36 research outputs found

    Influence of type of stimulus on satisfaction speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia

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    S obzirom na to da afazija često ostavlja dugoročne posledice na jezičkom i komunika- tivnom planu, njenom tretmanu posvećuje se velika pažnja. Pored izbora odgovarajuće metode, za efikasnost terapije neophodna su i adekvatna terapijska sredstva. Imajući to u vidu, cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom. Uzorak je činilo 10 ispitanika sa afazijom koji su se nalazili na rehabilitacionom tretmanu na Klinici za rehabilitaciju ā€žDr Miro- slav Zotovićā€ 2022. godine. U tretmanu je koriŔćena Metoda remedijacije, usmerena na poboljÅ”anje sposobnosti imenovanja. Kao terapijski materijal koriŔćeno je 20 kartica sa objektima u boji i 20 kartica na kojima su objekti prikazani crno-belim crtežima. Za ovo istraživanje oblikovana je skala kojom su ispitanici ocenjivali zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom ocenama od 1 do 5. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi ispitanici izrazili veće za- dovoljstvo kada im se objekti prikazuju u boji nego u vidu crno-belih crteža. Ovaj nalaz sugeriÅ”e na mogući uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom.Considering that aphasia often leaves long-term consequences on the language and communicative level, great attention is paid to the treatment of aphasia. In addition to choosing the appropriate method, it is necessary to choose the most effective therapeutic means. Having that in mind, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of the type of therapeutic material on the satisfaction with speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia. The sample consisted of 10 subjects with aphasia who were undergoing rehabilitation treatment at the ā€œDr. Miroslav Zotovićā€ Rehabilitation Clinic in 2022. The method of remediation aimed at improving the ability to name was used in the treatment. 20 cards with objects in color and 20 cards with objects depicted in black and white drawings were used as therapeutic material. For this research, a scale was designed in which respondents rated satisfaction with speech therapy treatment, with grades from 1 to 5. The results showed that all respondents expressed greater satisfaction when objects were presented to them in color than in the form of black and white drawings. This finding suggests a possible influence of the type of therapeutic material on treatment satisfaction in persons with aphasia

    Types od naming errors in person with aphasia

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    Uvod: Imenovanje slika ili objekata je kompleksan proces koji uključuje veliki broj različitih kognitivnih sposobnosti i mentalnih reprezentacija. Većina osoba sa afazijom ima poremećaj imenovanja, odnosno anomiju. Anomija se manifestuje se deficitima u pronalaženju sadržajnih reči, posebno imenica tokom spontanog govora i na zadacima imenovanja vizuelno i auditivno predstavljenih stimulusa. Iako je odavno pokazano da pacijenti sa afazijom ispoljavaju različite tipove greÅ”aka na zadacima vizuelnog imenovanja, joÅ” uvek nema dovoljno podataka o prirodi tih greÅ”aka. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje tipova greÅ”aka u imenovanju kod osoba sa različitim tipovima afazija. U studiju je uključeno Å”est pacijenata sa afazijom uzrokovanom moždanim udarom. Metod: Za postavljanje dijagnoze i određivanje tipa afazije primenjeni su Skrining test za afazije i Bostonski dijagnostički test za afazije. U studiju su uključena dva ispitanika sa Brokinom, dva sa Vernikeovom, jedan sa konduktivnom i jedan sa anomičkom afazijom. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da svi pacijenti ispoljavaju poremećaj imenovanja. Utvrđeno je da su na Bostonskom testu imenovanja najuspeÅ”niji bili ispitanici sa Brokinom afazijom, dok su najveći broj netačnih odgovora imali ispitanici sa Vernikeovom afazijom. Zaključak: Zaključeno je da se ispitanici sa različitim afazičkim sindromima razlikuju prema tipovima greÅ”aka u imenovanjuIntroduction: Naming pictures or objects is a complex process that involves a large number of different cognitive abilities and mental representations. Most people with aphasia have a naming disorder, i.e. anomia. Anomia is manifested by deficits in finding meaningful words, especially nouns during spontaneous speech and in tasks of naming visually and auditorily presented stimuli. Although it has long been shown that patients with aphasia exhibit different types of errors in naming tasks, there is still insufficient data on the nature of these errors. Aim: The aim of this work is to determine the types of naming errors in people with different types of aphasia. Six patients with aphasia caused by stroke were included in the study. Method: The Screening Test for Aphasia and the Boston Diagnostic Test for Aphasia were used to diagnose and determine the type of aphasia. Two respondents with Broca's, two with Wernicke's, one with conduction, and one with anomic aphasia were included in the study. Results: The results showed that all patients showed a naming disorder. It was found that respondents with Broca's aphasia were the most successful on the Boston Naming Test, while respondents with Wernice's aphasia had the highest number of incorrect answers. Conclusion: It was concluded that respondents with different aphasic syndromes differentiate according to the types of naming error

