2 research outputs found

    MOESM4 of Cytokine response to the RSV antigen delivered by dendritic cell-directed vaccination in congenic chicken lines

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    Additional file 4. List of primers used for RT-PCR in this study. Sequences of primers used in cytokine pattern analyses, primers length, amplicon size and amplified genes access PubMed database numbers

    MOESM5 of Cytokine response to the RSV antigen delivered by dendritic cell-directed vaccination in congenic chicken lines

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    Additional file 5. Cytokine profiles of selected genes in progressor and regressor groups of immunized and non-immunized chickens. These data show the expression profiles of all observed cytokines in progressor and regressor groups of immunized and non-immunized chickens. The expression value after challenge was normalized to the basic value of expression in the day of challenge