9 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento e caracterização físico-química, microbiológica e sensorial do pão transmontano com azeitonas verdes descaroçadas do tipo “alcaparras”

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    Mestrado com dupla diplomação com a Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáOs produtos de panificação são fundamentais para a dieta no mundo inteiro, sendo os principais ingredientes a farinha, água potável e fermento ou levedura. O trigo é o cereal mais utilizado a nível mundial. Contudo, o centeio está cada vez mais sendo consumido, devido a ser uma fonte rica em fibras, o que traz vários benefícios para a saúde. Além disso, a produção de novos tipos de pão com outros ingredientes tem-se verificado, devido à procura crescente de novos produtos por parte do consumidor atual, mais atento e preocupado com a sua saúde. Tendo em conta este facto, o principal objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver e caracterizar em termos físico-químicos, microbiológicos, propriedades antioxidantes e sensoriais, um Pão Transmontano elaborado com azeitonas verdes descaroçadas do tipo “alcaparras”. Pretendeu-se seguir a receita tradicional do pão transmontano, associando-se desta forma três produtos muito apreciados nesta região, designadamente o pão, as “alcaparras” e o azeite. De forma a atingir os objetivos acima mencionados foram realizados dois ensaios. Inicialmente só foi utilizada farinha de trigo e posteriormente adicionou-se farinha de centeio e azeite, tendo sido utilizadas diferentes percentagens de “alcaparras”. Em ambos os ensaios, os pães elaborados foram analisados em termos de cor, dimensões, pH, cinzas, gordura, proteína, fibras e teor de sal, bem como em termos microbiológicos (mesófilos, bolores e leveduras) e em relação às suas propriedades antioxidantes. Também foi realizada análise sensorial. Contudo, esta foi realizada apenas no segundo ensaio. No primeiro ensaio prepararam-se pães com farinha de trigo com 0, 3, 5 e 7% (m/m) de “alcaparras”, os quais foram armazenados a 25 °C durante 4 dias, tendo sido analisados de dois em dois dias. Os pães com maiores percentagens de “alcaparras” apresentaram os menores valores de pH e os maiores valores de sal e cinzas. Tal como esperado, os pães com menores percentagens de “alcaparras” tiveram os menores valores de gordura. Pelas análises microbiológicas verificou-se que os maiores valores para mesófilos, bolores e leveduras foram obtidos no final do armazenamento, obtendo-se valores não satisfatórios ao quarto dia. Em relação à atividade antioxidante, verificou-se que os pães com maiores percentagens de “alcaparras” apresentaram maiores capacidade redutora total, efeito bloqueador dos radicais livres de DPPH e poder redutor. Posteriormente, no segundo ensaio prepararam-se pães com farinhas de trigo e centeio, e com 0, 7 e 14% (m/m) de “alcaparras” sem adição de azeite, e 0 e 7% (m/m) de “alcaparras” com adição de azeite, os quais foram posteriormente armazenados a 25 °C e analisados nos tempos de 0, 2 e 5 dias. Os pães com "alcaparras" voltaram a apresentar o menor valor de pH e os maiores teores de sal e cinzas. Em relação à gordura, menores conteúdos foram determinados nos pães sem azeite face aos com azeite, tendo a adição do azeite acarretado um aumento significativo de cerca de 4 vezes no teor de gordura. Verificou-se, tal como no primeiro ensaio, que os pães com maiores percentagens de “alcaparras” apresentaram uma maior atividade antioxidante. Como os resultados para os pães com 0 e 7% de “alcaparras” com e sem adição de azeite foram semelhantes, pôde-se constatar que a adição de azeite não afetou a capacidade redutora total e o efeito bloqueador dos radicais livres de DPPH. No entanto, o azeite exerceu algum efeito inibitório no crescimento dos microrganismos. Mesmo assim, após cinco dias observou-se crescimento de bolores e leveduras. Em termos sensoriais, após confecção todos os pães apresentaram uma boa classificação em termos de apreciação global, tendo o pão com azeite e 7% (m/m) de “alcaparras” obtido a maior pontuação, em termos médios, tendo sido o preferido. Em conclusão, o pão de trigo com “alcaparras” e o pão de centeio com "alcaparras" e azeite são um produto promissor para ser comercializado. No entanto, mais estudos são necessários para aumentar o seu tempo de prateleira.Bakery products are fundamental to the diet of worldwide, being the main ingredients flour, drinking water and ferment or yeast. Wheat is the cereal most used worldwide. However, rye is increasingly being consumed, due to being a rich source of fiber, which has several health benefits. In addition, the production of new types of bread with other ingredients have been found due to the increasing demand for new products by the current consumer more aware and concerned about his health. Considering this fact, the main objective of this study was to develop and characterize in terms of physicochemical, microbiological, antioxidant and sensory properties, one Transmontano bread made with pitted green olives called "alcaparras". It was intended to follow the traditional recipe of Transmontano bread, associating three products highly appreciated in this region, namely bread, "alcaparras" and olive oil. In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives two assays were conducted. Initially it was only used wheat flour and subsequently rye flour and olive oil were added, having been used different percentages of "alcaparras". In both trials, the prepared breads were analyzed in terms of color, size, pH, ash, fat, protein, fiber and salt, as well as in microbiological terms (mesophiles, yeasts and molds) and in relation to their antioxidant properties. Sensory analysis was also performed; however, this was only performed in the second assay. In the first experiment breads were prepared with wheat flour and 0, 3, 5 and 7% (m/m) of "alcaparras", which were stored at 25 °C for 4 days, that were analyzed every two days. The breads with higher percentages of "alcaparras" had the lowest pH values and the highest values of salt and ashes. As expected, the bread with the lowest percentages of "alcaparras" had the lowest fat values. Taking into account the microbiological analyses it was found that the highest values for mesophiles, molds and yeasts were obtained at the end of storage, resulting in unsatisfactory values on the fourth day. In relation to the antioxidant activity, it was found that the breads with the highest percentages of "alcaparras" showed higher total reducing capacity, blocking effect of DPPH free radicals and reducing power. Subsequently, in the second trial breads with wheat and rye flours, and with 0, 7 and 14% (m/m) of "alcaparras" without adding olive oil, and 0 to 7% (m/m) "alcaparras" with added olive oil, were prepared that were subsequently stored at 25 °C and analyzed at 0, 2 and 5 days. The breads with "alcaparras" presented again the lowest pH values and the highest levels of salt and ashes. In relation to fat, lower contents were determined in the breads without olive oil in relation to breads with olive oil, having the addition of olive oil increased a significantly (approximately 4 times) the fat content. It was found, as in the first trial, that the breads with higher percentages of "alcaparras" showed higher antioxidant activity. As the results for the breads with 0 and 7% "alcaparras" with and without addition of olive oil were similar, it could be stated that the addition of olive oil did not affect the overall total reducing capacity and the blocking effect of DPPH free radicals, however, the olive oil exerted a inhibitory effect on the growth of microorganisms. Nevertheless, after five days it was observed growth of molds and yeasts. In sensory terms, after cooking, all breads had high rating in terms of overall assessment, having the bread with olive oil and 7% (m/m) of "alcaparras" the highest score, being the preferred. In conclusion, wheat bread with "alcaparras" and rye bread with "alcaparras" and olive oil are a promising product to be marketed. However, more studies are needed to increase its shelf life

