18,762 research outputs found

    Improving the conductance of carbon nanotube networks through resonant momentum exchange

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    We present a mechanism to improve the conductivity of carbon nanotube (CNT) networks by improving the conductance between CNTs of different chirality. We argue generally that a weak perturbation can greatly improve the inter-tube conductance by allowing momentum-conserving tunnelling. The mechanism is verified with a tight-binding model, allowing an investigation of its impact for a network containing a range of chiralities. We discuss practical implementations, and conclude that it may be effected by weak physical interactions, and therefore does not require chemical bonding to the CNTs.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    National Newspaper Analysis of the Press Coverage of Jesse Jackson\u27s 1984 Presidential Campaign: The Confirmation of the Candidate

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    Jesse Jackson\u27s 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns have motivated thousands of citizens throughout America to take a more active role in politics. The 1984 campaign witnessed many previously unregistered Americans actively participating in Jackson\u27s call to join the Rainbow Coalition. Four years later, Jackson once again hit a responsive chord within the American electorate, broadening his support base in his second run for the White House. His vibrant campaigns presented challenges not only to the American system of government, but also to accepted journalistic traditions in campaign reporting. Specifically, the dilemma has been a difficult one for journalists responsible for campaign coverage. How much coverage should a reporter give to Jesse Jackson\u27s campaign? Should he be treated like an Alan Cranston or Gary Hart in 1984, or a Paul Simon or Albert Gore in 1988? Or does the historical impact of his being the first black candidate to make a serious bid for the presidency warrant a different approach to press coverage? Highlighting this dilemma in the 1984 campaign, Dates and Gandy note: Jackson\u27s candidacy was a challenge for the press because on the one hand journalistic traditions would dictate that the ideological orientation of the media organization would constrain its coverage to be consistent with longstanding editorial practice.[1

    Subspace representations in ab initio methods for strongly correlated systems

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    We present a generalized definition of subspace occupancy matrices in ab initio methods for strongly correlated materials, such as DFT+U and DFT+DMFT, which is appropriate to the case of nonorthogonal projector functions. By enforcing the tensorial consistency of all matrix operations, we are led to a subspace projection operator for which the occupancy matrix is tensorial and accumulates only contributions which are local to the correlated subspace at hand. For DFT+U in particular, the resulting contributions to the potential and ionic forces are automatically Hermitian, without resort to symmetrization, and localized to their corresponding correlated subspace. The tensorial invariance of the occupancies, energies and ionic forces is preserved. We illustrate the effect of this formalism in a DFT+U study using self-consistently determined projectors.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. This version (v2) matches that accepted for Physical Review B on 15th April 201

    Generalized Wannier functions: a comparison of molecular electric dipole polarizabilities

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    Localized Wannier functions provide an efficient and intuitive means by which to compute dielectric properties from first principles. They are most commonly constructed in a post-processing step, following total-energy minimization. Nonorthogonal generalized Wannier functions (NGWFs) [Skylaris et al., Phys. Rev. B 66, 035119 11 (2002); Skylaris et al., J. Chem. Phys. 122, 084119 (2005)] may also be optimized in situ, in the process of solving for the ground-state density. We explore the relationship between NGWFs and orthonormal, maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) [Marzari and Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 (1997); Souza, Marzari, and Vanderbilt, ibid. 65, 035109 (2001)], demonstrating that NGWFs may be used to compute electric dipole polarizabilities efficiently, with no necessity for post-processing optimization, and with an accuracy comparable to MLWFs.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. This version matches that accepted for Physical Review B on 4th May 201

    Weak Measurement of the Arrival Times of Single Photons and Pairs of Entangled Photons

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    In this paper we propose a setup for the weak measurement of photon arrival time. It is found that the weak values of this arrival time can lie far away from the expectation value, and in principle also in regions forbidden by special relativity. We discuss in brief the implications of these results as well as their reconciliation with the principle of causality. Furthermore, an analysis of the weak arrival times of a pair of photons in a Bell state shows that these weak arrival times are correlated.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    EAPC task force on education for psychologists in palliative care

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    It is argued that psychological aspects of care and psychosocial problems are essential components of palliative care. However, the provision of appropriate services remains somewhat arbitrary. Unlike medical and nursing care, which are clearly delivered by doctors and nurses respectively, psychological and psychosocial support in palliative care are not assigned exclusively to psychologists. It is generally expected that all professionals working in palliative care should have some knowledge of the psychological dynamics in terminal illness, as well as skills in communication and psychological risk assessment. On the one hand, palliative care education programmes for nurses and doctors comprise a considerable amount of psychological and psychosocial content. On the other hand, only a few palliative care associations provide explicit information on the role and tasks of psychologists in palliative care. Psychologists’ associations do not deal much with this issue either. If they refer to it at all, it is in the context of the care of the aged, end-of-life care or how to deal with grief

    Spectroscopy of drums and quantum billiards: perturbative and non-perturbative results

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    We develop powerful numerical and analytical techniques for the solution of the Helmholtz equation on general domains. We prove two theorems: the first theorem provides an exact formula for the ground state of an arbirtrary membrane, while the second theorem generalizes this result to any excited state of the membrane. We also develop a systematic perturbative scheme which can be used to study the small deformations of a membrane of circular or square shapes. We discuss several applications, obtaining numerical and analytical results.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, 7 tabl
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