal division in an healthy young patient (<60 years) successfully treated with a PED. The PED was chosen both as the only vessel sparing option in the young patient as well as for its potential as a vessel sacrifice tool if the pseudoaneurysm was felt to be incompletely treated, which in this case was not necessary—though would have leveraged the thrombogenicity of the device as a therapeutic advantage

    Symptomatic perianeurysmal parenchymal cyst: case illustration

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    Papillary glioneuronal tumor presenting with low-pressure hydrocephalus from intraventricular spread: Case Report

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    Papillary glioneuronal tumors are a rare and typically benign entity with pathological and radiographic complexity. Presentation can mimic other neoplasms, making diagnosis more challenging. The literature to date describes the clinical understanding, diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic characteristics of this limited number of patients. In this article, we report an unusual case of a glioneuronal tumor with multifocal presentation, normal pressure hydrocephalus-like symptoms, and large peritumoral parenchymal cysts, which guided the surgical approach. This unusual presentation has not previously been reported and adds valuable information to the clinical recognition and management literature