    Pão transmontano: the use of physicochemical characterization and chemometrics in order to achïeve the PGI certification

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    The purpose of the present work was to perform the physicochemical characterization and chemometrics of a traditional Portuguese bread, called "Pão do Nordeste Transmontano", towards PGt certíftcation application. This bread is typical of the Northeast region of Portugal and hás distinguíshed characteristics. Twentyfour samples were randomty cottected in the twefve munícípaïítíes that constitute the Northeast region of Portugal. In addition to the food quality parameters a survey was carried out per bakery to collect o^rational information on the production and marketing. More than 50% of the bakeries used floúrs of the types 65 and 55, yeast, water (60-70 L/100 kg flour) and salt (1.2-1.4 kg/100 kg flour). The kneading, leavening and baking times ranged between 15-20, 60-90 and 50-60 min, respectively. The cooking temperature ranged between 220 and 250°C. Conceming marketing, the bread is sold with a weight of 0.5 and 2 Kg, unpackaged or packaged, sliced or whole. Concerning chemical properties, the breads analyzed showed a pH, moisture, ash, fat, protein, díetary fíber and salt contents bebween 5. 0-6.0, 30.0- 40. 0%, 1. 7-2.5% d.w, 2. 3-3. 1% d.w., 14. 5-15.4% d.w, 3. 2-4.7% d.w., 0. 7-1.0% d.w, respectively. Regarding microbiological analysis, ali samples were satisfactory and acceptable in terms of total mesophylls, and yeasts and molds. Moreover, when grouping the values obtained by the two áreas that characterize Trásos-Montes region, Terra Fria and Terra Quente, no significant differences were observed in almost ali parameters of the breads produced in both áreas, not being possible to differentiate them and allowing its PGI certification.This work was performed in collaboration with the TRADEIT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 613776.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pão transmontano: the use of physicochemical characterization and chemometrics in order to achieve the PGI certification

