12 research outputs found

    Optimization of an educational organization management based on the assignment management system implementation

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    At present, there is an a1cute problem of the low efficiency of handling assignments in the management processes of educational organizations. This is due to a number of factors, including: incorrect formulation of tasks by managers, failure to comply with the established deadlines, inconsistency of the results with the tasks set, unsatisfactory staff compliance with assignment fulfillment regulations, etc. The introduction and further use of the assignment management system based on information analysis technologies with the inclusion of an analytical module into the structure of the information management system of an educational organization can serve to efficiently solve the indicated problems. Considering the current global trends in the development of information technology, this approach is very relevant and in demand, since the use of information technology in the form of an assignments management system allows for efficient communication between managers and subordinate employees. The article discusses the issues of improving the management activities of an organization through the use of an information and analytical system. The role of information technologies in the processes of educational organizations has been investigated. The existing software products used to work with assignments have been analyzed. The procedure for working with the assignment management system is presented. The statistical data on the use of the information-analytical system in practice are presented

    Data on the temporal changes in soil properties and microbiome composition after a jet-fuel contamination during the pot and field experiments

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    The soil response to a jet-fuel contamination is uncertain. In this article, original data on the influence of a jet-fuel spillage on the topsoil properties are presented. The data set is obtained during a one-year long pot and field experiments with Dystric Arenosols, Fibric Histosols and Albic Luvisols. Kerosene loads were 1, 5, 10, 25 and 100 g/kg. The data set includes information about temporal changes in kerosene concentration; physicochemical properties, such as рН, moisture, cation exchange capacity, content of soil organic matter, available P and K, exchangeable NH4+, and water-soluble NO3–; and biological properties, such as biological consumption of oxygen, and cellulolytic activity. Also, we provide sequencing data on variable regions of 16S ribosomal RNA of microbial communities from the respective soil samples

    The Influence of Kerosene on Microbiomes of Diverse Soils

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    One of the most important challenges for soil science is to determine the limits for the sustainable functioning of contaminated ecosystems. The response of soil microbiomes to kerosene pollution is still poorly understood. Here, we model the impact of kerosene leakage on the composition of the topsoil microbiome in pot and field experiments with different loads of added kerosene (loads up to 100 g/kg; retention time up to 360 days). At four time points we measured kerosene concentration and sequenced variable regions of 16S ribosomal RNA in the microbial communities. Mainly alkaline Dystric Arenosols with low content of available phosphorus and soil organic matter had an increased fraction of Actinobacteriota, Firmicutes, Nitrospirota, Planctomycetota, and, to a lesser extent, Acidobacteriota and Verrucomicobacteriota. In contrast, in highly acidic Fibric Histosols, rich in soil organic matter and available phosphorus, the fraction of Acidobacteriota was higher, while the fraction of Actinobacteriota was lower. Albic Luvisols occupied an intermediate position in terms of both physicochemical properties and microbiome composition. The microbiomes of different soils show similar response to equal kerosene loads. In highly contaminated soils, the proportion of anaerobic bacteria-metabolizing hydrocarbons increased, whereas the proportion of aerobic bacteria decreased. During the field experiment, the soil microbiome recovered much faster than in the pot experiments, possibly due to migration of microorganisms from the polluted area. The microbial community of Fibric Histosols recovered in 6 months after kerosene had been loaded, while microbiomes of Dystric Arenosols and Albic Luvisols did not restore even after a year

    Trace elements content in soils and soil inclusions in Batagay ice wedges, North Yakutia, Russia

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    Trace elements in soil and soil inclusions of ice wedges from the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia

    Trace elements in Batagay ice wedges, structure ice, Batagaika and Yana River water, North Yakutia, Russia

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    Average content of some trace elements in ice wedges, structure ice, Batagaika and Yana River water. Samples were taken rom the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia. The analysis was carried out in samples filtered through the membrane filter (filtered) as well as in samples, that were taken after organic inclusions were precipitated (unfiltered)

    Ionic composition of Batagay ice wedges, North Yakutia, Russia

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    Ionic omposition of ice wedges from the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia

    Major and trace elements, δ¹³C, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Late Pleistocene ice wedges: A case-study of Batagay yedoma, Central Yakutia

