184 research outputs found

    Are e-cigarettes good or bad?

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    The first generation of e-cigarettes appeared on the EU market in 2006 and soon after it was introduced in the United States. It seems to be very difficult to compare health effects of all of the three generations [...

    E-cigarettes or heat-not-burn tobacco products — advantages or disadvantages for the lungs of smokers

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    This is a narrative review considering the use of e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products. Advantages and disadvantagesof both devices, including biological and clinical consequences, were described. The role of these products in limiting tobaccodependence was also discussed. Possible implications for clinical practice were addressed as well

    Competition of Commodities for the Status of Money in an Agent-based Model

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    In this model study of the commodity market, we present some evidence of competition of commodities for the status of money in the regime of parameters, where emergence of money is possible. The competition reveals itself as a rivalry of a few (typically two) dominant commodities, which take the status of money in turn.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Telemedicine for the management of COPD — near future or a hazy idea?

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    E-papierosy — samo zło czy lepsze z dwojga złego?

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    Pierwsza generacja e-papierosów pojawiła się na rynku europejskim w 2006 roku i wkrótce potem w Stanach Zjednoczonych [...

    Badania transportu glukozy i jego insulinozależnej regulacji w ludzkich limfocytach krwi obwodowej

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    Introduction: We investigated the effects of insulin on glucose transport in human peripheral lymphocytes using flow cytometry. We hypothesized that lymphocytes could be used as tools to study insulin action at the cellular level and facilitate the investigation of mechanisms that lead to insulin resistance. Material and methods: Blood was withdrawn from 25 healthy subjects. The expression of glucose transporter (GLUT) isoforms in plasma membrane and the rates of glucose transport were determined with and without insulin (10 to 100 mU/L). Anti-CD3 phycoerythrin monoclonal antibody was used for lymphocyte gating. GLUT1, GLUT3, and GLUT4 isoforms were determined after staining cells with specific monoclonal antibodies to GLUT1, 3, and 4. Glucose transport was monitored with deoxy-D-glucose, 2-[3H(G)] - 185&#8211;370 GBq. Results: Insulin increased the uptake of deoxy-D-glucose and the expression of GLUT1, GLUT3, and GLUT4 isoforms in the plasma membrane. The optimal effects were always reached at 50 mU/L of insulin with the increase in GLUT1, 3, and 4 expression of 12%, 44%, and 38%, respectively. Mean baseline values of deoxy-D-glucose uptake were 3409 ccpm at 15 min., 6587 ccpm at 30 min., and 12525 ccpm at 60 min. of investigation. The maximal uptake in insulin-stimulated conditions was reached with 50 mU/L of insulin and went up to 12450 ccpm at 15 min., 37482 ccpm at 30 min., and 37916 ccpm at 60 min. of investigation (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Peripheral blood lymphocytes may become an interesting model system to study the effects of insulin on cellular glucose transport. Flow cytometry is suitable for this investigation and may be used as a method to estimate the influence of insulin on GLUTprotein translocation and the dynamics of glucose uptake by lymphocytes. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (2): 182-187)Wstęp: Celem pracy było zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania techniki cytometrii przepływowej do oceny wpływu insuliny na dokomórkowy transport glukozy w limfocytach krwi obwodowej człowieka. Celem badania było również potwierdzenie hipotezy, że limfocyty mogą stanowić interesujący model badawczy do oceny komórkowej aktywności insuliny ułatwiający wykrycie mechanizmu prowadzącego do insulinooporności. Materiał i metody: Krew do badań pobierano na czczo na heparynę od 25 zdrowych ochotników, dotychczas nie leczonych farmakologicznie. Ekspresję izoform transporterów glukozy (GLUT) w błonie komórkowej oraz tempo transportu glukozy oznaczono bez i w obecności insuliny (od 10 do 100 mj./l). W celu oznaczenia obecności limfocytów wykorzystano przeciwciała barwione fikoerytryną anty-CD3. Obecność izoform GLUT ustalono dzięki zastosowaniu przeciwciał monoklonalnych (MoAb) anty: GLUT1, GLUT3 oraz GLUT4. Transport glukozy monitorowano z użyciem deoksy-D-glukozy, 2-[3H(G)] - 185-370 GBq. Wyniki: Insulina spowodowała wzrost wychwytu zarówno deoksy-D-glukozy, jak i ekspresji izoform GLUT1, GLUT3 i GLUT4 w błonie komórkowej. Optymalny efekt reakcji osiągnięto przy stężeniu insuliny 50 mj./l, uzyskując wzrost ekspresji GLUT1, 3 i 4 odpowiednio o 12%, 44% oraz 38%. Ilość pobranej deoksy-D-glukozy w warunkach podstawowych wynosiła średnio 3409 ccpm w 15 min, 6587 ccpm w 30 min oraz 12 525 ccpm w 60 min badania. Przy zastosowanej dawce insuliny 50 mj./l uzyskano maksymalne wartości średnie: 12 450 ccpm w 15 min, 37 482 ccpm w 30 min oraz 37 916 ccpm w 60 min badania (p < 0,01). Wnioski: Limfocyty krwi obwodowej mogą stanowić interesujący model doświadczalny badań wpływu insuliny na transport glukozy. Cytometria przepływowa jest cenną metodą pozwalającą na oszacowanie wpływu insuliny na translokację białek GLUT w błonie komórkowej i wzrost tempa wychwytu glukozy przez limfocyty. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (2): 182-187

    Selected aspects of medical care for patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Poland

