14 research outputs found

    Tehnologija gajenja belog sleza (Althaea officinalis L.) sa osvrtom na bolesti i štetočine

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    Marshmallow is a very promising medicinal plant whose uncontrolled exploitation can lead to extinction in the wild. As the quantity of wild grown marshmallow cannot meet the growing needs, it is increasingly cultivated. However, the introduction of some plants to grown cultures causes diseases and pests regularly accompanying this plant to have a higher occurrence rate. Diseases that can appear when marshmallow is grown in the field are certain fungal diseases, such as: rust (Puccinia malvacearum), anthracnose (Colletotrichum malvarum) and some polyphaga (Choanephora cucurbitarum, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium sp.). When pests are concerned, the most significant are flea beetles (Podagrica fuscicornis i P. malvae). Also recorded are weevils (Apion validum, A. longirostre, A. radiolus), black weevil (Baris timida), mallow skipper (Carcharodus alceae) and mallow aphid (Aphis malvae). In addition, there are also moths (Gelechia malvella and Hydraecia osseola hucherardi) which can cause significant damage.Beli slez je vrlo perspektivna lekovita biljka čija nekontrolisana eksploatacija može dovesti do istrebljenja u slobodnoj prirodi. Kako količine samoniklog sleza ne mogu da zadovolje narasle potrebe, to se beli slez sve više gaji. Međutim, uvođenjem neke biljke u kulturu, intenzivnije se javljaju bolesti i štetočine koje je redovno prate. Kod belog sleza od bolesti prisutne su: rđa (Puccinia malvacearum), antraknoza (Colletotrichum malvarum) i neke polifagne gljive (Choanephora cucurbitarum, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium sp.). Od štetočina najznačajniji su buvači (Podagrica fuscicornis i P. malvae). Pored njih, zabeležene su još i pipe (Apion validum, A. longirostre, A. radiolus, Baris timida) i lisne vaši (Aphis malvae). Takođe, javlja se i slezova krupnoglavka (Carcharodus alceae), kao i moljci (Gelechia malvella i Hydraecia osseola hucherardi), koji mogu takođe da prouzrokuju značajne šete

    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Angelica archangelica Root Essential Oil

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    Roots of wild growing Angelica archangelica L. from Mt. Ozren (Serbia) were subjected to hydrodistillation and GC-MS analysis. The roots contained 0.10% of essential oil with alpha-pinene (29.7%), delta-3-carene (14.2%), and a mixture of beta-phellandrene and limonene (13.2%) as main compounds. The modified resazurin microtiter-plate assay was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the essential oil against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were 14.2 mu L/mL for S. aureus and 28.4 mu L/mL for E. coli, while the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were 56.8 mu L/mL and 113.6 mu L/mL, respectively. According to the obtained results, the angelica root essential oil can be applied as a natural preservative in food and as a natural antibiotic for the treatment of several infectious diseases caused by these two bacteria

    Gibberella zeae na semenu kantariona u Srbiji

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    Gibberella zeae (anamorph Fusarium graminearum) was determined on seed of St. John's wort produced in localities Pančevo, Gorobilje and Kačarevo during 2008 and 2009. Morphological characteristics of monosporial isolates were described. All tested isolates formed in vitro perithecia, and were classified as F. graminearum (syn. F. graminearum Group 2). Pathogenicity was confirmed by the artificial inoculation of St. John's wort seed.Ispitivanjem zdravstvenog stanja semena kantariona iz kolekcije Instituta za proučavanje lekovitog bilja 'Dr Josif Pančić' proizvedenog tokom 2008. i 2009. godine u lokalitetima Pančevo, Gorobilje i Kačarevo, prvi put je u Srbiji utvrđeno prisustvo vrste Gibberella zeae (anamorf Fusarium graminearum). Ova vrsta je identifikovana na osnovu makroskopskih i mikroskopskih osobina dobijenih monospornih izolata. Svi ispitivani izolati su u in vitro uslovima formirali peritecije, te su na osnovu ovog i drugih osobina identifikovani kao F. graminearum (syn. F. graminearum Grupa 2). Patogenost je potvrđena pojavom nekroze klijanaca nakon inokulacije semena kanatariona

    Redox Parameters in Blood of Thyroid Cancer Patients After the Radioiodine Ablation

