45 research outputs found

    MWDL Training Resources Task Force Committee Report

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    A summary of the activities and outputs of the MWDL Training Resources Task Force for 2019-2020. The presentation includes information about the many training resources that have been made available through the MWDL portal on the Library Workflow Exchange platform, which were contributed and compiled by MWDL partners to improve quality of service

    Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Author and Funder IDs

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    MWDL Training Resources Task Force Committee Report

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    âś“ Gather existing training resources and workflows from our own institutions âś“ Assess viable resource types âś“ Survey MWDL for: â—¦ Training resources needs â—¦ Desired platforms â—¦ Training resources to contribute âś“ Establish a platform âś“ Populate platform with gathered material âś“ Collect training resources from MWDL participant

    Research Data Management at USU

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    A presentation given as part of a panel at the UALC Professional Development Retreat focusing on research data management. In addition to USU’s presentation, Emily Durowski at Brigham Young University and Shirley Zhao and Daureen Nesdill from University of Utah all presented similar content with respect to their institutions

    Wisdom of the Crowd: Successful Ways to Engage the Public in Metadata Creation

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    Successful Ways to Engage the Public in Metadata Creation: Crowdsourcing, outsourcing, interviews, and community events

    Homeward Bound: How to Move an Entire Cataloging Unit to Remote Work

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    Utah State University Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) unit, including student workers, transitioned to remote cataloging in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation will outline the process undertaken by supervisors to evaluate and modify services and workflows to continue cataloging service during the time when the library was shut down

    Mitigating the Risk: Identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compliance Tracking of Research Data and Publications

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    As international efforts to develop guidelines for data management emerge, the need for monitoring data deposit compliance increases. Utah State University has a team of university administrators, IT specialists, and librarians that addresses research data management issues. They developed a process to receive reports from faculty with successful grants that ultimately allows creation of records for data. Research grants are tracked though all stages and information about data and publications shared publicly on platforms capable of contributing scholarly work to research outputs aggregators (such as Share) and also to public facing bibliographic aggregators like Worldcat

    Just Keep Cataloging: How One Cataloging Unit Changed Their Workflows to Fit the Pandemic Remote, Hybrid, and In-Library Work

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    Utah State University Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) unit, including student workers, transitioned to remote cataloging in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation will outline the process undertaken by supervisors to evaluate and modify services and workflows to continue cataloging materials through the different phases of library capacity from shutting down most of the library, to a hybrid limited staff capacity, through staff back in the library full-time

    Partnering for Discoverability: Knitting Archival Finding Aids to Digitized Material Using a Low Tech Digital Content Linking Process

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    As libraries continue to ramp up digitization efforts for unique archival and special collections material, the segregation of archival finding aids from their digitized counterparts presents an accumulating discoverability problem for both patrons and library staff. For Utah State University (USU) Libraries, it became evident that a system was necessary to connect both new and legacy finding aids with their digitized content to improve use and discoverability. Following a cross­departmental workflow analysis involving the Special Collections, Cataloging and Metadata, and Digital Initiatives departments, a process was created for semi­automating the batch linking of item and folder level entries in EAD finding aids to the corresponding digitized material in CONTENTdm. In addition to the obvious benefit of linking content, this cross­departmental process also allowed for the implementation of persistent identifiers and the enhancement of finding aids using the more robust metadata that accompanies digitized material. This article will provide a detailed overview of the process, as well as describe how the three departments at USU have worked together to identify key stakeholders, develop the procedures, and address future developments

    ARK deTriumph: Linking Finding Aids & Digital Libraries Using a Low-Tech Approach

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