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    We studied the ionic composition of ice, the content of suspended and dissolved trace- and major elements in ice, values of δ¹³С, and the composition of PAHs of inclusions in the Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice wedges of the Batagay yedoma. For the first time, the complex geochemical study of Batagay megaslump was carried out. The ice of the upper and lower complex of different ages was studied. Mineralisation of the Late Pleistocene ice wedges of Batagay yedoma ranges from 66.56 to 424.8 mg/l, from ultrafresh to desalinated, the ionic composition of the ice is bicarbonate-calcium and corresponds to snow formed under the influence of continental air masses. The proportion of Ca contained in dissolved form is not more than 20-30%; as for the other elements, the proportion of Mg, K, Na, Al, Fe, Mn, Sr, Ba in suspended form is greater than 90%. The content of trace elements in inclusions in ice wedges and soils is equal, which confirms the pedogenic origin of the inclusions in ice. According to our data, values of δ¹³С in lipids of the pedogenic material in ice decrease with depth. The lowest values (values of δ¹³С less than -30‰) were observed in the ice wedge of the upper complex at a depth of 7.4-8.6 m. The increase of δ¹³C values of lipids from pedogenic material in ice wedges with depth is due to the landscape change from grassland ecosystems to forest ecosystems, and may also be influenced by the increased frequency of fires that occurred during the transition to forest ecosystems and the disappearance of large herbivores

    T-Cell Immunity in COVID-19-Recovered Individuals and Individuals Vaccinated with the Combined Vector Vaccine Gam-COVID-Vac

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has required extensive research on the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the creation of new highly effective vaccines. The presence of T-cells in the body that respond to virus antigens suggests adequate antiviral immunity. We investigated T-cell immunity in individuals who recovered from mild and moderate COVID-19 and in individuals vaccinated with the Gam-COVID-Vac combined vector vaccine. The ELISPOT method was used to determine the number of T-cells responding with IFN-γ synthesis to stimulation by peptides containing epitopes of the S-protein or N-, M-, ORF3, and ORF7 proteins, using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). At the same time, the multiplex method was used to determine the accumulation of IFN-γ and other cytokines in the culture medium. According to the data obtained, the proportion of positive conclusions about the T-cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2 antigens in control, recovered, and vaccinated individuals was 12%, 70%, and 52%, respectively. At the same time, more than half of the vaccinated individuals with a T-cell response were sensitized to the antigens of N-, M-, ORF3, and ORF7 proteins not produced by Gam-COVID-Vac, indicating a high likelihood of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Increased IFN-γ release by single sensitized T-cells in response to specific stimulation in recovered and vaccinated individuals did not result in the accumulation of this and other cytokines in the culture medium. These findings suggest a balance between cytokine production and utilization by immunocompetent cells as a prerequisite for providing a controlled cytokine signal and avoiding a “cytokine storm”

    T-Cell Immunity in COVID-19-Recovered Individuals and Individuals Vaccinated with the Combined Vector Vaccine Gam-COVID-Vac

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has required extensive research on the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the creation of new highly effective vaccines. The presence of T-cells in the body that respond to virus antigens suggests adequate antiviral immunity. We investigated T-cell immunity in individuals who recovered from mild and moderate COVID-19 and in individuals vaccinated with the Gam-COVID-Vac combined vector vaccine. The ELISPOT method was used to determine the number of T-cells responding with IFN-γ synthesis to stimulation by peptides containing epitopes of the S-protein or N-, M-, ORF3, and ORF7 proteins, using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). At the same time, the multiplex method was used to determine the accumulation of IFN-γ and other cytokines in the culture medium. According to the data obtained, the proportion of positive conclusions about the T-cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2 antigens in control, recovered, and vaccinated individuals was 12%, 70%, and 52%, respectively. At the same time, more than half of the vaccinated individuals with a T-cell response were sensitized to the antigens of N-, M-, ORF3, and ORF7 proteins not produced by Gam-COVID-Vac, indicating a high likelihood of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Increased IFN-γ release by single sensitized T-cells in response to specific stimulation in recovered and vaccinated individuals did not result in the accumulation of this and other cytokines in the culture medium. These findings suggest a balance between cytokine production and utilization by immunocompetent cells as a prerequisite for providing a controlled cytokine signal and avoiding a “cytokine storm”