1,597 research outputs found
Hydrodynamical and radio evolution of young supernova remnant G1.9+0.3 based on the model of diffusive shock acceleration
The radio evolution of, so far the youngest known, Galactic supernova remnant
(SNR) G1.9+0.3 is investigated by using three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic
modelling and non-linear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in
SNRs. We include consistent numerical treatment of magnetic field amplification
(MFA) due to resonant streaming instability. Under the assumption that SNR
G1.9+0.3 is the result of a Type Ia supernova explosion located near the
Galactic Centre, using widely accepted values for explosion energy 10
erg and ejecta mass 1.4 , the non-thermal continuum radio emission
is calculated. The main purpose of this paper is to explain radio flux
brightening measured over recent decades and also predict its future temporal
evolution. We estimate that the SNR is now 120 yr old, expanding in an
ambient density of 0.02 cm, and explain its steep radio spectral index
only by means of efficient non-linear diffusive shock acceleration (NLDSA). We
also make comparison between simulations and observations of this young SNR, in
order to test the models and assumptions suggested. Our model prediction of a
radio flux density increase of 1.8 per cent yr during the past
two decades agrees well with the measured values. We synthesize the synchrotron
spectrum from radio to X-ray and it fits well the VLA, MOST, Effelsberg,
Chandra and NuSTAR measurements. We also propose a simplified evolutionary
model of the SNR in gamma rays and suggest it may be a promising target for
gamma-ray observations at TeV energies with the future generation of
instruments like Cherenkov Telescope Array. SNR G1.9+0.3 is the only known
Galactic SNR with the increasing flux density and we present here the
prediction that the flux density will start to decrease approximately 500 yr
from now. We conclude that this is a general property of SNRs in free expansion
phase.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 1 table; corrected typos, updated reference
Electrochemical Removal of Microorganisms in Drinking Water
It is known that silver, even in small concentrations (hundred parts of milligrams per liter), has the ability to destroy microorganisms, i.e. it has strong bactericidal abilities. Cleansing vast amount of water using bactericidal ability of silver is usually performed in electrochemical way. The advantages of electrochemical disinfection process like: (a) environmental compatibility, (b) versatility to kill a wide variety of microorganisms under mild conditions, (c) no need for adding chemical medicines and (d) the benefits of in-situ generation greatly lower problems and dangers of usage gas chlorine in water disinfection, which is greatest during transport and storing of this disinfectant. Appliances for electrochemical disinfection of drinking water eliminate these faults of conventional disinfection methods. Medical researches show that excess of chlorine in water reacts with organic matter, leading to mutations and cancer formation in digestion organs and bladder. This paper represents research of succesful microbiological disinfection of natural water that contains Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas aeruginisa, Sulfate-reducing clostridium, Streptococcus (F), Aeromonas, Citrobacter (F), Esherichia coli, Enterobacter (F) and Bacillus by water-disinfection appliance. This appliance can be used in water systems like water sorces, traps, reservoires, pools etc. (certificate of Clinical Center of Serbia)
Muzika kod zdravog i obolelog mozga
Art and creativity originate in the brain and depend on normal brain functioning. Music is a multifacet phenomenon that exists as a universal heritage across all human societies and throughout the entire human history. There are numerous brain-based mechanisms involved in the cognitive processing of music, including music listening, performing, composing, reading, writing, as well as musical aesthetics and musical emotion. Music relates to many brain functions including perception, motor action, cognition, emotion, learning and memory. Various brain regions are associated with music processing and production, including the right anterior and posterior superior temporal lobe, the right inferior frontal cortex, the right prefrontal, bilateral premotor and bilateral parietal areas, the right anterior cerebellar lobe, language areas and limbic structures. In a diseased brain, after acquired brain injury, disorders in music perception or production have been described, although considered rare. Amusia or music-specific agnosia, a defective perception of music or its components is typically associated with temporal lobe lesions, and is more likely to occur with right-sided involvement. Etiology of acquired amusia comprise many diseases and conditions leading to brain injury, including traumatic brain injury, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, neoplasma, iatrogenic