63 research outputs found

    Temporal analysis of electroretinographic responses in fishes with rod-dominated and mixed rod-cone retina

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    Photoreceptor content of fish retinas could be accessed by comparative electroretinographic (ERG) studies using flickering light stimuli that could separate rod-mediated vision where critical flicker frequency (CFE, frequency when the eye loses its ability to resolve individual light pulses) is usually less than 15 Hz from cone-mediated vision. Four fish species inhabiting different photic environments (small-spotted dogfish shark - Scyliorhinus canicula, eel - Anguilla anguilla, painted comber - Serranus scriba, Prussian carp - Carassius gibelio) were investigated. Dogfish shark b-wave amplitudes significantly decreased at low frequency of stimulation and CFF was reached at 3.2 Hz. A similar effect on the b-wave amplitude was observed in the eel, but CFF occurred at around 20 Hz. Conversely, b-waves of painted comber and Prussian carp remained unaltered under intermittent low-frequency stimulation, and CFFs were around 25 and 30 Hz, respectively. Additional support in accessing the receptor content of fish retinas was given by the characterization of the OFF-response (d-wave) after light adaptation. Monotonous time course of the b-wave dark adaptation indicated a rod dominated retina of the dogfish shark. Observed results indicate that the dogfish shark possesses preponderantly rod retina, that of the eel is rod-dominated, while Prussian carp and painted comber have cone-rich retinae

    Tenascin-C fibronectin D domain is involved in the fine-tuning of glial response to CNS injury in vitro

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    Understanding processes that occur after injuries to the central nervous system is essential in order to gain insight into how the restoration of function can be improved. Extracellular glycoprotein tenascin-C (TnC) has numerous functions in wound healing process depending on the expression time, location, isoform and binding partners which makes it interesting to study in this context. We used an in vitro injury model, the mixed culture of cortical astrocytes and microglia, and observed that without TnC microglial cells tend to populate gap area in greater numbers and proliferate more, whereas astrocytes build up in the border region to promote faster gap closure. Alternatively spliced domain of TnC, fibronectin type III-like repeat D (FnD) strongly affected physiological properties and morphology of both astrocytes and microglia in this injury model. The rate of microglial proliferation in the injury region decreased significantly with the addition of FnD. Additionally, density of microglia also decreased, in part due to reduced proliferation, and possibly due to reduced migration and increased contact inhibition between enlarged FnD-treated cells. Overall morphology of FnD-treated microglia resembled the activated pro-inflammatory cells, and elevated expression of iNOS was in accordance with this phenotype. The effect of FnD on astrocytes was different, as it did not affect their proliferation, but stimulated migration of reactivated astrocytes into the scratched area 48 h after the lesion. Elevated expression and secretion of TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta upon FnD treatment indicated the onset of inflammation. Furthermore, on Western blots we observed increased intensity of precursor bands of beta 1 integrin and appearance of monomeric bands of P2Y12R after FnD treatment which substantiates and clarifies its role in cellular shape and motility changes. Our results show versatile functions of TnC and in particular FnD after injury, mostly contributing to ongoing inflammation in the injury region. Based on our findings, FnD might be instrumental in limiting immune cell infiltration, and promoting astrocyte migration within the injury region, thus influencing spaciotemporal organization of the wound and surrounding area

    The Astrocytic S100B Protein with Its Receptor RAGE Is Aberrantly Expressed in SOD1(G93A) Models, and Its Inhibition Decreases the Expression of Proinflammatory Genes

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    Neuroinflammation is one of the major players in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathogenesis, and astrocytes are significantly involved in this process. The astrocytic protein S100B can be released in pathological states activating the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Different indications point to an aberrant expression of S100B and RAGE in ALS. In this work, we observed that S100B and RAGE are progressively and selectively upregulated in astrocytes of diseased rats with a tissue-specific timing pattern, correlated to the level of neurodegeneration. The expression of the full-length and soluble RAGE isoforms could also be linked to the degree of tissue damage. The mere presence of mutant SOD1 is able to increase the intracellular levels and release S100B from astrocytes, suggesting the possibility that an increased astrocytic S100B expression might be an early occurring event in the disease. Finally, our findings indicate that the protein may exert a proinflammatory role in ALS, since its inhibition in astrocytes derived from SOD1(G93A) mice limits the expression of reactivity-linked/proinflammatory genes. Thus, our results propose the S100B-RAGE axis as an effective contributor to the pathogenesis of the disease, suggesting its blockade as a rational target for a therapeutic intervention in ALS

