2,052 research outputs found

    Studies on Electrolytic Deposition of Mg Films and their Oxidation

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    Dependence of a Tl Glow Peak Intensity on Irradiation Dose in CaS: Pd Phosphors

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    Biochemcial Changes in Powery Mildew Infected Leaves of Abelmoschus esculentus

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    Four types of leaf samples A1, A2 , B1 and B2 were taken from healthy and infected plants; and their free amino acids, sugars and organic acid contents were analyzed chromatographically. In case of free amino acids lysine, arginine, asparatic acid, glutamic acid, glycine and phenylatanine were found in all. There was no qualitative difference except for lysine, which gets totally consumed during the course of pathogenesis. Quantitatively was a general increase in amino acid content in B1 sample. In all three sugars were detected, they were fructose, sucrose and raffinose in all the four sample. There was a gradual decrease in the concentration of fructose and sucrose during the pathogenesis. While raffinose was maximum A1 in sample. Organic acid detected in these samples were sebacic acid, adipic acid, succinic acid, maleic acid and citric acid. Succinic acid was totally missing in B2 sample. While adipic and citric acid were maximum in B2 sample. The maximum concentration of sebacic acid was A1 sample and was least in B2. The concentration of maleic acid was maximum in A2 sample

    Utjecaj sadržaja lijeka i veličine aglomerata na tabletiranje i oslobađanje bromheksin hidroklorida iz aglomerata s talkom pripremljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom

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    The objective of the investigation was to study the effect of bromhexine hydrochloride (BXH) content and agglomerate size on mechanical, compressional and drug release properties of agglomerates prepared by crystallo-co-agglomeration (CCA). Studies on optimized batches of agglomerates (BXT1 and BXT2) prepared by CCA have showed adequate sphericity and strength required for efficient tabletting. Trend of strength reduction with a decrease in the size of agglomerates was noted for both batches, irrespective of drug loading. However, an increase in mean yield pressure (14.189 to 19.481) with an increase in size was observed for BXT2 having BXH-talc (1:15.7). Surprisingly, improvement in tensile strength was demonstrated by compacts prepared from BXT2, due to high BXH load, whereas BXT1, having a low amount of BXH (BXH-talc, 1:24), showed low tensile strength. Consequently, increased tensile strength was reflected in extended drug release from BXT2 compacts (Higuchi model, R2 = 0.9506 to 0.9981). Thus, it can be concluded that interparticulate bridges formed by BXH and agglomerate size affect their mechanical, compressional and drug release properties.Cilj rada bio je praćenje utjecaja sadržaja bromheksidin hidroklorida (BXH) i veličine aglomerata na mehanička svojstva, kompresivnost i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz aglomerata pripravljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom (CCA). Optimizirani pripravci aglomerata (BXT1 i BXT2) pripravljeni CCA metodom pokazuju adekvatnu sferičnost i čvrstoću potrebnu za učinkovito tabletiranje. U oba pripravka se smanjenjem veličine aglomerata smanjivala i čvrstoća, neovisno o količini ljekovite tvari. Međutim, povećanje prosječnog tlaka s povećanjem veličine čestica primijećeno je u pripravku BXT2 s omjerom BXH-talk 1:15,7. Iznenađuje da su kompakti pripravljeni iz BXT2, s visokim sadržajem BXH, imali veću vlačnu čvrstoću, dok su BXT1 s niskim sadržajem BXH (BXH-talk, 1:24) imali manju čvrstoću. Veća vlačna čvrstoća imala je za posljedicu produljeno oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz BXT2 (Higuchijev model, R2 = 0,9506 do 0,9981). Može se zaključiti da mostovi među česticama BXH i veličina aglomerata utječu na njihova mehanička i kompresivna svojstva te na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari

    पिंजऱ्यातील मत्स्यशोतिचे पर्यावरणावरील परिणाम आणि त्यांचे उपशमन

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    Cage aquaculture requires suitable site, materials to fabricate cage, nutritionally balance feed and healthy seed. The cage farm depending upon intensification generates the considerable wastes which include uneaten food, excretory products (faecal matter and urinary products). Many cage aquaculture activities utilize chemicals for prophylactic as well as therapeutic purpose which further contributes to the total waste discharge. Further, microorganisms and parasites associated with caged fish also contribute towards cumulative environmental degradation

    Flexible and Robust k-Zero Day Safety Network Security Metrics to Measure the Risk on Different Vulnerabilities

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    Today's computer systems face sophisticated attackers who combine multiple vulnerabilities to penetrate networks with devastating impact. The overall security of a network cannot be determined by simply counting the number of vulnerabilities. In fact, the security risk of unknown vulnerabilities has been considered as something immeasurable due to the less predictable nature of software flaws. This causes a major difficulty to security metrics, because a more secure configuration would be of little value if it were equally susceptible to zero-day attacks. In this paper, instead of just counting how much such vulnerability would be required for compromising network assets we can also attempting to rank unknown vulnerabilities. We propose a Flexible and Robust k-Zero Day Safety security model to rank the zero-day attacks by using collaborative filtering technique to different (types of) zero-day vulnerabilities and novel security metrics for uncertain and dynamic data. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15073

    Review of k-Zero Day Safety Network Security Metrics to Measure the Risk on Different Vulnerabilities

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    Today's computer networks face intelligent attackers who combine multiple vulnerabilities to penetrate networks with destructive impact. The overall network security cannot be determined by simply counting the number of vulnerabilities. Due to the less predictable nature of software flaws we can’t measure the security risk of unknown vulnerabilities. This affects to security metrics, because a safer configuration would be of little value if it were equally vulnerable to zero-day attacks. In this paper, instead of just measuring how much such vulnerability would be required for compromising network assets we can also attempting to rank unknown vulnerabilities. By using collaborative filtering technique to different (types of) zero-day vulnerabilities and novel security metrics for uncertain and dynamic data we propose a Flexible and Robust k-Zero Day Safety security model to rank the zero-day attacks. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16044

    समुद्रातल्या पिंजऱ्यातली संगोपन मत्स्यशोति

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    For the grow-out trials, circular cages of diameter ranging from 6-15 meters have been tried by CMFRI. However, cage diameter 6-10 is recommended for the culture of Mullet, Cobia, Pompano, Sea bass and Pearl spot. The grow-out of candidate species in caged enclosures requires proper planning and management. The critical inputs like right kind of seed, nutritionally balanced feed and routine cage maintenance activity decide the success of grow-out production. Unlike closed or semi-closed culture systems, marine environment is more diverse and dynamic, thus did not offer much scope for the environmental as well as biological manipulations. After proper site selection and cage installations, cages should be stocked with recommended numbers of seed depending upon water volume/ cage area