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    The radioactive iodine (I-131) ablation is a well-accepted treatment modality for differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Unfortunately, the radiation induces the oxidative stress and damages cells and tissues, simultaneously activating the mechanisms of antioxidative defense. Since the mechanisms of those processes are not completely known, we wanted to examine the changes in the most important reactive oxygen species and antioxidative components, as well as their correlation and significance for lipid peroxidation. Our results showed that the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was increased during the first 30 days after the radiotherapy. Among antioxidant components, superoxide dismutase was increased in the 3rd and 30th day; catalase in 7th and reduced glutathione in 3rd and 7th day after the radiotherapy. As regards the prooxidants, the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was recorded in 7th and 30th day, and superoxide anion radical (O-2(center dot-)) was unchanged after the exposure to I-131. These results indicate that differentiated thyroid cancer patients are under constant oxidative stress despite the observed increase in antioxidative and reduction in prooxidative parameters. The understanding of these early processes is important since their progress determines the latter effects of I-131 therapy

    Effect of chronic cadmium exposure on antioxidant defense system in some tissues of rats: Protective effect of selenium

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    The effects of selenium ( Se) on antioxidant defense system in liver and kidneys of rats with cadmium (Cd)-induced toxicity were examined. Cd exposure (15 mg Cd/kg b.m./day as CdCl2 for 4 weeks) resulted in increased lipid peroxidation ( LP) in both organs (p < 0.005 and p < 0.01). Vitamin C (Vit C) was decreased in the liver ( p < 0.005), whereas vitamin E ( Vit E) was increased in the liver and kidneys ( p < 0.005 and p < 0.05) of Cd-exposed animals. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were decreased in both tissues ( p < 0.05 and p < 0.005), whereas catalase (CAT) activity was decreased only in liver ( p < 0.005). Glutathione S-transferase (GST) increased in both tissues ( p < 0.005 and p<0.01). Treatment with Se (0.5 mg Se/kg b.m./day as Na2SeO3 for 4 weeks) significantly increased liver and kidneys SOD and GSH-Px activities ( p < 0.05 to p < 0.005), as well as CAT and GST activities only in the liver ( p < 0.01). In animals exposed to Se, both the concentrations of Vit C ( p < 0.01) and Vit E (p < 0.005) were increased in both tissues. Co-treatment with Se resulted in reversal of oxidative stress with significant decline in analyzed tissues Cd burden. Our results show that Se may ameliorate Cd-induced oxidative stress by decreasing LP and altering antioxidant defense system in rat liver and kidneys and that Se demonstrates the protective effect from cadmium-induced oxidative damage.nul

    Combined effects of coenzyme Q(10) and Vitamin E in cadmium induced alterations of antioxidant defense system in the rat heart

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    Our study investigated the possible protective effects of coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) and Vitamin E (Vit E) alone or in combination against cadmium (Cd) induced alterations of antioxidant defense system in the rat heart. Male Wistar rats were injected with a single dose of CdCl(2) (0.4 mg Cd/kg BW i.p.), CoQ(10) (20 mg CoQ(10)/kg BW i.m.) and Vit E (20 IU Vit E/kg BW i.m.), alone or in combination. Acute intoxication of rats with Cd were followed by significantly increased activity of antioxidant defense enzymes (CuZn SOD, GSH-Px, GST and GR), while the activity of Mn SOD was decreased in the heart. The treatment with Cd significantly decreased Vit C and Vit E concentrations. Treatment with CoQ10 and Vit E reversed Cd-induced alterations of antioxidant defense system. The obtained results support the assumption that CoQ10 and Vit E functions cooperatively with endogenous antioxidants and diminished toxic effects of Cd in rat heart. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.nul

    Combined effects of coenzyme Q(10) and Vitamin E in cadmium induced alterations of antioxidant defense system in the rat heart

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    Our study investigated the possible protective effects of coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) and Vitamin E (Vit E) alone or in combination against cadmium (Cd) induced alterations of antioxidant defense system in the rat heart. Male Wistar rats were injected with a single dose of CdCl(2) (0.4 mg Cd/kg BW i.p.), CoQ(10) (20 mg CoQ(10)/kg BW i.m.) and Vit E (20 IU Vit E/kg BW i.m.), alone or in combination. Acute intoxication of rats with Cd were followed by significantly increased activity of antioxidant defense enzymes (CuZn SOD, GSH-Px, GST and GR), while the activity of Mn SOD was decreased in the heart. The treatment with Cd significantly decreased Vit C and Vit E concentrations. Treatment with CoQ10 and Vit E reversed Cd-induced alterations of antioxidant defense system. The obtained results support the assumption that CoQ10 and Vit E functions cooperatively with endogenous antioxidants and diminished toxic effects of Cd in rat heart. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.nul


