1,319 research outputs found

    Direct MN Test on Peripheral Blood to Detect Chromosomal Breakage: Application in Smokers

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    The purpose was to assess chromosomal damage in blood mononuclear cells of smokers. Smoker’s peripheral blood samples were screened for micronuclei. Samples from smokers who had an illness were excluded. From each sample, 500 swelled mononuclear leucocytes were screened using a light microscope, with 400x magnification. Frequency distribution of subjects having 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 micronuclei (MN) according to age and condition were tabulated. From the 102 samples, 5 were excluded, and only 97 were analyzed. There was an increase in MN count in 12.8%, 12.9%, 33.3%, and 25% of normal smokers living in unpolluted area, hypertensive smokers living in unpolluted area, normal smokers living in polluted area, and hypertensive smokers living in polluted area, respectively. Therefore, there was a tendency of increasing MN count in smokers in the productive age group, hypertensive people, and people living in polluted area.&nbsp

    Tobacco control policy in Indonesia

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    Potential Agents against Plasma Leakage

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    Shock due to severe plasma leakage may happen in infectious diseases such as severe dengue and sepsis due to various bacterial infections, which may be deleterious and may lead to death. Various substances and proteins are known to modulate the effects of proleakage mediators and counteract the deleterious effect of plasma leakage. Some of the various substances and proteins such as focal adhesion kinase (FAK), the Rho GTPases, protein kinase A, and caveolin-1 have dual actions; therefore they are not suitable for therapy. However, sphingosine 1phosphate and its receptor agonists, Angiopoetin-1, Slit, and Bbeta15–42 may be promising


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    Severe COVID-19 cases are mostly due to severe inflammatory reaction and cytokine storm, which may lead to multiple organ failure and death. Until recently, there is no proven effective treatment for severe COVID-19. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Therefore, they are supposed to work on COVID-19, which has failed to recover using other treatments. Therefore, studies are needed to determine the best tissue source of MSCs, the dose, repeat, and route of administration. For this review, we searched various databases, i.e. Pubmed, Science Direct, Springer, and WHO website using keywords: “mesenchymal stem cells” and “COVID-19” at 7 May 2020, without time limits. Various clinical trials on the use of MSCs for COVID-19 were registered, and initial results were reported. Initial results were promising but should be interpreted cautiously, as one was a case report, another one was case series, and one was a preliminary study of seven treated patients compared to three controls, where the baseline conditions were unequal. Therefore, well design randomized clinical trials are needed to get more robust prove

    Prospect of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Genetic Repair to Cure Genetic Diseases

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    In genetic diseases, where the cells are already damaged, the damaged cells can be replaced by new normal cells, which can be differentiated from iPSC. To avoid immune rejection, iPSC from the patient's own cell can be developed. However, iPSC from the patients's cell harbors the same genetic aberration. Therefore, before differentiating the iPSCs into required cells, genetic repair should be done. This review discusses the various technologies to repair the genetic aberration in patient-derived iPSC, or to prevent the genetic aberration to cause further damage in the iPSC-derived cells, such as Zn finger and TALE nuclease genetic editing, RNA interference technology, exon skipping, and gene transfer method. In addition, the challenges in using the iPSC and the strategies to manage the hurdles are addressed

    Aplikasi Metode Regresi Logistik Biner Sebagai Model Keberhasilan Belajar

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    Success or fail in a study at university can be affected by some factors. Entry selectionprocess can be an initial stage in success prediction, up to graduation. Have theentry selection examination detected this appropriately ? Or have other evaluationmechanism within their study set early warning ? These are a focus question in thisarticle.According to academic data of year 1998 through 2006, found that entry selectionexamination give a prediction of success proportion of student finishing theirstudy. Meanwhile their second semester grade point academic gave a significant indicationof the success and failure. And also found that second semester grade pointacademic had a significant contribution for their achievement in first stage evaluationresult at fourth semester