49 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of metal-glass-ceramic composite materials

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    Истраживања у докторској дисертацији посвећена су оптимизацији параметара металургије праха у циљу синтетисања и карактеризације нових композитних материјала високе густине за индустријску примену. Синтетисање композитних материјала имало је за циљ повећање жилавости лома и спречавање катастрофалног лома у стакло-керамичким материјалима уз присуство металног ојачавача као и добијање материјала постојаних у корозионој средини попут воде и киселе кише. Експериментална истраживања се састоје из три дела према групи синтерованих материјала од којих сваки као полазну сировину користи андезит базалт из Републике Србије. У првом делу је приказана синтеза материјала на бази стакло-керамика од андезит базалта. У другом делу је приказана синтеза композитних материјала на бази стакло-керамика-метал, са стакло-керамичком матрицом од андезит базалта и ојачавачем од нерђајућег челика 316L. У трећем делу је приказана синтеза композитних материјала на бази метал-стакло, са металном матрицом од челика 316L и стакластим ојачавачем од андезит базалта. Укупно је синтетисано 20 различитих материјала. Методе коришћене за карактеризацију материјала су: одређивање хемијског састава применом енергијске дисперзионе спектрометријске анализе, фазна анализа применом методе рендгенске дифракције, расподела величинe честица праха применом методе дифракције ласерске светлости и ситовне анализе, густина праха применом пикнометарске методе, релативна густина синтерованих узорака применом Архимедове методе, микроструктурна карактеризација применом оптичке и скенирајуће електронске микроскопије, мерење тврдоће и одређивање жилавости лома Викерсовом методом, док је концентрација отпуштених металних јона у раствору киселе кише одређена оптичком емисионом спектрометријом са индуктивно спрегнутом плазмом.The research in the doctoral dissertation is focused on the optimization of the powder metallurgy parameters with the aim of synthesising new high-density composite materials and their characterization for industrial applications. The synthesis of the composite materials aimed to increase fracture toughness and prevent catastrophic fracture in the glass-ceramic materials with metal reinforcement, as well as to obtain materials resistant to corrosive environments such as water and acid rain. The experimental research consists of three parts according to the group of sintered materials, with each of them using andesite basalt from the Republic of Serbia as a starting material. In the first part, the synthesis of the materials based on glass-ceramic from andesite basalt was presented. In the second part, the synthesis of the composite materials based on glass-ceramic-metal, with a glass-ceramic matrix of andesite basalt and the reinforcement of stainless steel 316L was presented. In the third part, the synthesis of the composite materials based on metal-glass with a metal matrix of the stainless steel 316L and a glassy reinforcement of the andesite basalt was presented. A total of 20 different materials were synthesised. The methods used for material characterization were: the determination of chemical composition by energy dispersive spectrometric analysis, phase analysis by the X-ray diffraction method, powder particle size distribution by the laser light diffraction method and the sieve analysis, the powder density using the pycnometer method, the relative density of sintered samples using the Archimedesʼ principle, microstructural characterization by optical and scanning electron microscopy, hardness measurement and determination of fracture toughness by the Vickers method, while the concentration of released metal ions in the acid rain solution was determined by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma

    Characterization of the high-pressure sintered TiAl-TiB2 composites

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    Program and book of abstracts / 2nd International Conference on Innovative Materials in Extreme Conditions i. e. (IMEC2024), 20-22 March 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

    Fabrication of Porous Anorthite Ceramic Insulation Using Solid Wastes

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    Porous anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) ceramics, suitable for thermal insulation in buildings, were obtained using waste seashells as a source of CaO, kaolin as a source of Al2O3 and SiO2 and banana peel as a pore former. Changing the volume of banana peel as well as the processing temperature was found to be an effective approach to control the thermo-mechanical properties of the obtained anorthite ceramics. The sintering of powder compacts containing up to 30 wt% banana peel at temperatures ranging from 1100 to 1200 °C resulted in anorthite ceramics possessing up to 45% open porosity, a compressive strength between 13 and 92 MPa, a bulk density between 1.87 and 2.62 g/cm3 and thermal conductivity between 0.097 and 3.5 W/mK. It was shown that waste materials such as seashells and banana peel can be used to obtain cost-effective thermal insulation in buildings

    Procedure for application of cutting tools with diamond coating in the processing of Al-12% Si alloy and glass fiber / polyester resin composites on lathe

