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    Urgency of the research. The 21st century is an era of radical transformations of social and, in particular, economic relations. Their driving force is knowledge. The creation of new knowledge occurs as a result of the exchange of information between the subjects of this process. Educational institutions, in particular higher education ones, are an important element of the system of production and transfer of new knowledge. Target setting. Qualitative characteristics of the function-ing of higher education significantly depend on the degree of effectiveness of the management system, which includes organizational and financial components. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The issues of improving the functioning of the sphere of higher education are considered in scientific works of scientists as S. Slaughter, P. Temple, J.B.G. Tilak. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The problem of organizational and financial prerequisites formation for the development of the domestic sphere of higher educa-tion needs some additional research. The research objective. The purpose of the article is to analyze the functioning of the sphere of higher education in Ukraine and to formulate proposals for improving its organiza-tional and financial support. The statement of basic materials. The present situation in the system of higher education of Ukraine in the context of student contingent indicators, funding volumes is analyzed. The proposals, which implementation is aimed at improving the financial condition of higher education institutions and creating the prerequisites for increasing student contingent are substantiated. Conclusions. The development of the domestic sphere of higher education is one of the priorities of national economic policy. Formation of favorable conditions for the functioning of the sphere of higher education of Ukraine will provide financial, social and reputational effects