    Different Functions of Recombinantly Expressed Domains of Tenascin-C in Glial Scar Formation

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    Extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C (TnC) is highly expressed in vertebrates during embryonic development and thereafter transiently in tissue niches undergoing extensive remodeling during regeneration after injury. TnC's different functions can be attributed to its multimodular structure represented by distinct domains and alternatively spliced isoforms. Upon central nervous system injury, TnC is upregulated and secreted into the extracellular matrix mainly by astrocytes. The goal of the present study was to elucidate the role of different TnC domains in events that take place after spinal cord injury (SCI). Astrocyte cultures prepared from TnC-deficient (TnC-/-) and wild-type (TnC+/+) mice were scratched and treated with different recombinantly generated TnC fragments. Gap closure, cell proliferation and expression of GFAP and cytokines were determined in these cultures. Gap closure in vitro was found to be delayed by TnC fragments, an effect mainly mediated by decreasing proliferation of astrocytes. The most potent effects were observed with fragments FnD, FnA and their combination. TnC-/- astrocyte cultures exhibited higher GFAP protein and mRNA expression levels, regardless of the type of fragment used for treatment. Application of TnC fragments induced also pro-inflammatory cytokine production by astrocytes in vitro. In vivo, however, the addition of FnD or Fn(D+A) led to a difference between the two genotypes, with higher levels of GFAP expression in TnC+/+ mice. FnD treatment of injured TnC-/- mice increased the density of activated microglia/macrophages in the injury region, while overall cell proliferation in the injury site was not affected. We suggest that altogether these results may explain how the reaction of astrocytes is delayed while their localization is restricted to the border of the injury site to allow microglia/macrophages to form a lesion core during the first stages of glial scar formation, as mediated by TnC and, in particular, the alternatively spliced FnD domain

    Astroglial Cell-to-Cell Interaction with Autoreactive Immune Cells in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Involves P2X7 Receptor, 3-Integrin, and Connexin-43

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    In multiple sclerosis (MS), glial cells astrocytes interact with the autoreactive immune cells that attack the central nervous system (CNS), which causes and sustains neuroinflammation. However, little is known about the direct interaction between these cells when they are in close proximity in the inflamed CNS. By using an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of MS, we previously found that in the proximity of autoreactive CNS-infiltrated immune cells (CNS-IICs), astrocytes respond with a rapid calcium increase that is mediated by the autocrine P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) activation. We now reveal that the mechanisms regulating this direct interaction of astrocytes and CNS-IICs involve the coupling between P2X7R, connexin-43, and Ī²3-integrin. We found that P2X7R and astroglial connexin-43 interact and concentrate in the immediate proximity of the CNS-IICs in EAE. P2X7R also interacts with Ī²3-integrin, and the block of astroglial Ī±vĪ²3-integrin reduces the P2X7R-dependent calcium response of astrocytes upon encountering CNS-IICs. This interaction was dependent on astroglial mitochondrial activity, which regulated the ATP-driven P2X7R activation and facilitated the termination of the astrocytic calcium response evoked by CNS-IICs. By further defining the interactions between the CNS and the immune system, our findings provide a novel perspective toward expanding integrin-targeting therapeutic approaches for MS treatment by controlling the cellā€“cell interactions between astrocytes and CNS-IICs.casopis je u kategoriji M2

    The effects of wild-type and mutant sod1 on smooth muscle contraction

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    In this work we compared the mutated liver copper zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (SOD1) protein G93A of the transgenic rat model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS), to wild-type (WT) rat SOD1. We examined their enzymatic activities and effects on isometric contractions of uteri of healthy virgin rats. G93A SOD1 showed a slightly higher activity than WT SOD1 and, in contrast to WT SOD1, G93A SOD1 did not induce smooth muscle relaxation. This result indicates that effects on smooth muscles are not related to SOD1 enzyme activity and suggest that heterodimers of G93A SOD1 form an ion-conducting pore that diminishes the relaxatory effects of SOD1. We propose that this type of pathogenic feedback affects neurons in FALS