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    A kinetic spectrophotometric method for determining the residues of herbicide bromofenoxim (BrFX) has been developed and validated. The proposed method is based on the inhibitory effect of BrFX on the oxidation of sulfanilic acid (SA) by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Cu(II) ion, which was monitored at 370 nm. The variables affecting the rate of the reaction were investigated and the optimum conditions were established. BrFX can be measured in the range of 0.041 – 0.46 μg/ml and 0.46 – 13.86 μg/ml. The detection limit of the method with 3σ criteria is 0.0077 μg/ml. The relative standard deviations for five replicate determinations of 0.041, 0.24 and 0.46 μg/ml BrFX are 3.0, 5.32 and 2.85%, respectively. This method can be successfully used to determine BrFX concentration in baby juice samples. The HPLC method is used to verify the results. The results obtained for the same samples by the two methods are quite comparable.  Razvijena je i validirana kinetičko-spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje rezidua herbicida bromfenoksima (BrFX). Predložena metoda bazira se na inhibitornom dejstvu bromfenoksima u reakciji oksidacije sulfanilne kiseline vodonik peroksidom u prisustvu Cu(II jona) kao katalizatora. Merenja su vršena na talasnoj dužini od 370 nm. Određeni su optimalni eksperimentalni uslovi ispitivanjem uticaja svakog reagensa pojedinačno na brzinu indikatorske reakcije. Konstruisana je kalibraciona kriva u dva intervala koncentracija bromfenoksima od 0,041 do 0,46 μg/cm3 i od 0,46 do 13.86 μg/cm3 . Granica detekcije metode prema 3σ kriterijumu je 0.0077 μg/cm3 . Određeni su optimalni eksperimentalni uslovi pri kojima BrFX pokazuje najjači inhibitorni efekat na indikatorsku reakciju. Postavljene su kinetičke jednačine za katalitički i katalitičko-inhibitorni proces. Relativna standardna devijacija (RSD) izračunata je za tri koncentracije BrFX 0,041, 0,24 i 0,46 μg/ml u pet ponavljanja i iznosi 3,0, 5,32 i 2,85%. Kinetičko-spektrofotometrijska metoda primenjena je za određivanje bromfenoksima u sokovima za bebe nakon ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (SPE). Za potvrdu rezultata kinetičke metode rađena je HPLC analiza kao uporedna metoda. Obe metode su dale uporedive rezultate

    Lipid peroxidation and the concentration of antioxidant compounds (vitamin E and vitamin C) in the liver and white muscle of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L.) from the Adriatic Sea

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    Background and Purpose: Recent investigations in biomonitoring include the follow-up of biochemical and physiological parameters in order to estimate the condition of the environment. Oxidative stress parameters are significant biomarkers of ecological pollution of the sea. Materials and Methods: Specimens of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) were collected from the seawater at the localities of Platamuni and Valdanos (in the Adriatic Sea) both in winter and spring. The concentrations of lipid peroxides (LP), vitamin E (vit E) and vitamin C (vit C) were determined both in the liver and white muscle. Salinity, temperature, oxygen saturation, concentrations of nitrates and nitrites and detergents were determined in the seawater at the time of specimen collection. Results and Conclusions: The obtained results showed higher concentration of LP, vit E and vit C in the liver of red mullet when compared to white muscle. The concentrations of LP and vit C were higher, whereas the vit E concentration was lower in winter than in spring. In both the liver and white muscle (from Valdanos), higher concentration of LP and lower concentration of vit E were found when compared to those from Platamuni. Such changes in the oxidative stress parameters were in correlation with seasonal changes in temperature and the concentrations of nitrates, nitrites and detergents in the water. The intensity of oxidative stress in liver of red mullet was higher in comparison to muscles. It was also higher in winter compared to spring, and higher in Valdanos than in Platamuni. In conclusion, parameters of oxidative stress in tissues of red mullet are good markers for the biomonitoring of environment conditions.nul