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    INTRODUCTION: Noncompliance with healthcare undoubtedly has a strong influence on the high prevalence of uncontrolled obstructive diseases. The aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of medical conduct in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD), with encompassed two-levelled system of health care. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A survey of general practitioners (GP), allergists and pulmonologists practicing in Poland was performed between September and December 2016. The basic survey included the data concerning the number of treated patients, the course of the visits, treatment regimens and whether the patients follow the instructions of the physician. The specialist survey recorded the details of the specialist visits, their frequency and character, an evaluation of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies and an evaluation of the GP’s actions. RESULTS: The basic questionnaire was completed by 807 doctors with an average of 21 ± 9.85 years of medical experience. Most of the interviewed individuals were GPs (56%), followed by pulmonologists (28%) and allergists (16%). The GP reported 47 cases/month with obstructive pulmonary conditions, including 48.94% asthma and 51.06% COPD patients. They diagnosed three new asthma and COPD patients per month. The allergists treated patients with asthma (105 patients/ month), with 19 newly-diagnosed patients/month. The pulmonologists treated fewer asthma cases than COPD: 71 and 98 patients respectively. They reported 14 patients/month of newly-diagnosed COPD cases. The patients took inhaled glucocorticoids and long-acting b adrenoceptor agonists in separate inhalers. The most frequently-used device was a disc. In opinion of the specialists, half of the therapies initiated recently by GPs for patients with asthma and COPD required modifications. CONCLUSIONS: There is a disparity between the true state of medical care of asthma and COPD patients and globally-accepted standards.

    Stratification of patients with COPD according to the 2011 GOLD report

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    Introduction: The authors aimed to compare the distribution of COPD based on the new GOLD grading with stadium based exclusively on spirometry.Material and methods: Eligible patients had an average age of 64.8 years and smoked at least 10 pack-years. COPD was defined according to GOLD fixed cut-off criterion FEV1/FVC &lt; 0.70. In all patients postbronchodilator spirometry was performed. Categories were defined with the mMRC dyspnoea scale and CAT scale. COPD exacerbations in the previous year and lung function were evaluated. Statistical comparisons were done using t-student test.Results: 315 COPD patients, 99 (31.4%) women and 216 (68.6%) men, were examined. Mean pack-years in the whole group was 47.1 ± 17.8. In women this figure was less than in men, 43.7 ± 19.2 vs 49.5 ± 16.5 (p &gt; 0.05), respectively. At study entry, 144 subjects (45.7%) were current smokers, and the majority of them (n-87, 60.4%) belonged to category D — 26/66 (54.5%) women and 51/102 (50%) men. Based on spirometry alone, the patients were classified as moderate COPD 144 (45.71%), severe – 154 (48.89%), and very severe 17 (5.4%). According to the 2011 GOLD report stratification, 60 patients (19.04%) were graded as category A, 63 (20%) as category B, 24 (7.62%) as category C, and 168 (53.33%) as category D, although 21 (12.5% of them) were in category B, but the number of exacerbations classified them as category D.Conclusions: The COPD population is heterogeneous in reference to the symptoms, value of FEV1, and susceptibility to exacerbations. Clinical symptoms assessed using validated questionnaires characterized COPD patients better than the value of spirometric parameters (which are necessary for diagnosis of this disease). Some patients were difficult to classify, especially those belonging to category C.Wstęp: Celem pracy było porównanie rozkładu POChP według nowej gradacji GOLD ze stadium ocenianym wyłącznie na podstawie spirometrii.Materiał i metody: Pacjenci spełniający warunki byli w wieku 64,8 roku i palili papierosy co najmniej 10 paczkolat. POChP było zdefiniowane według GOLD z wartością FEV1/FVC &lt; 0,70 po teście odwracalności obturacji. Kategorie zostały określone według skali duszności mMRC i skali CAT. Oceniano zaostrzenia POChP w ciągu ostatniego roku i wskaźniki wentylacji. Opracowanie statystyczne wykonano przy użyciu testu t-studenta.Wyniki: W badaniach analizowano 315 pacjentów z POChP: 99 (31,4%) kobiet i 216 (68,6%) mężczyzn. Palenie papierosów określone średnią wartością paczkolat w całej grupie wynosiło 47,1 ± 17,8, ale średnia paczkolat u kobiet była krótsza niż u mężczyzn, odpowiednio 43,7 ± 19,2 vs 49,5 ± 16,5 (p &gt; 0,05). Przy przystępowaniu do badania 144 osoby (45,7%) nadal paliły papierosy, większość z nich (n-87 — 60,4%) należała do kategorii D — 36/66 (54,5%) kobiet i 51/102 (50%) mężczyzn. Na podstawie tylko spirometrii POChP umiarkowaną sklasyfikowano u 144 pacjentów (45,71%), ciężką u 154 (48,89%), a bardzo ciężka u 17 (5,4%). Według raportu GOLD 2011 60 pacjentów (19,04%) zostało zakwalifikowanych do kategorii A, 63 (20%) do kategorii B, 24 (7,62%) do kategorii C i 168 (53,33%) do kategorii D, chociaż 21 (12,5%) z nich było w kategorii B, lecz liczba zaostrzeń spowodowała zakwalifikowanie ich do kategorii D.Wnioski: Populacja z POChP jest heterogenna pod względem objawów, wartości FEV1 i podatności na zaostrzenia. Objawy kliniczne oceniane przy użyciu zwalidowanych kwestionariuszy lepiej charakteryzują pacjentów z POChP niż wskaźniki spirometryczne, które są konieczne w diagnozowaniu tej choroby. Niektórych pacjentów trudno sklasyfikować, szczególnie tych do kategorii C