    The Astrocytic S100B Protein with Its Receptor RAGE Is Aberrantly Expressed in SOD1 G93A

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    Neuroinflammation is one of the major players in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathogenesis, and astrocytes are significantly involved in this process. The astrocytic protein S100B can be released in pathological states activating the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Different indications point to an aberrant expression of S100B and RAGE in ALS. In this work, we observed that S100B and RAGE are progressively and selectively upregulated in astrocytes of diseased rats with a tissue-specific timing pattern, correlated to the level of neurodegeneration. The expression of the full-length and soluble RAGE isoforms could also be linked to the degree of tissue damage. The mere presence of mutant SOD1 is able to increase the intracellular levels and release S100B from astrocytes, suggesting the possibility that an increased astrocytic S100B expression might be an early occurring event in the disease. Finally, our findings indicate that the protein may exert a proinflammatory role in ALS, since its inhibition in astrocytes derived from SOD1G93A mice limits the expression of reactivity-linked/proinflammatory genes. Thus, our results propose the S100B-RAGE axis as an effective contributor to the pathogenesis of the disease, suggesting its blockade as a rational target for a therapeutic intervention in ALS

    Combined segmentation and classificationbased approach to automated analysis of biomedical signals obtained from calcium imaging

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    Automated screening systems in conjunction with machine learning-based methods are becoming an essential part of the healthcare systems for assisting in disease diagnosis. Moreover, manually annotating data and hand-crafting features for training purposes are impractical and time-consuming. We propose a segmentation and classification-based approach for assembling an automated screening system for the analysis of calcium imaging. The method was developed and verified using the effects of disease IgGs (from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients) on calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis. From 33 imaging videos we analyzed, 21 belonged to the disease and 12 to the control experimental groups. The method consists of three main steps: projection, segmentation, and classification. The entire Ca2+ time-lapse image recordings (videos) were projected into a single image using different projection methods. Segmentation was performed by using a multi-level thresholding (MLT) step and the Regions of Interest (ROIs) that encompassed cell somas were detected. A mean value of the pixels within these boundaries was collected at each time point to obtain the Ca2+ traces (time-series). Finally, a new matrix called feature image was generated from those traces and used for assessing the classification accuracy of various classifiers (control vs. disease). The mean value of the segmentation F-score for all the data was above 0.80 throughout the tested threshold levels for all projection methods, namely maximum intensity, standard deviation, and standard deviation with linear scaling projection. Although the classification accuracy reached up to 90.14%, interestingly, we observed that achieving better scores in segmentation results did not necessarily correspond to an increase in classification performance. Our method takes the advantage of the multi-level thresholding and of a classification procedure based on the feature images, thus it does not have to rely on hand- crafted training parameters of each event. It thus provides a semi-autonomous tool for assessing segmentation parameters which allows for the best classification accuracy

    The S100A4 Transcriptional Inhibitor Niclosamide Reduces Pro-Inflammatory and Migratory Phenotypes of Microglia: Implications for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    S100A4, belonging to a large multifunctional S100 protein family, is a Ca2+-binding protein with a significant role in stimulating the motility of cancer and immune cells, as well as in promoting pro-inflammatory properties in different cell types. In the CNS, there is limited information concerning S100A4 presence and function. In this study, we analyzed the expression of S100A4 and the effect of the S100A4 transcriptional inhibitor niclosamide in murine activated primary microglia. We found that S100A4 was strongly up-regulated in reactive microglia and that niclosamide prevented NADPH oxidase 2, mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), and NF-kappa B (nuclear factor-kappa B) increase, cytoskeletal rearrangements, migration, and phagocytosis. Furthermore, we found that S100A4 was significantly up-regulated in astrocytes and microglia in the spinal cord of a transgenic rat SOD1-G93A model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Finally, we demonstrated the increased expression of S100A4 also in fibroblasts derived from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients carrying SOD1 pathogenic variants. These results ascribe S100A4 as a marker of microglial reactivity, suggesting the contribution of S100A4-regulated pathways to neuroinflammation, and identify niclosamide as a possible drug in the control and attenuation of reactive phenotypes of microglia, thus opening the way to further investigation for a new application in neurodegenerative conditions
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