    The influence of the type of stimulus on satisfaction with the speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia

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    S obzirom da afazija često ostavlja dugoročne posledice na jezičkom i komunikativnom planu, tretmanu afazija posvećuje se velika pažnja. Pored izbora odgovarajuće metode, za efikasnost terapije neophodna su i adekvatna terapijska sredstva. Imajući to u vidu, cilj ove studije je da se utvrdi uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom. Uzorak je činilo 10 ispitanika sa afazijom koji su se nalazili na rehabilitacionom tretmanu na Klinici za rehabilitaciju ā€žDr Miroslav Zotovićā€œ, 2022. godine. U tretmanu je koriŔćena Metoda remedijacije, usmerena na poboljÅ”anje sposobnosti imenovanja. Kao terapijski materijal koriŔćeno je 20 kartica sa objektima u boji i 20 kartica na kojima su objekti prikazani crno-belim crtežima. Za ovo istraživanje oblikovana je skala kojom su ispitanici ocenjivali zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom, ocenama od 1 do 5. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi ispitanici izrazili veće zadovoljstvo kada im se objekti prikazuju u boji nego u obliku crno-belih crteža. Ovaj nalaz sugeriÅ”e na mogući uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom.Considering that aphasia often leaves long-term consequences on the language and communicative level, great attention is paid to the treatment of aphasia. In addition to choosing the appropriate method, it is necessary to choose the most effective therapeutic means. Having that in mind, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of the type of therapeutic material on the satisfaction with speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia. The sample consisted of 10 subjects with aphasia who were undergoing rehabilitation treatment at the "Dr. Miroslav Zotović" Rehabilitation Clinic in 2022. The method of remediation aimed at improving the ability to name was used in the treatment. 20 cards with objects in color and 20 cards with objects depicted in black and white drawings were used as therapeutic material. For this research, a scale was designed in which respondents rated satisfaction with speech therapy treatment, with grades from 1 to 5. The results showed that all respondents expressed greater satisfaction when objects were presented to them in color than in the form of black and white drawings. This finding suggests a possible influence of the type of therapeutic material on treatment satisfaction in persons with aphasia

    Influence of type of stimulus on satisfaction speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia

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    S obzirom na to da afazija često ostavlja dugoročne posledice na jezičkom i komunika- tivnom planu, njenom tretmanu posvećuje se velika pažnja. Pored izbora odgovarajuće metode, za efikasnost terapije neophodna su i adekvatna terapijska sredstva. Imajući to u vidu, cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom. Uzorak je činilo 10 ispitanika sa afazijom koji su se nalazili na rehabilitacionom tretmanu na Klinici za rehabilitaciju ā€žDr Miro- slav Zotovićā€ 2022. godine. U tretmanu je koriŔćena Metoda remedijacije, usmerena na poboljÅ”anje sposobnosti imenovanja. Kao terapijski materijal koriŔćeno je 20 kartica sa objektima u boji i 20 kartica na kojima su objekti prikazani crno-belim crtežima. Za ovo istraživanje oblikovana je skala kojom su ispitanici ocenjivali zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom ocenama od 1 do 5. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi ispitanici izrazili veće za- dovoljstvo kada im se objekti prikazuju u boji nego u vidu crno-belih crteža. Ovaj nalaz sugeriÅ”e na mogući uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom.Considering that aphasia often leaves long-term consequences on the language and communicative level, great attention is paid to the treatment of aphasia. In addition to choosing the appropriate method, it is necessary to choose the most effective therapeutic means. Having that in mind, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of the type of therapeutic material on the satisfaction with speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia. The sample consisted of 10 subjects with aphasia who were undergoing rehabilitation treatment at the ā€œDr. Miroslav Zotovićā€ Rehabilitation Clinic in 2022. The method of remediation aimed at improving the ability to name was used in the treatment. 20 cards with objects in color and 20 cards with objects depicted in black and white drawings were used as therapeutic material. For this research, a scale was designed in which respondents rated satisfaction with speech therapy treatment, with grades from 1 to 5. The results showed that all respondents expressed greater satisfaction when objects were presented to them in color than in the form of black and white drawings. This finding suggests a possible influence of the type of therapeutic material on treatment satisfaction in persons with aphasia

