11 research outputs found

    The extracellular matrix of porcine mature oocytes: Origin, composition and presumptive roles

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) of porcine mature oocytes was revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after treatment with tannic acid and ruthenium red. Present in the perivitelline space (PVS) and on the surface of the zona pellucida (ZP), it appeared to be composed of thin filaments and granules at the interconnections of the filaments, which were interpreted respectively as hyaluronic acid chains and bound proteoglycans. In order to determine whether this material is produced by the corona cells (the same ECM was found also on the surface of the zona pellucida and between cumulus cells) or by the oocyte itself, the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans was checked by autoradiography on semi-thin and thin sections observed by light and electron microscopy. Immature oocytes within or without cumulus cells, were incubated with L [3H-] fucose or L [3H-] glucosamine – precursors respectively of glycoproteins and hyaluronic acid or hyaluronan (HA) bound to proteoglycans – for various times (with or without chase) and at different stages during in vitro maturation. In the first case, incorporation was found in both cumulus cells and ooplasm (notably in the Golgi area for 3H-fucose) and labeled material accumulated in the ECM of the PVS and of the ZP surface. Labeling in the PVS with both precursors was maximum between metaphase I (MI) and metaphase II (MII) and was partially extracted by hyaluronidase but not by neuraminidase. Tunicamycin, an inhibitor of glycoprotein synthesis, significantly decreased the amount of (3)H-fucose labeled molecules in the PVS and increased the incidence of polyspermic penetration during subsequent in vivo fertilization. Since cumulus-free oocytes also secreted (3)H-glucosamine containing compounds, both oocyte and cumulus cells probably contribute to the production of the ECM found in the PVS of mature oocytes. ECM and particularly its HA moiety present on both sides of the ZP may constitute a favourable factor for sperm penetration

    Frequency of Aneuploidy Related to Age in Porcine Oocytes

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    It is generally accepted that mammalian oocytes are frequently suffering from chromosome segregation errors during meiosis I, which have severe consequences, including pregnancy loss, developmental disorders and mental retardation. In a search for physiologically more relevant model than rodent oocytes to study this phenomenon, we have employed comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), combined with whole genome amplification (WGA), to study the frequency of aneuploidy in porcine oocytes, including rare cells obtained from aged animals. Using this method, we were able to analyze segregation pattern of each individual chromosome during meiosis I. In contrast to the previous reports where conventional methods, such as chromosome spreads or FISH, were used to estimate frequency of aneuploidy, our results presented here show, that the frequency of this phenomenon was overestimated in porcine oocytes. Surprisingly, despite the results from human and mouse showing an increase in the frequency of aneuploidy with advanced maternal age, our results obtained by the most accurate method currently available for scoring the aneuploidy in oocytes indicated no increase in the frequency of aneuploidy even in oocytes from animals, whose age was close to the life expectancy of the breed

    A Transgenic Minipig Model of Huntington\u27s Disease

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    Background: Some promising treatments for Huntington\u27s disease (HD) may require pre-clinical testing in large animals. Minipig is a suitable species because of its large gyrencephalic brain and long lifespan. Objective: To generate HD transgenic (TgHD) minipigs encoding huntingtin (HTT)1–548 under the control of human HTT promoter. Methods: Transgenesis was achieved by lentiviral infection of porcine embryos. PCR assessment of gene transfer, observations of behavior, and postmortem biochemical and immunohistochemical studies were conducted. Results: One copy of the human HTT transgene encoding 124 glutamines integrated into chromosome 1 q24-q25 and successful germ line transmission occurred through successive generations (F0, F1, F2 and F3 generations). No developmental or gross motor deficits were noted up to 40 months of age. Mutant HTT mRNA and protein fragment were detected in brain and peripheral tissues. No aggregate formation in brain up to 16 months was seen by AGERA and filter retardation or by immunostaining. DARPP32 labeling in WT and TgHD minipig neostriatum was patchy. Analysis of 16 month old sibling pairs showed reduced intensity of DARPP32 immunoreactivity in neostriatal TgHD neurons compared to those of WT. Compared to WT, TgHD boars by one year had reduced fertility and fewer spermatozoa per ejaculate. In vitro analysis revealed a significant decline in the number of WT minipig oocytes penetrated by TgHD spermatozoa. Conclusions: The findings demonstrate successful establishment of a transgenic model of HD in minipig that should be valuable for testing long term safety of HD therapeutics. The emergence of HD-like phenotypes in the TgHD minipigs will require more study

    Texture of the zona pellucida of the mature pig oocyte. The mammalian egg envelope revisited

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    The zona pellucida (ZP) of mature pig oocytes is believed to consist of a dense filamentous meshwork, less compact on the inner and outer faces. The uneven surface of the ZP is made of unordered and stretched fibrils surrounding deep funnels which are the openings of the radial canaliculi. The topography of the ZP surface may contribute to the initial interplay between male and female gametes. Using cytochemical techniques for transmission electron microscopy (TEM), such as tannic acid and ruthenium red treatments, we found that the ZP of pig oocytes was essentially made of bundles of fibrils distributed in concentric layers (except in the innermost and outer parts). A correlation appears between the dense structure of the core layer of the ZP and its texture: it is constituted of superposed layers of fibril bundles, whereas only a random meshwork is found in a very thin innermost and in the outer layer. The fascicular configuration may control the permeability of the ZP, giving its semi-rigidity and elasticity, and may facilitate sperm penetration. The liquid crystal-like design of the core layer of the ZP is similar to textures found in the the vitelline envelope (zona radiata) of other vertebrates and possibly of all the deuterostomes. Such texture is probably related to the unique ZP protein composition and to a coordinated synthesis

    Detection of chromosome segregation errors by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).

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    <p>Panel A: CGH analysis of euploid oocyte (left panel) and the corresponding polar body (right panel). Panel B: CGH analysis of oocyte (left panel) and the corresponding polar body (right panel) with non-disjunction of chromosomes 7, 8, 11 and 15. Panel C: CGH analysis of oocyte (left panel) and the corresponding polar body (right panel) with premature segregation of sister chromatids of chromosome 12.</p

    The analysis of the chromosomal segregation errors of porcine oocytes matured in vitro.

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    <p>Oocytes with incorrect number of chromosomes are shown for each group. The origin of aneuploidy (chromosome non-disjunction versus premature segregation of sister chromatids - PSSC), chromosomes contributing to aneuploidy and the result of analysis of the corresponding polar body are shown for each cell. LxCLW stands for crossbred of Landrace and Czech Large White pigs.</p

    The frequency of aneuploidy in oocytes from young donors versus oocytes from aged donors.

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    <p>Table summarizing the frequency of aneuploidy in oocytes isolated from various age categories. The total number of oocytes analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) together with the number of oocytes with incorrect chromosomal counts and their frequency per group is indicated. LxCLW stands for crossbred of Landrace and Czech Large White pigs.</p