40 research outputs found

    Effect of minimal disease in a herd on reproductive parameters of sows

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    The aim of this study was evaluation of reproductive performance in sows from herds with minimal disease. Total number of 40 sows were included in the observation and evaluated from the 1st to the 4th parity. The highest reproductive performance was recorded at the 3rd parity. Statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) was found between the 1st and the 3rd parity and highly statistically significant difference (P < 0.01) was recorded between the 2nd and the 3rd parity in number of live-born piglets. Comparison of numbers of stillborn piglets showed statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between the mean values of the 1st and the 4th parity. The results also showed highly statistically significant difference (P < 0.01) in number of reared piglets between the 3rd and the 4th parity. The conclusions of this study indicate that creation and maintenance of herds of sows with high health status lead to excellent results in the area of pig reproduction.O

    The effect of duroc and pietrain boars on growth ability of piglets

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    The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of Duroc, Pietrain and Duroc x Pietrain terminal boars on individual live weight of piglets and average daily gain of piglets from birth to weaning. The effect of sex was also taken into account in the observation. A total of 306 piglets were evaluated. The experiment proved, that terminal boar significantly affects (p < 0.001) birth weight of piglets, their live weight at the age of 14 days and at weaning. Statistically significant effect of terminal boar was also proved for average daily gain from birth to the age of 14 days and average daily gain from birth to weaning. As demonstrated, the piglets of Duroc and Pietrain boars reached higher live weights in all the observed intervals than the piglets of Duroc x Pietrain hybrid combination boar. The same trend was observed for the values of average daily gain in piglets.O

    Effect of Protein Concentrate Supplementation on the Composition of Amino Acids in Milk from Dairy Cows in an Organic Farming System

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    Our experiment examined the effect of feeding a protein concentrate supplement on the composition of amino acids in milk from dairy cows managed in an organic farming system. The experiment included two groups of cows. Animals in both groups received an identical basic feed ration composed of maize silage, clover-grass haylage from the first cutting, grass haylage from the first cutting, winter wheat and spring barley. The first group of dairy cows (n = 10) served as a control without the addition of protein concentrate to the feed ration. The second experimental group (n = 10) received in addition to the basic feed ration a protein concentrate composed of soybean, sunflower and linseed cakes at rate 1 kg per head per day. The experiment lasted 30 days. Milk analysed for amino acid content was sampled at 10-day intervals. Addition of the protein concentrate significantly increased milk contents of aspartic acid, proline, threonine, glycine, alanine and glutamic acid. A significant decrease of valine also was recorded in milk from the experimental group. The results of our experiment show that a protein concentrate supplement can affect concentrations of some amino acids in milk from dairy cows.O

    Vliv zkrmování konjugované kyseliny linolové na produkční užitkovost prasniček

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the supplementation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in feed mixtures influences the parameters of production performance in gilts. The experimental work was realized in operating conditions of a production pig farm. Total number of 40 gilts (20 gilts in control group and 20 gilts in experimental group) of hybrid combination Czech Large White x Czech Landrace (CLW x CL) were included in the observation. During the experiment the gilts kept for rearing were fed with a control compound feed and an experimental compound feed suplemented with 2% of CLA for the time of 65 days. At the beginning and the end of the experiment, performance tests were conducted in accordance with the methodology of ČSN 466164 on Performance and progeny testing in pigs. The gilts in the experimental group reached higher weight 148.05 ± 15.80 kg versus 135.75 ± 17.60 kg (P < 0.05) at the end of the test. The evaluation of mean achieved daily gain for the time from birth to the end of the test confirmed higher values for the gilts in the experimental group 586.05 ± 66.64 g*day-1 against 539.00 ± 62.19 g*day-1 for the gilts in the control group (P < 0.05). Within other parameters of efficiency in gilts, i.e. lean meat content, backfat thickness and depth of MLLT muscle, no significant influence of CLA on their phenotypic manifestation was found. The results of study indicate, that the supplementation of feed mixture for rearing gilts with conjugated linoleic acid can influence the growth ability of gilts.Cílem práce bylo vyhodnotit, zda přídavek konjugované kyseliny linolové (CLA) do krmné směsi ovlivní parametry produkční užitkovosti prasniček. Pokus byl realizován v provozních podmínkách užitkového chovu prasat. Do sledování bylo zařazeno celkem 40 prasniček hybridní kombinace České bílé ušlechtilé x Česká Landrase, přičemž 20 prasniček bylo v kontrolní a 20 prasniček v pokusné skupině. Během sledování byly prasničky ustájeny v odchovně a krmeny kontrolní krmnou směsí a pokusnou směsí s přídavkem 2% CLA, a to po dobu 65 dnů. Na začátku a na konci pokusu byla provedena kontrola užitkovosti prasat dle metodiky České státní normy 466164. Prasničky pokusné skupiny dosáhly na konci testu vyšší hmotnosti 148,05 ± 15,80 kg oproti 135,75 ± 17,60 kg u skupiny kontrolní (P < 0,05). Vyhodnocení průměrného denní přírůstku od narození do konce testu prokázalo vyšší hodnotu u prasniček pokusné skupiny 586,05 ± 66,64 g*den-1 oproti 539,00 ± 6219 g*den-1 u skupiny kontrolní (P < 0,05). V rámci ostatních parametrů produkční užitkovosti prasniček, tj. u podílu libového masa, výšky hřbetního tuku a hloubky MLLT, nebyl zjištěn vliv CLA na jejich fenotypový projev. Získané výsledky ukazují, že přídavek konjugované kyseliny linolové do krmné směsi prasniček během odchovu může ovlivnit jejich růstovou schopnost