    The influence of the type of stimulus on satisfaction with the speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia

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    S obzirom da afazija često ostavlja dugoročne posledice na jezičkom i komunikativnom planu, tretmanu afazija posvećuje se velika pažnja. Pored izbora odgovarajuće metode, za efikasnost terapije neophodna su i adekvatna terapijska sredstva. Imajući to u vidu, cilj ove studije je da se utvrdi uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom. Uzorak je činilo 10 ispitanika sa afazijom koji su se nalazili na rehabilitacionom tretmanu na Klinici za rehabilitaciju ā€žDr Miroslav Zotovićā€œ, 2022. godine. U tretmanu je koriŔćena Metoda remedijacije, usmerena na poboljÅ”anje sposobnosti imenovanja. Kao terapijski materijal koriŔćeno je 20 kartica sa objektima u boji i 20 kartica na kojima su objekti prikazani crno-belim crtežima. Za ovo istraživanje oblikovana je skala kojom su ispitanici ocenjivali zadovoljstvo logopedskim tretmanom, ocenama od 1 do 5. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi ispitanici izrazili veće zadovoljstvo kada im se objekti prikazuju u boji nego u obliku crno-belih crteža. Ovaj nalaz sugeriÅ”e na mogući uticaj vrste terapijskog materijala na zadovoljstvo tretmanom kod osoba sa afazijom.Considering that aphasia often leaves long-term consequences on the language and communicative level, great attention is paid to the treatment of aphasia. In addition to choosing the appropriate method, it is necessary to choose the most effective therapeutic means. Having that in mind, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of the type of therapeutic material on the satisfaction with speech therapy treatment of persons with aphasia. The sample consisted of 10 subjects with aphasia who were undergoing rehabilitation treatment at the "Dr. Miroslav Zotović" Rehabilitation Clinic in 2022. The method of remediation aimed at improving the ability to name was used in the treatment. 20 cards with objects in color and 20 cards with objects depicted in black and white drawings were used as therapeutic material. For this research, a scale was designed in which respondents rated satisfaction with speech therapy treatment, with grades from 1 to 5. The results showed that all respondents expressed greater satisfaction when objects were presented to them in color than in the form of black and white drawings. This finding suggests a possible influence of the type of therapeutic material on treatment satisfaction in persons with aphasia

