141 research outputs found

    Neuroendocrine Tumor in Large Bowel Biopsy

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    Gubici električne energije u hrvatskoj distribucijskoj mreži su često tema raznih rasprava, kako stručnih i poslovnih tako i medijskih, a njihova analiza je složeno pitanje opterećeno problemom podjele na tehničke i netehničke gubitke. U članku su opisani glavni utjecajni čimbenici i njihov utjecaj na iznos gubitaka s posebnim osvrtom na njihovo kretanje u proÅ”lom i ovom desetljeću te usporedba s gubicima u drugim državama Europe. Osim toga, opisane su glavne aktivnosti kojima se učinkovito djeluje na njihovo smanjenje. Novim zakonodavnim okvirom, briga o gubicima postaje jedna od srediÅ”njih aktivnosti, kako za operatora distribucijskog sustava tako i za Hrvatsku energetsku regulatornu agenciju.Losses of electrical energy in the Croatian distribution network are frequently the subject of various discussions, from the professional and business aspects as well as in the media, and their analysis is an intricate matter complicated by the problem of the distinction between technical and nontechnical losses. In the article, the main factors and their impact on the amount of loss are described, with particular attention to trends in the past and current decade and comparison to losses in other European countries. Moreover, the chief activities for reducing these losses effectively are described. With the new legislative framework, the reduction of losses becomes a central concern for both the distribution system operator and the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (CERA)
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