    Influence of L-carnitine daily supplement on qualitative and quantitative ejaculate indicators in boars during the summer period

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    The purpose of the project was to determine impact of added L-carnitine in feed ration on quality of Duroc boar ejaculate during the summer period (June - September). Temperature in the stable achieved up to 29.9 oC. For the experiment was chosen 24 Duroc boars. Boars were divided into 2 groups: The control group of boars (n = 12) was fed by the basic feed mixture only. The experimental group of boars (n = 12) was supplemented by 500 mg of L-carnitine/kg of the feed ration. Ejaculate was collected once a week. Monitored parameters were: volume of ejaculate, concentration of sperm, total sperm count, motility of sperm and percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm. L-carnitine concentration in the ejaculate was monitored as well. Results of the experiment show that supplementation of 500 g of L-carnitine into boar ration had a positive impact on sperm motility, significant difference between the boar groups by 8.54 % (P &lt; 0.05) and on decreased morphologically abnormal sperm, significant difference between groups by 12.6 % (P &lt; 0.05), and also significant difference in experimental group during the monitoring by 4.06 % (P &lt; 0.05). After biochemical analysis have been found a statistically significant increase in concentration of L-carnitine in the ejaculate of the experimental group (up to 21.1 μg/ml) and a statistically significant difference between groups (22.0 μg/ml), (P &lt; 0.05).O

    Is a new generation of mycotoxin clay adsorbents safe in a pig's diet?

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    Background: Bentonites, as a clay mineral, serve in pig farms as adsorbents of toxic substances. They are mainly used to reduce the negative impact of mycotoxins to maintain the performance and health status of animals. The new genotypes of pigs are highly sensitive to a range of antinutrients, including mycotoxins. Currently, attention is focused on more effective adsorbents of mycotoxins with a higher adsorption capacity. Such materials are in great demand among feed manufacturers. However, there is a concern that these new materials may also adsorb too many essential nutrients and decrease animal performance. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of the new generation of purified bentonites on the efficiency and health status of the pigs. Results: Forty-eight slaughtered pigs with an average weight of 31.2 +- 2.6 kg were included in the experiment. The pigs were divided into two groups (2 x 24 pigs). Pigs were slaughtered at an average weight of 66.3 +- 5.2. The first group had a diet without clay (control-C). The second group (treatment-T) was fed a diet with a clay additive (purified bentonite) of 1.5 kg/t. Animals were fed the experimental diet for 35 days. In group T, a higher daily weight gain (by 4.8%) and feed intake (by 2.9%) was observed while the feed conversion decreased by 1.9%. There were no significant differences between the groups of pigs during observation in the evaluation of hematological, biochemical parameters of the blood. Morpho-pathological analysis of the jejunum showed similar signs of moderate lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the mucosa in the groups C and T, contained similar number of goblet cells. Conclusion: Taken together, the addition of the new generation of bentonite clays did not negatively influence the health status and the performance of pigs.O

    Analysis of Reproductive Traits in the Painted Stork (Mycteria Leucocephala)

