20 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Metode Regresi Logistik Biner Sebagai Model Keberhasilan Belajar

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    Success or fail in a study at university can be affected by some factors. Entry selectionprocess can be an initial stage in success prediction, up to graduation. Have theentry selection examination detected this appropriately ? Or have other evaluationmechanism within their study set early warning ? These are a focus question in thisarticle.According to academic data of year 1998 through 2006, found that entry selectionexamination give a prediction of success proportion of student finishing theirstudy. Meanwhile their second semester grade point academic gave a significant indicationof the success and failure. And also found that second semester grade pointacademic had a significant contribution for their achievement in first stage evaluationresult at fourth semester

    Rice Value Chain : a Structuration Theory Approach

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    The value chains of rice has created a significant impact in the domestic rice price as well as in Indonesia. As we know from many literatures that providing rice product in time and at different places in the market is very important, especially in Indonesia. The facts that import rice is cheaper than domestic rice price has give a negative impact to the farmers. Thus, the performance of a value chains of rice is related to its structure and strategies of the actors operating these chains or channels are important to be considered by government. Value chain analysis is the sequence analysis of related business activities (functions) from specific inputs for a particular product to primary production, transformation, marketing and up to final consumption. In other words, we can say that value chains is perfoming several functions i.e start from producer (rice producer or farmers), processors (farmer or trader), traders (retailer or wholesaler) and transporter (transportation and storage are important functions in the rice channel distributuion system). Reffering to the description of the rice market in Indonesia, we would like to emphasize that there is some room for value chains based on informal collaboration concering exchange information and financial arrangement between farmers and rice traders and rice traders to others. This study analyse construct from three different theory and models namely value chains, structuration theory and institutional economics related with rice condition in Indonesia. The result of this study are nine proposition that will be tested for futher research. Further, it will be applied for analyzing in more detail all types of agents/actors that perform different chains functions in the rice domestic market in Indonesia

    Produktifitas Tenaga Kerja Berdasarkan Faktor Demografi Di Perusahaan Manufaktur

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    Labor productivity is one measure of corporate performance. In this article, the levelof labor productivity is calculated based on the normal time per worker in completingthe work. The level of labor productivity can be affected by demographic factors,such as gender and age. This study aims to analyze the relationship between laborproductivity with demographic factors. This research was conducted at the companyconvection in the Bandung city. The research was done by observing the level oflabor productivity of 12 people, for 3 days, with 6 observations per day. The resultsof the calculation of the index of labor productivity on average by 149.18%, which isabove the average. Productivity index does not have a difference between male andfemale worker. While the variable age has a negative relationship with productivity,but statistically is not significance

    Perbandingan Kualitas Layanan Berdasarkan Kategori Restoran : Studi Kasus Di Badung Bali

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    In service industry, service quality is used as one factor in competition. Culinaryindustry, such as restaurant, bar, cafe, or eatery booth are one dynamic sector intourism world. As a tourist destination either domestic or International, Bali createsa competitive business environment either local or International as well.American restaurant in average shows a higher score in service quality comparewith others. But Indonesian restaurant gives a higher scores in empathy dimension inservice quality. Customer is expecting a good services, especially in culinary industryin sustaining their businesses. The company should look carefully into aspects ofservice quality, hence they can be a winner in the competitive industry

    Aplikasi Analisis Pareto Dalam Pengendalian Inventori Bahan Baku Pada Bisnis Restoran

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    Quality of the raw materials are an important factor to keep business life of the restaurant.The freshness and originality of the material should be concerned all the time.The raw materials are ordered without any planning or scheduled. There are manykind of raw materials to cook all the menu. Hence we consider only the top 10 sellingmenu during January 2006 until December 2006. These raw materials are then classifiedto group A, B, and C according to ABC analysis along with USAge and investment.ABC Critical Index Analysis are then conducted to find out whether the raw materialsis critical or not toward the service to consumer. This analysis combined investmentvalue, USAge value, and critical value. Raw materials that classifies for group A inABC Critical Index Analysis are considered as important raw materials, which mustalways be available. By using ABC critical index analysis group A consists of sixteentype of raw materials with USAge value 83,08%, group B consists of nine type of rawmaterials with USAge value 10,74%, group C consists of 9 type raw materials withusage value 6,18%

    Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Berdasarkan House of Quality : Studi Kasus Cafe Di Bandung

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    Service quality of the restaurant operations is a focus in this paper. Two Cafe Restau-rants were chosen, one as an research object - Cafe X, and other as its competitor- Cafe Y. Customer satisfaction is observed from the customer of Cafe X, and de-veloped a House of Quality from all this data. The result showed that all of qualityaspects have high importance rate which is explained that all of quality aspect areimportance for customer and has an impact to their satisfaction. The result alsoshowed some customer gave a lower satisfaction performance for some quality as-pects that explained competitors had a better performance. The study provided somesuggestions to increase satisfaction performance with quality service development

    Evaluasi Implementasi KUPS Pada Tingkat Peternak Di Jawa Barat : Studi Kasus KPSBU Lembang

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    To achieve self-sufficiency in the supply of meat and milk, the Ministry of Agriculturehas issued Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Nomor : 40/Permentan/PD.400/9/2009,about implementation guideline of the KREDIT USAHA PEMBIBITAN SAPI(KUPS). This study aims to gain a complete understanding of the implementationKUPS at the farmer level. It was conducted an exploration phase about adistribution and use of the KUPS. KUPS distribution will include mechanisms andprocedures, but the use of KUPS includes the aspects of benefit for their business.An exploration phase was carried out in KPSBU Lembang (Koperasi Peternak SapiBandung Utara). KPSBU Lembang is a primary cooperative in the district Lembangwhich has members including dairy farmers with a working area of North Bandung.KUPS programs created by the government as one of the government's support inpromoting cattle farmers in West Java has not been able to apply to the fullest.Operational level studies showed that cattle breeders breeders generally do notaccess KUPS. Common constraint is the lack of socialization of the Government orof the organizers bank

    Pola Distribusi Beras dan Ketahanan Pangan di Propinsi Jawa Barat : Studi Kasus Kabupaten Garut

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    Ulasan surat kabar acapkali menggambarkan realita carut marut perberasan yang belum terselesaikan (lihat Kompas, 22 Juni 2010). Sementara itu Indonesia menghadapi tantangan terbesar yang harus disikapi serius oleh semua aktor perberasan. Tantangan liberalisasi perdagangan beras di kawasan perdagangan bebas ACFTA yang sudah mulai dijajaki dan paling lambat tahun 2018 sudah dilaksanakan. Jika pemerintah tidak menyikapi secara serius, dapat dipastikan posisi petani beras akan semakin termarjinalkan. Sikap keberpihakan pemerintah kepada petani hanya sebatas retorika sampai dengan saat ini. Ironisnya, permasalahan ketahanan pangan justru sering ditemukan di rumah tangga petani yang merupakan bagian net producer beras nasional