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    Postupak primene reznog alata sa dijamantskom prevlakom pri obradi legure Al-12%Si i kompozita staklena vlakna/poliesterska smola na strugu je u primeni otpornosti na habanje reznog alata sa dijamantskom prevlakom i površinske hrapavosti obrađivanih površinana definisanje optimalnih režima obrade pomenutih materijala na CNC strugu. Postupak se sastoji od tri faze: 1. Određivanje krive habanja alata sa dijamantskom prevlakom pri mašinskoj obradi legure i kompozita na strugu. 2. Određivanje dijagrama površinske hrapavosti za dati rezni alat. 3. Analiza reznih ivica dijamantskog alata primenom skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM).The procedure for application of cutting tools with diamond coating in the processing of Al-12% Si alloy and glass fiber / polyester resin composites on lathe is in the application of wear resistance of cutting tools with diamond coating and surface roughness of machined surfaces defining optimal processing modes. The procedure consists of three phases: 1. Determination of the wear curve of tools with diamond coating during machining of alloys and composites on a lathe. 2. Determining the surface roughness diagram for a given cutting tool. 3. Analysis of cutting edges of diamond tools using scanning electron microscope (SEM).Broj prijave: П-2021/0115Podaci o nosiocu prava: INSTITUT ZA NUKLEARNE NAUKE „VINČA“ – INSTITUT OD NACIONALNOG ZNAČAJA ZA REPUBLIKU SRBIJU, UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADU (CENTAR ZA SINTEZU, PROCESIRANJE I KARAKTERIZACIJU MATERIJALA ZA PRIMENU U EKSTREMNIM USLOVIMA-CEXTREME LAB), Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11351 Beograd-Vinča, RSPriznati datum podnošenja prijave: 26.01.202

    Machinability assesment procedure of superalloys

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    Postupak ocene obradljivosti superlegura mašinskom obradom je postupak u kome se primenjuju tri kriterijuma obradljivosti: ocena obradljivosti preko postojanosti alata, ocena obradljivosti preko temperatura pri mašinskoj obradi rezanjem i ocena obradljivosti na osnovu oblika i stepena deformisanosti strugotine. Za određivanje ovih ocena korišćeni su eksperimentalni podaci dobijeni snimanjem toka habanja alata, merenjem temperatura u zoni rezanja i određivanjem vrednosti faktora sabijanja strugotine pri obradi superlegura na bazi nikla IN-100 i MAR-M247.The machinability assessment procedure of superalloys is a procedure in which three machinability criteria are applied: machinability assessment based on tool stability, machinability assessment based on cutting temperatures and machinability assessment based on the shape and degree of chip deformation. To determine these assesments, experimental data obtained by recording tool wear process, measuring temperatures in the cutting zone and determining the value of the chip compaction factor when processing nickel-based superalloys IN-100 and MAR-M247 were used.Broj prijave: П-2021/0356Podaci o nosiocu prava: INSTITUT ZA NUKLEARNE NAUKE „VINČA“ – INSTITUT OD NACIONALNOG ZNAČAJA ZA REPUBLIKU SRBIJU, UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADU (CENTAR ZA SINTEZU, PROCESIRANJE I KARAKTERIZACIJU MATERIJALA ZA PRIMENU U EKSTREMNIM USLOVIMA-CEXTREME LAB), Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11351 Beograd-Vinča, RSPriznati datum podnošenja prijave: 18.03.202

    High-density ceramics obtained by andesite basalt sintering

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    In the present study, andesite basalt originated from the deposit site “Donje Jarinje”, Serbia, was examined as a potential raw material for high-density ceramics production. The production of high-density ceramics included dry milling, homogenization, cold isostatic pressing and sintering in the air. To determine the optimal processing parameters the sintering was conducted at 1040, 1050, 1060, 1070 and 1080°C, and afterwards the sintering duration was varied from 30 to 240min at the optimal sintering temperature of 1060°C. Characterization of the starting and sintered materials included the estimation of particle size distribution, density, hardness and fracture toughness complemented with X-ray diffraction, optical light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis. Phase transformations did not occur during processing in the investigated temperature range from 1040 to 1080°C. The obtained research results showed that 99.5% of relative density and the highest hardness and fracture toughness values of 6.7GPa and 2.2MPa•m1/2, respectively, were achieved for the andesite basalt sintered at 1060°C for 60min in the air. The results of the present study confirmed that the sintered andesite basalt can be used as a high-density ceramic material for various industrial applications

    Metal-Glass Composite Material

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    The aim of the paper is to create a metal-glass composite material as well as to examine the possibility of using this composite material for industrial application. Powder of commercial austenitic stainless steel (SURFIT TM 316L) of the diameter from 45 to 65 µm was used in this the experiment. The steel powder of the spherical shape is obtained by atomization od gas. The source of glass was basalt rock from the locality "Vrelo" Kopaonik, Republic of Serbia, due to relative low melting point and low viscosity. Composite materials were manufactured by mechanical mixing steel powders with fresh crushed basal rock in diameter below 45 µm. Mixture of basalt content of 10, 30 and 50 wt.% were prepared. Green compacts were obtained by pressing under pressure of 150 MPa using a steel mold. Thermal treatment is done at 1250 ⁰C for 30, 45 and 60 minutes in a vacuum furnace. Starting powder as well as sintered composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction method (XRD). Morphology of powders and microstructural development were followed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Mechanical properties were investigated by Vickers hardness

