2,825 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of infrared asymptotics in Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory

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    We uniquely determine the infrared asymptotics of Green functions in Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory. They have to satisfy both, Dyson-Schwinger equations and functional renormalisation group equations. Then, consistency fixes the relation between the infrared power laws of these Green functions. We discuss consequences for the interpretation of recent results from lattice QCD.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Gauge invariance, background fields and modified Ward identities

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    In this talk the gauge symmetry for Wilsonian flows in pure Yang-Mills theories is discussed. The background field formalism is used for the construction of a gauge invariant effective action. The symmetries of the effective action under gauge transformations for both the gauge field and the auxiliary background field are separately evaluated. Modified Ward-Takahashi and background field identities are used in my study. Finally it is shown how the symmetry properties of the full theory are restored in the limit where the cut-off is removed.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group, Rome 200

    A view of the future of memory technologies and systems

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    QCD critical region and higher moments for three flavor models

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    One of the distinctive feature of the QCD phase diagram is the possible emergence of a critical endpoint. The critical region around the critical point and the path dependency of the critical exponents is investigated within effective chiral (2+1)-flavor models with and without Polyakov-loops. Results obtained in no-sea mean-field approximations where a divergent vacuum part in the fermion-loop contribution is neglected, are confronted to the renormalized ones. Furthermore, the modifications caused by the back-reaction of the matter fluctuations on the pure Yang-Mills system are discussed. Higher order, non-Gaussian moments of event-by-event distributions of various particle multiplicities are enhanced near the critical point and could serve as a probe to determine its location in the phase diagram. By means of a novel derivative technique higher order generalized quark-number susceptibilities are calculated and their sign structure in the phase diagram is analyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Final PRD version (references and one more equation added