    Types od naming errors in person with aphasia

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    Uvod: Imenovanje slika ili objekata je kompleksan proces koji uključuje veliki broj različitih kognitivnih sposobnosti i mentalnih reprezentacija. Većina osoba sa afazijom ima poremećaj imenovanja, odnosno anomiju. Anomija se manifestuje se deficitima u pronalaženju sadržajnih reči, posebno imenica tokom spontanog govora i na zadacima imenovanja vizuelno i auditivno predstavljenih stimulusa. Iako je odavno pokazano da pacijenti sa afazijom ispoljavaju različite tipove greÅ”aka na zadacima vizuelnog imenovanja, joÅ” uvek nema dovoljno podataka o prirodi tih greÅ”aka. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje tipova greÅ”aka u imenovanju kod osoba sa različitim tipovima afazija. U studiju je uključeno Å”est pacijenata sa afazijom uzrokovanom moždanim udarom. Metod: Za postavljanje dijagnoze i određivanje tipa afazije primenjeni su Skrining test za afazije i Bostonski dijagnostički test za afazije. U studiju su uključena dva ispitanika sa Brokinom, dva sa Vernikeovom, jedan sa konduktivnom i jedan sa anomičkom afazijom. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da svi pacijenti ispoljavaju poremećaj imenovanja. Utvrđeno je da su na Bostonskom testu imenovanja najuspeÅ”niji bili ispitanici sa Brokinom afazijom, dok su najveći broj netačnih odgovora imali ispitanici sa Vernikeovom afazijom. Zaključak: Zaključeno je da se ispitanici sa različitim afazičkim sindromima razlikuju prema tipovima greÅ”aka u imenovanjuIntroduction: Naming pictures or objects is a complex process that involves a large number of different cognitive abilities and mental representations. Most people with aphasia have a naming disorder, i.e. anomia. Anomia is manifested by deficits in finding meaningful words, especially nouns during spontaneous speech and in tasks of naming visually and auditorily presented stimuli. Although it has long been shown that patients with aphasia exhibit different types of errors in naming tasks, there is still insufficient data on the nature of these errors. Aim: The aim of this work is to determine the types of naming errors in people with different types of aphasia. Six patients with aphasia caused by stroke were included in the study. Method: The Screening Test for Aphasia and the Boston Diagnostic Test for Aphasia were used to diagnose and determine the type of aphasia. Two respondents with Broca's, two with Wernicke's, one with conduction, and one with anomic aphasia were included in the study. Results: The results showed that all patients showed a naming disorder. It was found that respondents with Broca's aphasia were the most successful on the Boston Naming Test, while respondents with Wernice's aphasia had the highest number of incorrect answers. Conclusion: It was concluded that respondents with different aphasic syndromes differentiate according to the types of naming error

    Comprehension of proverbs in persons with TBI: case reports

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) leaves numerous consequences on cognitive, language, and com- munication abilities. TBI often leads to disturbances in comprehending figurative language, which can disrupt the communication process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of persons who have suffered TBI to understand proverbs in order to draw attention to figurative language/conversation abilities, which is a topic that is rarely investigated. Method: The sample consisted of 4 subjects with TBI aged 22 to 29 years, who had complet- ed 12 to 16 years of education. Subjects were tested between 4 and 9 months after the injury. Using magnetic resonance imaging, it was determined that two subjects had a diffuse brain injury, while the other two had a contusion brain injury. The control group consisted of four subjects who equally-matched to subjects with TBI in terms of gender, age, and level of edu- cation. The study focused on 10 proverbs that are used often in everyday communication. The assessment of the understanding of proverbs was carried out by two clinicians in the Serbian language. After the subject heard the proverb, he/she was asked to interpret the meaning, while two clinicians recorded the success of the understanding and categorised the subjectā€™s answers based on the following: understands the concrete meaning, partially understands the metaphor, and fully understands the metaphor. Descriptive statistical measures were used in this study. The results show that subjects with diffuse lesions had pronounced diffi- culties in understanding proverbs, while subjects with brain contusions interpreted the prov- erbs well, but with a delayed latency. Conclusion: Our data shows that proverb comprehension disorders are more pronounced in people with a diffuse injury than those with a contusion brain injury. Due to the small num- ber of respondents, in this study, we compared only the type of brain injury, not the location. In addition, these results are limited by the size of the sample and cannot be generalised

    Tretman afazija pomoću metode virtuelni svet ā€™ā€™Eva parkā€™ā€™

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    Nakon pandemije COVID-19 veći broj studija o tretmanu afazija fokusiran je na ispitivanje efekata jezičkih terapija koje se sprovode onlajn. Jedna od metoda koja je posebno privukla pažnju istraživača je onlajn metoda virtuleni svet ā€žEva parkā€œ. Eva Park predstavlja ostrvo u kojem su osobe sa afazijom i drugim učesnicima. Svim učesnicima u ovom programu, omogućeno je da se slobodno kreću, da izvrÅ”avaju različite zadatke, dok razgovaraju s logopedom i osobama s afazijom. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikaže značaj onlajn terapije afazija putem metode ā€žEva pakā€œ. Metod rada. Na osnovu baze PubMed, pregledano je 14 radova posvećenih metodi tretmana virtuelnog sveta ā€žEva parkā€œ kod osoba sa afazijom. Rezultati ukazuju na prednosti vežbanja konverzacije u različitim situacijama, koje većini osoba sa afazijom nisu dostupne u realnom svetu, takođe, istaknut je značaj druženja osoba s afazijom s drugim osobama u cilju smanjenja osećaja izolovanosti i depresije. Kao negativne strane ove metode navodi se to Å”to metoda ima značajna ograničenja kod osoba koje imaju redukovane verbalne sposobnosti. Stoga se metoda viÅ”e preporučuje za osobe sa kognitivnim deficitima bez prisustva težih jezičkih poremećaja. Zaključak. Metoda virtuelni svet za osobe sa afazijom je obećavajuća metoda za koju su nam neophodna dalja istraživanja usmerena na detekcija oblika i težine afazičnog sindroma za koju je ova metoda najpogodnija