    Application of powder metallurgy in the production of the copper-based material

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    Copper-based materials are integral to various industries due to their remarkable properties, including electrical conductivity, strength and thermal stability. These materials have proven to be indispensable in industries such as marine, aerospace and construction. In this study, a Cu 2 wt.%-Zr 0.6 wt.%-B composite material was designed using powder metallurgy techniques. In order to get a viable material, it was subjected to mechanical alloying (MA), cold pressing, and sintering. Each of these steps highly affect the properties of the final composite material. Different parameters were taken into account for the MA process, including the ball to powder ratio (1:10 and 1:15), milling time (20h, 30h) and the weight ratio of the milling balls (uniform size (6 mm) and different sizes (6 mm, 10 mm, 25 mm)). Optimal results were obtained with a pressure of 350 MPa and for the holding time of 5 min for the cold pressing process. Holding the applied pressure for a particular duration allows the particles to rearrange and adhere to each other. It was established that 5 min was an ideal time for the consolidation of the powder. For the sintering process, a few different temperatures were tested, and the best results were obtained at 1030 oC. The microstructural parameters were analyzed using X-ray diffraction. It was noted that 1:15 MA powders had lower crystallite size values compared to 1:10 MA powders. Strain values were lower for 20h of MA compared to 30 h for 1:10 MA powders, while they were the same for 1:15 MA powder. The ball-to-powder ratio was identified as an important factor in increasing the dislocation density in MA powders, where higher dislocation density values were reached for a 1:15 ratio compared to 1:10, for the same MA duration. The size of milling balls also plays a crucial role in the MA process, as uniform-sized balls provide higher dislocation density values compared to different sized balls. Therefore, the best results for dislocation density were obtained for 1:15 powders after 30h of mechanical alloying with the uniform-sized balls.25th Jubilee Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2024 & Thirteenth World Round Table Conference on Sintering XIII WRTCS 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2 to 6, 2024

    Corrosion of Ceramic-Metal Composites in Artificial Acid Rain

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    In this work, the basalt deposits site from southern Serbia was used as a matrix for the composite materials. The corrosion behavior of basalt matrix composites with various ratios of commercial stainless steel 316L (5, 10, 15, and 20 wt.%) and bulk basalt produced by sintering in the air (t=1060ºC and τ=60 min) were studied by immersion corrosion technique. The samples were immersed in a solution of artificial acid rain H2SO4:HNO3 = 9:1 at ≈ pH 3 to measure the concentration of released metal ions using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The elements Fe, Cr, Mn, and Ni were monitored, while the others were below the limit of quantification. The concentrations of the metal ions in the solution were studied over 15 weeks. The ions release rate from all the sintered samples was found to follow the Weibull cumulative distribution function (CDF). This means that the release rate changes over time and allows us to calculate the characteristic times of ion release. The changes in the samples were monitored by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and weight loss. Sintered basalt shows high resistance to corrosion with a characteristic time of about 18 years for Fe and more than 25 years for Cr and Mn. The weight difference between the initial and after 15 weeks of exposure to the solution (sintered basalt) was not observed. On the other hand, the presence of 5 wt.% steel powder in the sintered basalt accelerates the release of metal ions by about six times. When the steel powder content in the composite materials increases, the metal release rate does not change further, but a weight loss is observed. The characteristic times for Fe, Cr, Ni, and Mn in composite materials are about 5 years. These composite materials can be investigated as materials for using in an acid environment.5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2023) : book of abstracts; June 7-10, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovin

    Arc Plasma Deposition of TiO2 Nanoparticles from Colloidal Solution

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    Surface modifications of metallic biomaterials can in great merit, improve the properties of the hard-tissue implants and in that way contribute to the success of the surgical implantation process. Coating deposition stands out as one of the many surface-modifying techniques that can be used to improve implant surface properties and, in turn, induce successful osseointegration. Deposition of the TiO2 layer on the surface of the metallic implants has a great potential to enhance not only their osseointegration ability but also their biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. In the present study, the possibility of successful deposition of the TiO2 layer on the surface of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti), as the most commonly used metallic implant material, by spraying the colloidal nanoparticles aqueous solution in the electric discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure was investigated. To characterize the colloidal TiO2 nanoparticle solution, used for the coating deposition process, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was utilized, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical profilometry were used to investigate the deposited surface layer morphology and quality. Estimation of the deposited film quality and texture was used to confirm that the arc plasma deposition technique can be successfully used as an advanced and easy-to-apply method for coating the metallic implant material surface with the bioactive TiO2 layer which favors the osseointegration process through the improvement of the implant surface properties. The TiO2 coating was successfully deposited using the arc plasma deposition technique and covered the entire surface of the CP-Ti substrate without any signs of coating cracking or detachment