and epilepsy-related conditions, infections and degenerative diseases. Additionally, there are cases of congenital amusia, attributed to abnormality in neural networks for music, associated with structural variations in the frontal and temporal lobes.Umetnost i kreativnost potiču iz mozga i zavise od njegovog normalnog funkcionisanja. Muzika je multifacetni fenomen koji postoji kao univerzalno nasleđe u svim ljudskim društvima i kroz čitavu ljudsku istoriju. Postoje mnogobrojni moždani mehanizmi uključeni u kognitivnu obradu muzike, uključujući slušanje muzike, izvođenje, pisanje, čitanje, kao i muzičku estetiku i muzičke emocije. Muzika se odnosi na mnoge funkcije mozga, uključujući percepciju, motoriku, kogniciju, emocije, učenje i pamćenje. Različiti regioni mozga su povezani sa obradom i proizvodnjom muzike, uključujući prave prednje i zadnje superiorne temporalne režnje, desno inferiorni frontalni korteks, desno prefrontalni, bilateralni premotor i bilateralni parietalni prostori, desni anteriorni cerebelarni režanj, jezičke površine, limbičke strukture. U obolelom mozgu, nakon traume mozga, opisani su poremećaji u percepciji ili produkciji muzike, iako se smatraju retkim. Amuzija ili specifična muzička agnozija, narušena percepcija muzike ili njenih komponenti obično se povezuje sa lezijama temporalnog režnja i pretežno se javlja kod oštećenja desne polovine mozga. Etiologija stečene amusije obuhvata mnoge bolesti i stanja koji dovode do lezija mozga, uključujući traumatske povrede, ishemijski ili hemoragični moždani udar, neoplazme, jatrogena stanja, epilepsije, infekcije i degenerativne bolesti. Postoje i slučajevi kongenitalne amuzije, u vezi poremećaja neuronskih mreža za muziku, povezanih sa strukturnim varijacijama u frontalnom i temporalnom režnju
Frontalni sistem donošenja odluka
Frontal decision making system is both deliberative and automatic. Cognitive part of this system is mediated by prefrontal areas and emotive by limbic system and amygdala. Dopaminergic system is important in this function. The decision making process is constantly adjusted. Orbitofrontal cortex constantly evaluates the desirability of each action and adjusts decision-making strategy according to the current situation. If the environment is rapidly changing or is uncertain, the anterior cingulate cortex includes in decision-making. Interaction between prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia is necessary for decision-making. Autoactivation is mediated by medial prefrontal cortex and internal palidum. Apathy is a result of disruption of prefrontal decision-making system that consists of prefrontal cortex and prefrontal-subcortical neuronal circuits. Theory of mind (ToM) describes our ability to understand the mental state of others and to appreciate how it differs from our mental state and to predict their behavior. It is believed that the cellular level of ToM are mirror neurons. Impairment of the ToM leads to problems in social relations, providing adequate information, commenting on the conversation, thought disturbance and results in poor communication skills.Frontalni sistem donošenja odluka je i svesni i automatski. Kognitivni deo ovog sistema je posredovan prefrontalnim oblastima, a emotivni limbičkim sistemom i amigdalom. Dopaminergički sistem je važan za ovu funkciju. Proces donošenja odluka se neprestano prilagođava. Orbitofrontalna kora stalno ocenjuje poželjnost svake akcije i podešava strategiju odlučivanja prema trenutnoj situaciji. Ako se okruženje brzo menja, ili je neizvesno, prednja cingularna kora se uključuje u donošenje odluka. Interakcija između prefrontalnog korteksa i bazalnih ganglija je neophodna za donošenje odluka. Autoaktivacija je posredovana medijalnim prefrontalnim korteksom korteksom i unutrašnjim palidumom. Apatija je posledica prekida prefrontalnog sistema odlučivanja koji se sastoji od prefrontalni korteks i prefrontalni-subkortikalnim neuronskih kola. Teorija uma opisuje našu sposobnost da razumemo mentalno stanje drugih i da procenjujemo kako se razlikuje od našeg mentalnog stanja te da se predvidi njihovo ponašanje. Veruje se da je na ćelijskom nivou teorija uma posredovana ogledalskim neuronima. Poremećaj teorije uma dovodi do problema u društvenim odnosima, pružanja odgovarajućih informacija, komentarisanja konverzacije, poremećaja misli i dovodi do loših socijalnih veština
Vitamin D u svim dobima života