    Comprehension of proverbs in persons with TBI: case reports

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) leaves numerous consequences on cognitive, language, and com- munication abilities. TBI often leads to disturbances in comprehending figurative language, which can disrupt the communication process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of persons who have suffered TBI to understand proverbs in order to draw attention to figurative language/conversation abilities, which is a topic that is rarely investigated. Method: The sample consisted of 4 subjects with TBI aged 22 to 29 years, who had complet- ed 12 to 16 years of education. Subjects were tested between 4 and 9 months after the injury. Using magnetic resonance imaging, it was determined that two subjects had a diffuse brain injury, while the other two had a contusion brain injury. The control group consisted of four subjects who equally-matched to subjects with TBI in terms of gender, age, and level of edu- cation. The study focused on 10 proverbs that are used often in everyday communication. The assessment of the understanding of proverbs was carried out by two clinicians in the Serbian language. After the subject heard the proverb, he/she was asked to interpret the meaning, while two clinicians recorded the success of the understanding and categorised the subjectā€™s answers based on the following: understands the concrete meaning, partially understands the metaphor, and fully understands the metaphor. Descriptive statistical measures were used in this study. The results show that subjects with diffuse lesions had pronounced diffi- culties in understanding proverbs, while subjects with brain contusions interpreted the prov- erbs well, but with a delayed latency. Conclusion: Our data shows that proverb comprehension disorders are more pronounced in people with a diffuse injury than those with a contusion brain injury. Due to the small num- ber of respondents, in this study, we compared only the type of brain injury, not the location. In addition, these results are limited by the size of the sample and cannot be generalised

    Tretman afazija pomoću metode virtuelni svet ā€™ā€™Eva parkā€™ā€™

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    Nakon pandemije COVID-19 veći broj studija o tretmanu afazija fokusiran je na ispitivanje efekata jezičkih terapija koje se sprovode onlajn. Jedna od metoda koja je posebno privukla pažnju istraživača je onlajn metoda virtuleni svet ā€žEva parkā€œ. Eva Park predstavlja ostrvo u kojem su osobe sa afazijom i drugim učesnicima. Svim učesnicima u ovom programu, omogućeno je da se slobodno kreću, da izvrÅ”avaju različite zadatke, dok razgovaraju s logopedom i osobama s afazijom. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikaže značaj onlajn terapije afazija putem metode ā€žEva pakā€œ. Metod rada. Na osnovu baze PubMed, pregledano je 14 radova posvećenih metodi tretmana virtuelnog sveta ā€žEva parkā€œ kod osoba sa afazijom. Rezultati ukazuju na prednosti vežbanja konverzacije u različitim situacijama, koje većini osoba sa afazijom nisu dostupne u realnom svetu, takođe, istaknut je značaj druženja osoba s afazijom s drugim osobama u cilju smanjenja osećaja izolovanosti i depresije. Kao negativne strane ove metode navodi se to Å”to metoda ima značajna ograničenja kod osoba koje imaju redukovane verbalne sposobnosti. Stoga se metoda viÅ”e preporučuje za osobe sa kognitivnim deficitima bez prisustva težih jezičkih poremećaja. Zaključak. Metoda virtuelni svet za osobe sa afazijom je obećavajuća metoda za koju su nam neophodna dalja istraživanja usmerena na detekcija oblika i težine afazičnog sindroma za koju je ova metoda najpogodnija