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    The purpose of the present work was to perform the physicochemical characterization and chemometrics of a traditional Portuguese bread, called “Pão do Nordeste Transmontano”, towards PGI certification application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physicochemical characterization of a traditional Portuguese bread (Pão Transmontano) towards its future certification – preliminary results

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    In Trás-os-Montes region, Northeast of Portugal, it is tradition to produce a kind of bread, called pão transmontano. In the present work two breads from Vale de Nogueira and Bragança were physic-chemical characterized in order to collect data for pão transmontano future certification. Results regarding dimensions, colour, water activity, pH, moisture, ash, salt, fat, protein and total dietary fibre contents are presented and discussed, being both breads compared with the "common" wheat bread. The mean composition of this bread is described on the Food Composition Table that is a national reference paper for the composition of food products and is regularly updated by “Instituto Ricardo Jorge”, a well-known Portuguese institution. Vale de Nogueira’s bread presented a total weight of 987.6 g, diameter of 23.0 cm and height of 8.5 cm; water activity of 0.975 ± 0.012; salt content 0.32 ± 0.04% (d.w.); moisture content of 31.18 ± 4.15% (f.w.); ash content 1.19 ± 0.03% (d.w.); pH value 6.36 ± 0.02; fat content 0.95 ± 0.22% (d.w.); total dietary fibre content of 4.11± 0.50% (d.w.), and total protein content of 7.18 ± 0.08% (d.w.). Bragança’s bread presented a total weight of 1123.8 g, diameter of 24.0 cm and height of 10.0 cm; water activity of 0.965 ± 0.005; salt content 0.79 ± 0.04%; moisture content of 35.09 ± 1.12% (f.w.); ash content 1.73% ± 0.01%; pH value 6.28 ± 0.02; fat content 1.50 ± 0.26%; total dietary fibre content of 6.03 ± 0.51%, and total protein content of 7.98 ± 0.16%, suggesting some differences between the two breads. Moreover, the breads of Vale de Nogueira and Bragança showed lower fat and protein contents than the "common" wheat bread. In terms of the colour coordinates for the crust and crumbs, both breads presented similar values in relation to L*, a*, b*, chroma or saturation (C*) and hue angle (h*), indicating that the major differences are found in their nutritional composition instead format and colour.This work was performed in collaboration with the TRADEIT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 613776.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physicochemical characterization of a traditional portuguese bread (pão transmontano) towards its future certification – preliminary results

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    The Trás-os-Montes region, Northeast of Portugal, is a region rich in traditions and typical products with different flavors, being the bread one of the most appreciated products. Its importance derives not only from the direct consumption, but also of its inclusion as an ingredient in different products of which it stand out the sausages so famous in the region. In this regard the preservation of knowledge, genuineness and authenticity associated with the production of bread in Trás-os-Montes region according to traditional processes, is one of the most important and current aspects so as not to miss this accumulated knowledge over generations. In the present work two breads from Vale de Nogueira and Bragança were physicochemical characterized in order to collect data for Pão Transmontano future certification. Results regarding dimensions, colour, water activity, pH, moisture, ash, salt, fat, protein and total dietary fibre contents are presented and discussed, being both breads compared with the "common" wheat bread. The mean composition of this bread is described on the Food Composition Table that is a national reference paper for the composition of food products and is regularly updated by “Instituto Ricardo Jorge”, a well-known Portuguese institution. The breads of Vale de Nogueira and Bragança showed lower fat and protein contents than the "common" wheat bread. In terms of the colour coordinates for the crust and crumbs, both breads presented similar values in relation to L*, a*, b*, chroma or saturation (C*) and hue angle (h*), indicating that the major differences are found in their nutritional composition instead format and colour.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bread with stoned table olives – the union of two traditional products of excellence of Trás-os-Montes region, Portugal: preliminary results