Vitamin D is a secosteroid hormon with pleiotrophic functions and essential for normal development and health throughout the entire life span. Vitamin D deficiency has epidemic proportions worldwide and interferes with important metabolic processes. Its prevalence is estimated in various populations of different etnicity and age from 50% up to 100% in certain groups. The main source of vitamin D for men is skin production by ultraviolet B radiation acting on 7-dehydrocholesterol. This is cholecalciferol or vitamin D3. Less than 20% is obtained from food. The active form, 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D (calcitriol) is synthesized in the kidney. Synthetic capacity declines with ageing. The main function of vitamin D is calcium homeostasis important for musculosceletal health, innate immunity, arterial integrity, endocrine function, antiinflamation, and various local processes (autocrine and epicrine functions) in more than 30 tissues where receptors exist. Vitamin D is also important for cognitive function, mainly executive in the frontal lobe. Normal vitamin D levels are above 75 nmol/L. Vitamin D deficiency is mostly due to the lack of sun exposure but can also be secondary to some individual characteristics. Deficiency during intrauterine development can lead to early and late negative consequences in bone growth, immune system, and cognition. The extreme deficiency causes rikets. In adults vitamin D deficiency has been suggested as a risk factor for infectious and autoimmune diseases, carcinomas (especially of the breast and colon), multiple sclerosis, falls, osteoporosis, bone fractures, cardiovacular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type I and II, infertility, cognitive decline and dementia. Oral supplementation with serum level normalization can lead to reduction of these risks but even amelioration of some pathological states. Recomendation ranges form 400 IU of vitamin D in infants to 2000 IU in older population, but it should be guided by individual clinical circumstances.Vitamin D je sekosteroidni hormon sa pleotropnim funkcijama i presudan za pravilan razvoj i zdravlje kroz ceo životni vek. Nedostatak vitamina D ima razmere epidemije širom sveta i ometa važne metaboličke procese. Procene u različitim populacijama različitog etničkog porekla i starosti su od 50% do 100 % u pojedinim grupama. Glavni izvor vitamina D kod ljudi je sinteza u koži pod dejstvom ultraljubičastog B zračenja na 7- dehidrocholesterol. To je vitamin D3 ili holekalciferol. Manje od 20% se dobija iz hrane. Aktivni oblik, 1,25-dihidroksi- vitamin D (kalcitriol) se sintetiše u bubrezima. Sintetički kapaciteta opada sa starenjem. Glavna funkcija vitamina D je homeostaza kalcijuma, zdravlje muskuloskeletnog sistema, urođeni imunitet, integritet arterija, endokrine funkcije, antiinflamatorno dejstvo i različiti lokalni procesi (autokrine i epikrine funkcije) u više od 30 tkiva gde postoje receptori. Vitamin D je takođe važan za kognitivne funkcije, uglavnom egzekutivne u frontalnom režnju. Normalni nivoi vitamina D su iznad 75 nmol/L. Nedostatak vitamina D je uglavnom uzrokovan nedostatkom sunčeve svetlosti, ali i nekih individualnih karakteristika bolesnika. Nedostatak tokom intrauterinog razvoja može da dovede do ranih i kasnih negativnih posledica na rast kostiju, imuni sistem i kogniciju. Ekstremni nedostatak vitamin D izaziva rahitis. Kod odraslih je nedostatak vitamina D faktor rizika za infektivne i autoimune bolest, karcinome (naročito dojke i debelog creva), multiplu sklerozu, padove, osteoporozu, prelome kostiju, kardiovakularna i cerebrovaskularna oboljenja, dijabetes melitus tip I i II, neplodnost, kognitivni pad i demencije. Oralna suplementacija sa normalizacijom nivoa vitamina u serumu može da dovede do smanjenja ovih rizika ali čak i ublažavanje nekih patoloških stanja. Preporučene doze iznose od 400 IU vitamina D kod odojčadi do 2000 IU u starijoj populaciji, ali bi trebalo da se rukovodi individualnim kliničkim okolnostima
Hashimoto encephalopathy: Neurological and psychiatric perspective
Hashimoto encephalopathy (HE) is an autoimmune disease with neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations and elevated titers of antithyroid antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Patients are mostly women. Age varies from 8 to 86 years. Prevalence of HE is estimated to be 2.1/100,000. Neurological and/or psychiatric symptoms and signs constitute the clinical picture. The disease responds well to corticosteroid therapy, but sometimes other immunomodulatory therapies must be applied. Autoimmune mechanisms with antibodies against antigens in the brain cortex are suspected. The course of the disease can be acute, subacute, chronic, or relapsing/remitting. Some patients improve spontaneously, but a few died in spite of adequate therapy
The neuropsychology of hallucinations
Hallucinations are a psychopathological phenomenon with neuropsychological, neuroanatomical and pathophysiological correlates in specific brain areas. They can affect any of the senses, but auditory and visual hallucinations predominate. Verbal hallucinations reveal no gross organic lesions while visual hallucinations are connected to defined brain lesions. Functional neuroimaging shows impairments in modality specific sensory systems with the hyperactivity of the surrounding cerebral cortex. Disinhibition and expansion of the inner speech was noted with impaired internal monitoring in auditory verbal hallucinations. The subcortical areas and modal-specific associative cortex and cingulate cortex are essential for the occurrence of hallucinations
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