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    The aim of the present study was focused on analysis of reproductive traits in the painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala). The analysis of partial reproductive traits was intended to complete the knowledge necessary for ensuring reproduction of the painted stork in captivity on the required level. The observation was performed in the Zoo Zlín - Lešná from 2011 to 2014. The eggs were measured and weighed after laying and then in several-day intervals. Other observed traits were hatchability of the eggs, number of raised young birds and their weight after hatching. During whole observation period, a total of 90 eggs of the painted stork were evaluated from 12 parental pairs. The average share of fertilized eggs was 38.9 %. Average length of eggs was 68.57 mm, average width was 46.43 mm and average weight was 79.79 g. Average weight loss of eggs during their incubation was 9.87 g. Average hatchability of all the laid eggs was 27.8 %. Average hatchability of the fertilized eggs was 71.4 %. A total of 23 young painted storks were hatched during the observation period. Their average hatching weight was 57.04 g. The overall number of 11 individuals were raised during the four years of observation.O

    Harvesting and forwarding of trees with harvestor technology on railway protection zone lines

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    Předmětem monografie je technologický postup údržby dřevinných porostů v ochranných pásmech podél železničních dopravních cest a následný transport a úprava vytěžené dendromasy. Těžba dříví je dosud řešena na bázi použití přenosné motorové pily. Na strmých svazích pracovníci užívají poutací arboristické systémy. Je vyřešena nová technologie těžby náletových dřevin harvestorem umístěným na plošinovém železničním vozu, kterým je po železnici dopraven na pracoviště. Detailní postavení harvestoru ke kácenému stromu zajišťuje jeho pojezd po plošině železničního vozu. Soustřeďování a odvoz vytěžené dendromasy na úložné skládky pomocí forwarderu, umístěného a stabilizovaného na plošinovém železničním vozu, tvořícího součást zvláštní soupravy, do níž je zařazen minimálně ještě jeden železniční vůz s postranicemi. Vytěžená dendromasa je sbírána drapákem hydraulického jeřábu forwarderu a ukládána na jeho ložný prostor a do úložného prostoru sousedního vozu soupravy. Po naplnění ložných prostor souprava odjíždí na železniční stanici, kde je dendromasa desintegrována přistaveným štěpkovacím strojem a ukládána do ložného prostoru odvozní automobilové soupravy. Konečným produktem technologického postupu je energetická štěpka a v některých případech i výřezy pilařské, agregátové a vlákninové. Navrženým technologickým postupem je zkrácena doba uzavírky tratí, zvýšena bezpečnost pracovníků v těžbě náletových dřevin, požadováno vybavení pracovníků kvalifikačními osvědčeními pro dané práce. Dříví vytěžené z nárostů je zpeněženo se současným úklidem pracovišť a je zajištěna ekologická čistota prací.The monograph subject consists in the technological procedure of care of tree stands in protected zones along railway lines and the subsequent transport and adjustment of felled dendromass. So far, felling is carried out on the basis of portable power saws. On steep slopes, workers use arboristic equipment systems. A new technology has been worked out of self-seeding trees using a harvester placed on a plateau wagon, which is transported to a workplace by railway. The detailed position of the harvester to a felled tree is provided by its movement on the wagon plateau. Skidding and hauling the exploited dendromass to landings is carried out by means of a forwarder placed and stabilized on a plateau wagon creating the part of a special unit where another wagon with side boards was included. The felled dendromas s is collected by a grab of the forwarder hydraulic crane and placed on its loading space and into the stowage space of the unit neighbouring wagon. After filling the loading capacity the unit leaves for a railway station where the dedromass is disintegrated by a chipping machine and placed into the loading space of a logging truck-and-trailer unit. Final products of the technological procedure are fuel chips and in some cases also saw, aggregate and pulp logs. Through the proposed technological procedure, the time of the line closure is shortened, the safety of workers felling self-seeding trees is increased and the equipment of fellers by qualification certificates for given operations is required. Wood obtained from advance growth is realized together with cleaning the workplaces and the environmentally friendly operations are provided.Published Versio

    Effect of fungicidal treatment and storage condition on content of selected mycotoxins in barley

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fungicidal treatment and storage on the occurrence of mycotoxins in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Barley was initially inoculated with Fusarium culmorum followed by the application of fungicides (prothioconazole and bixafen). A screening of 57 mycotoxins were performed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography in tandem with mass spectrometry. The fungicide treatment affected (P <0.05) the levels of zearalenone, β-zearalenol, arternariol and alternariol-methylether that were present. Levels of deoxynivalenol was highest in the second year of monitoring. 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol was not affected by fungicidal treatment or storage. The significant increase (P <0.05) of DON-3-glucoside, 15-acetyl-DON, enniatin A, enniatin A1, enniatin B, and enniatin B1 was measured in barley samples. The results of the experiment determined that the use of fungicides can suppress some kinds of mycotoxins, but not others