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    The aim of the present work was to conduct a preliminary study on characterization of wheat bread with stoned green table olives, also called “alcaparras”, in order to obtain a produce that join two traditional products of excellence from Trás-os-Montes region, Northeast of Portugal. ”Alcaparras” are processed from healthy green or yellow-green olives, which are broken using a wooden hammer separating the pulp of the core. The pulp is sliced into two approximately equal parts perpendicularly to the major axis of the fruit and placed on water, which is changed three to four times during a week. This treatment has the purpose of removing olive bitterness. Afterwards the product is stored in brine until consumption. Wheat breads were prepared with different percentages of ”alcaparras”: 0, 3, 5 and 7% and stored at 25 °C for 4 days, being analysed every two days, regarding pH, ash, fat and salt contents, as well as mesophiles, moulds and yeasts. The physicochemical determinations were only made at 0 and 2 days because after the fourth day the bread had developed moulds. The breads presented pH values between 5.85-5.96, salt 0.51- 1.01% (d.w.–dry weight), ash 2.13-2.77% (d.w.) and fat 2.00-3.78% (d.w.) contents. The breads with the highest ”alcaparras” percentage presented the lowest pH value and the highest salt and ash contents. As expected the breads with the lowest fat content were those without ”alcaparras”. The mesophiles varied between 1.3-7.4 log UFC/g (f.w.), and moulds and yeasts between <1 to 5 log UFC/g (f.w.), being the highest values obtained at the end of storage. In conclusion, bread with ”alcaparras” is a promising product to be sold in gourmet shops; however, more studies are needed to increase its shelf-life. The inclusion of ”alcaparras” in traditional breads is also an innovative strategy to valorise two different food products at once.This work was performed in collaboration with the TRADEIT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 613776.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physic-chemical characterization of a traditional Portuguese bread (Pão Transmontano) towards its future certification – preliminary results

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    In Trás-os-Montes region, Northeast of Portugal, it is tradition to produce a kind of bread, called pão transmontano. In the present work breads from two bakeries located in Bragança city were physically and chemically characterized in order to collect data for pão transmontano future certification. Results regarding dimensions, colour, water activity, pH, moisture, ash, salt, fat, protein and total dietary fibre contents are presented, being both breads compared with the "common" wheat bread. The mean composition of this bread is described on the Food Composition Table that is a national reference paper for the composition of food products. One of the breads presented a total weight of 987.6 g, diameter of 23.0 cm and height of 8.5 cm; water activity of 0.975±0.012; salt content 0.32±0.04% (d.w. – dry weight); moisture content of 31.18±4.15% (f.w. – fresh weight); ash content 1.19±0.03% (d.w.); pH value 6.36±0.02; fat content 0.95±0.22% (d.w.); total dietary fibre content of 4.11±0.50% (d.w.), and total protein content of 7.18±0.08% (d.w.). The other bread presented a total weight of 1123.8 g, diameter of 24.0 cm and height of 10.0 cm; water activity of 0.965±0.005; salt content 0.79±0.04%; moisture content of 35.09±1.12% (f.w.); ash content 1.73%±0.01%; pH value 6.28±0.02; fat content 1.50±0.26%; total dietary fibre content of 6.03±0.51%, and total protein content of 7.98±0.16%, suggesting some differences between the two breads. Moreover, these traditional breads showed lower fat and protein contents than the "common" wheat bread. In terms of colour coordinates for crust and crumbs, both breads presented similar values in relation to L*, a*, b*, chroma or saturation (C*) and hue angle (h*), indicating that the major differences are found in their nutritional composition instead format and colour. These preliminary data are an important step for the characterization of this type of bread in order to proceed for its certification process.This work was performed in collaboration with the TRADEIT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 613776info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise ao processo de fabrico de pão do Nordeste Transmontano com vista à elaboração de um caderno de especificações - estudo preliminar

