24 research outputs found

    Systematic proteomic analysis of LRRK2-mediated Rab GTPase phosphorylation establishes a connection to ciliogenesis

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    We previously reported that Parkinson's disease (PD) kinase LRRK2 phosphorylates a subset of Rab GTPases on a conserved residue in their switch-II domains (Steger et al., 2016) (PMID: 26824392). Here, we systematically analyzed the Rab protein family and found 14 of them (Rab3A/B/C/D, Rab5A/B/C, Rab8A/B, Rab10, Rab12, Rab29, Rab35 and Rab43) to be specifically phosphorylated by LRRK2, with evidence for endogenous phosphorylation for ten of them (Rab3A/B/C/D, Rab8A/B, Rab10, Rab12, Rab35 and Rab43). Affinity enrichment mass spectrometry revealed that the primary ciliogenesis regulator, RILPL1 specifically interacts with the LRRK2-phosphorylated forms of Rab8A and Rab10, whereas RILPL2 binds to phosphorylated Rab8A, Rab10, and Rab12. Induction of primary cilia formation by serum starvation led to a two-fold reduction in ciliogenesis in fibroblasts derived from pathogenic LRRK2-R1441G knock-in mice. These results implicate LRRK2 in primary ciliogenesis and suggest that Rab-mediated protein transport and/or signaling defects at cilia may contribute to LRRK2-dependent pathologies

    A feed-forward pathway drives LRRK2 kinase membrane recruitment and activation

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    Activating mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) cause Parkinson’s disease, and previously we showed that activated LRRK2 phosphorylates a subset of Rab GTPases (Steger et al., 2017). Moreover, Golgi-associated Rab29 can recruit LRRK2 to the surface of the Golgi and activate it there for both auto- and Rab substrate phosphorylation. Here, we define the precise Rab29 binding region of the LRRK2 Armadillo domain between residues 360–450 and show that this domain, termed ‘site #1,’ can also bind additional LRRK2 substrates, Rab8A and Rab10. Moreover, we identify a distinct, N-terminal, higher-affinity interaction interface between LRRK2 phosphorylated Rab8 and Rab10 termed ‘site #2’ that can retain LRRK2 on membranes in cells to catalyze multiple, subsequent phosphorylation events. Kinase inhibitor washout experiments demonstrate that rapid recovery of kinase activity in cells depends on the ability of LRRK2 to associate with phosphorylated Rab proteins, and phosphorylated Rab8A stimulates LRRK2 phosphorylation of Rab10 in vitro. Reconstitution of purified LRRK2 recruitment onto planar lipid bilayers decorated with Rab10 protein demonstrates cooperative association of only active LRRK2 with phospho-Rab10-containing membrane surfaces. These experiments reveal a feed-forward pathway that provides spatial control and membrane activation of LRRK2 kinase activity

    The Parkinson's disease VPS35[D620N] mutation enhances LRRK2 mediated Rab protein phosphorylation in mouse and human

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    Missense mutations in the LRRK2 and VPS35 genes result in autosomal dominant Parkinson’s disease. The VPS35 gene encodes for the cargo-binding component of the retromer complex, while LRRK2 modulates vesicular trafficking by phosphorylating a subgroup of Rab proteins. Pathogenic mutations in LRRK2 increase its kinase activity. It is not known how the only thus far described pathogenic VPS35 mutation, [D620N] exerts its effects. We reveal that the VPS35[D620N] knock-in mutation, strikingly elevates LRRK2 mediated phosphorylation of Rab8A, Rab10 and Rab12 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. The VPS35[D620N] mutation also increases Rab10 phosphorylation in mouse tissues (lung, kidney, spleen and brain). Furthermore, LRRK2 mediated Rab10 phosphorylation is increased in neutrophils as well as monocytes isolated from three Parkinson’s patients with a heterozygous VPS35[D620N] mutation compared to healthy donors and idiopathic Parkinson’s patients. LRRK2 mediated Rab10 phosphorylation is significantly suppressed by knock-out or knock-down of VPS35 in wild type, LRRK2[R1441C] or VPS35[D620N] cells. Finally, VPS35[D620N] mutation promotes Rab10 phosphorylation more potently than LRRK2 pathogenic mutations. Available data suggest that Parkinson’s patients with VPS35[D620N] develop the disease at a younger age than those with LRRK2 mutations. Our observations indicate that VPS35 controls LRRK2 activity and that the VPS35[D620N] mutation results in a gain of function, potentially causing Parkinson’s disease through hyperactivation of the LRRK2 kinase. Our findings suggest that it may be possible to elaborate compounds that target the retromer complex to suppress LRRK2 activity. Moreover, patients with VPS35[D620N] associated Parkinson’s might benefit from LRRK2 inhibitor treatment that have entered clinical trials in humans

    Parkinson's VPS35[D620N] mutation induces LRRK2-mediated lysosomal association of RILPL1 and TMEM55B

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    We demonstrate that the Parkinson's VPS35[D620N] mutation alters the expression of ~220 lysosomal proteins and stimulates recruitment and phosphorylation of Rab proteins at the lysosome. This recruits the phospho-Rab effector protein RILPL1 to the lysosome where it binds to the lysosomal integral membrane protein TMEM55B. We identify highly conserved regions of RILPL1 and TMEM55B that interact and design mutations that block binding. In mouse fibroblasts, brain, and lung, we demonstrate that the VPS35[D620N] mutation reduces RILPL1 levels, in a manner reversed by LRRK2 inhibition and proteasome inhibitors. Knockout of RILPL1 enhances phosphorylation of Rab substrates, and knockout of TMEM55B increases RILPL1 levels. The lysosomotropic agent LLOMe also induced LRRK2 kinase-mediated association of RILPL1 to the lysosome, but to a lower extent than the D620N mutation. Our study uncovers a pathway through which dysfunctional lysosomes resulting from the VPS35[D620N] mutation recruit and activate LRRK2 on the lysosomal surface, driving assembly of the RILPL1-TMEM55B complex.</p

    Parkinson's VPS35[D620N] mutation induces LRRK2-mediated lysosomal association of RILPL1 and TMEM55B

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    We demonstrate that the Parkinson's VPS35[D620N] mutation alters the expression of ~220 lysosomal proteins and stimulates recruitment and phosphorylation of Rab proteins at the lysosome. This recruits the phospho-Rab effector protein RILPL1 to the lysosome where it binds to the lysosomal integral membrane protein TMEM55B. We identify highly conserved regions of RILPL1 and TMEM55B that interact and design mutations that block binding. In mouse fibroblasts, brain, and lung, we demonstrate that the VPS35[D620N] mutation reduces RILPL1 levels, in a manner reversed by LRRK2 inhibition and proteasome inhibitors. Knockout of RILPL1 enhances phosphorylation of Rab substrates, and knockout of TMEM55B increases RILPL1 levels. The lysosomotropic agent LLOMe also induced LRRK2 kinase-mediated association of RILPL1 to the lysosome, but to a lower extent than the D620N mutation. Our study uncovers a pathway through which dysfunctional lysosomes resulting from the VPS35[D620N] mutation recruit and activate LRRK2 on the lysosomal surface, driving assembly of the RILPL1-TMEM55B complex.</p