904 research outputs found

    The American Teachers College

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    Anomie, Deviant Behavior, and the Olympics

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    Criminal and deviant behavior is known to occur in all places, settings, and times. The Olympics, both Summer and Winter, are not immune to deviant behavior. This paper focuses on the specific types of deviant and criminal acts arising out of the Olympic settings and the anomic factors that possibly lead to deviance in this particular arena. The way that athletes are conformists, innovators, ritualists, and retreatists is considered along with the way that norm confusion influences the Olympic event. Also considered is the role of norm saturation in confusing the way actors interpret appropriate behavior in this setting. Implications are provided

    On The Financial Characteristics Of Firms That Have Achieved The Highest Levels Of Accuracy In Earnings Predictability

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    The value of a company is said to be a function of the future earnings or cash flows the company will produce discounted at a rate commensurate with risks associated with those cash flows. The subject of earnings predictability or the lack of reliable forecasts has been of interest to academic researchers and financial managers for years. Value Line publishes weekly, a ranking of the reliability of earnings predictions for every firm in their database. The higher the Value Line ranking for earnings predictability, the more likely they would recommend it as a safe investment. Earnings predictability is then, simply one of their important measures of potential value and safety.  The purpose of this study is to provide a financial analysis of those firms described by Value Line as having the most reliable levels of earnings predictability in their database. Specifically, the analysis will test for significant differences in the financial profiles of those firms that achieved the highest Value Line ratings for earnings predictability, and companies selected at random from the same industries.  A unique financial profile is estab­lished for the highest rated group, and it is suggested that the profile may be used to identify firms that because of their financial nature are capable of producing the most accurate sales forecasts, and earnings predictability. As in previous studies of this nature Multiple Discriminant Analysis is used.&nbsp

    Uses of phage display in agriculture: A review of food-related protein-protein interactions discovered by biopanning over diverse baits

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    This review highlights discoveries made using phage display that impact the use of agricultural products. The contribution phage display made to our fundamental understanding of how various protective molecules serve to safeguard plants and seeds from herbivores and microbes is discussed. The utility of phage display for directed evolution of enzymes with enhanced capacities to degrade the complex polymers of the cell wall into molecules useful for biofuel production is surveyed. Food allergies are often directed against components of seeds; this review emphasizes how phage display has been employed to determine the seed component(s) contributing most to the allergenic reaction and how it has played a central role in novel approaches to mitigate patient response. Finally, an overview of the use of phage display in identifying the mature seed proteome protection and repair mechanisms is provided. The identification of specific classes of proteins preferentially bound by such protection and repair proteins leads to hypotheses concerning the importance of safeguarding the translational apparatus from damage during seed quiescence and environmental perturbations during germination. These examples, it is hoped, will spur the use of phage display in future plant science examining protein-ligand interactions

    Nutrient Management for Recirculating Hydroponics

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    Steady-state nutrient management is essential in hydroponic culture. Determination of an appropriate refill solution is attained using the principle of mass balance. Optimizing the ratio of nutrient elements and refill solution concentrations requires an understanding of the ratio of nutrients in tissue to water, which is measured as water use efficiency (WUE). This ratio is then multiplied by the desired concentration of nutrients in leaf tissue to determine the refill solution composition. Deep-flow hydroponics enables constant monitoring of solution parameters and root health. We have achieved a steady-state nitrogen concentration in solution by using an automated pH control system that adds a solution of 50 mM nitric acid and 200 mM ammonium sulfate. The pH remains stable throughout the life cycle as roots release a similar ratio of protons and hydroxide ions to balance uptake of either ammonium or nitrate. Daily monitoring of electrical conductivity (EC) guides adjustment of the refill solution concentration. A variable WUE and water to nutrient uptake ratio among species necessitates custom refill solutions. In our preliminary studies, wheat (Triticum aestivum) has a moderate WUE (3 g L-1) but ceases substantial nutrient uptake late in the lifecycle and the EC thus increases over time, causing nutrient accumulation in solution. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) also has a moderate WUE (3 g L-1), and the EC of the solution remains stable. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) has a high WUE (6 g L-1), causing reduced EC and nutrient solution depletion. Monitoring solution compositions has allowed us to optimize the refill solution and acid addition concentration among species and lifecycle stages

    Uses of phage display in agriculture: Sequence analysis and comparative modeling of late embryogenesis abundant client proteins suggest protein-nucleic acid binding functionality

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    A group of intrinsically disordered, hydrophilic proteins-Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins-has been linked to survival in plants and animals in periods of stress, putatively through safeguarding enzymatic function and prevention of aggregation in times of dehydration/heat. Yet despite decades of effort, the molecular-level mechanisms defining this protective function remain unknown. A recent effort to understand LEA functionality began with the unique application of phage display, wherein phage display and biopanning over recombinant Seed Maturation Protein homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Glycine max were used to retrieve client proteins at two different temperatures, with one intended to represent heat stress. From this previous study, we identified 21 client proteins for which clones were recovered, sometimes repeatedly. Here, we use sequence analysis and homology modeling of the client proteins to ascertain common sequence and structural properties that may contribute to binding affinity with the protective LEA protein. Our methods uncover what appears to be a predilection for protein-nucleic acid interactions among LEA client proteins, which is suggestive of subcellular residence. The results from this initial computational study will guide future efforts to uncover the protein protective mechanisms during heat stress, potentially leading to phage-display-directed evolution of synthetic LEA molecules

    Analysing olfactory and auditory sensescapes in English cities: Sensory expectation and urban environmental perception

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    Cet article analyse la manière dont les individus perçoivent une gamme variée de stimuli, notamment les sons et les odeurs émis par l’activité humaine, lors de leur déambulation dans les espaces publics des villes anglaises. La démonstration s’appuie sur deux études portant sur la déambulation sensorielle (sensewalking) menées entre 2004 et 2009 indépendamment l’une de l’autre mais avec un objectif identique. La première explore la perception de l’environnement olfactif, tandis que l’autre, s’attarde sur les expériences sonores urbaines. La comparaison des résultats montre que les expectations sensorielles modifient l’attitude des individus dans le milieu urbain en induisant des niveaux de signification et de compréhension variés. Par conséquent, il y a là un défi pour les architectes et les aménageurs de créer des milieux où la prise en compte de ces différents modes de perception pourrait conduire à des réponses plus adéquates. Si l’on convient que la perception (ou la non perception) des odeurs et des sons est fortement influencée par l’environnement, il est donc fondamental que le contexte initial soit prise en compte au moment de redéfinir et de gérer les aménagements sensoriels urbains.This paper examines the role of sensory expectation in people’s experiences and perceptions of a range of different urban environments in English towns and cities by focussing upon those related to smell and sound specifically. It draws from two separate but related sensewalking studies undertaken between 2004 and 2009: one exploring urban smell experiences, the other examining urban sound experiences. In drawing from, and comparing the findings of these two studies, sensory expectations are argued as highly influential in urban place experience and perception, providing different layers of meaning and understanding of place, and presenting challenges and opportunities for architects and urban designers when creating more human-centred places in the city. In addition, perceptions of the smells and sounds themselves are revealed as highly influenced by the environmental context within which they are, or are not, detected. As a result, the authors advocate a more proactive approach to the consideration of smells and sound information when designing and managing urban sensory environments
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