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    A região de Trás-os-Montes é uma região rica em tradições e produtos típicos com sabores diferenciados, sendo o Pão um dos produtos mais apreciados. A sua importância não advém apenas do consumo direto, mas também da sua inclusão como ingrediente em diferentes produtos dos quais se destacam os enchidos. Neste sentido a preservação do saber, da genuinidade e da autenticidade associados à produção do pão de Trás-os-Montes de acordo com os processos tradicionais, é um dos aspetos da maior importância e atualidade para que não se perca este conhecimento acumulado ao longo de gerações. Com este intuito, no presente estudo procedeu-se à compilação da informação relativa ao modo de fabrico do pão em vinte e quatro unidades de produção, tendo sido selecionadas aleatoriamente duas unidades por concelho dos doze que integram a região do Nordeste Transmontano. Para cada unidade de produção foi preenchida uma ficha técnica de identificação, na qual se registaram as principais características das matérias-primas e do processo de fabrico. Com este estudo preliminar verificou-se que no processo de fabrico do pão transmontano, as unidades analisadas referiram utilizar 100% de farinha de trigo do tipo 55 e 65 normal e corrigida. As quantidades de água, sal e levedura adicionadas a 100 kg de farinha variaram entre 30 a 80 L, 70 a 700 g, e 100 a 800 g, respetivamente, sendo a cozedura realizada em fornos de tijolo, metal, alvenaria, pedra, inox, laje ou lousa. O combustível utilizado variou entre lenha, pellets, gás, gasóleo, eletricidade e caroço de azeitona. As massas dos pães produzidos variaram entre 0,5 e 2 quilogramas, a sua forma é redonda e a sua comercialização pode ser concretizada com ou sem embalagem, podendo encontrar-se à venda fatiado.O presente trabalho foi realizado em colaboração com o projeto: TRADEIT, o qual recebeu financiamento da União Europeia, através do 7º Programa Quadro, associado à investigação, desenvolvimento tecnológico e demonstração (Nº Ref. 613776).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pão de centeio do olival: desenvolvimento do produto e sua caracterização

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar um novo produto, intitulado “Pão de Centeio do Olival”. A este pão de centeio foram adicionadas azeitonas verdes descaroçadas (conhecidas na região por “alcaparras”) e azeite. As “alcaparras” são processadas a partir de azeitonas verdes saudáveis, as quais são quebradas usando-se um martelo de madeira, sendo a polpa e o caroço separados. A polpa é colocada em água para remover o seu amargor e, em seguida, o produto é armazenado em solução salina até consumo. No presente trabalho procedeu-se à preparação de pães de centeio, seguindo a mesma formulação base, sem e com “alcaparras” (0 e 7%, respetivamente), e sem e com adição de azeite, os quais foram posteriormente armazenados a 25°C e analisados nos tempos de 0, 2 e 5 dias, quanto aos valores de pH, cinzas, gordura e teor de sal, bem como em termos microbiológicos (mesófilos, bolores e leveduras) e sensoriais. Todos os pães apresentaram valores de pH entre 5,87-6,02, de sal entre 1,30-1,84% (p.f.) e de cinzas 1,33-2,21% (p.f.). Os pães com "alcaparras" apresentaram o menor valor de pH e os maiores teores de sal e cinzas. Em relação à gordura, menores percentagens foram determinadas nos pães sem azeite face aos com azeite (1,38-2,88% (p.f.) versus 12,51-13,97% (p.f.)). Os mesófilos, variaram entre 0,8-7,1 log UFC/g (p.f.) e os bolores e leveduras entre 0,0-3,5 log UFC/g (p.f.), tendo os maiores valores sido obtidos no final do armazenamento (5 dias). Em termos sensoriais, o “Pão de Centeio do Olival” com 7% de “alcaparras” e azeite apresentou boa aceitação por parte de um grupo de consumidores. Em conclusão, o “Pão de Centeio do Olival” (com "alcaparras" e azeite) é um produto promissor para ser vendido em lojas gourmet.Trabalho realizado em colaboração com o projeto: TRADEIT, o qual recebeu financiamento da União Europeia, através do 7º Programa Quadro, associado à investigação, desenvolvimento tecnológico e demonstração (Nº Ref. 613776).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio