6 research outputs found

    Дистальные тубулопатии. Синдром Гительмана

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    The clinical recommendations on management of children with Gitelman syndrome developed by the experts of the Union of pediatricians of Russia are presented in this article. Gitelman syndrome is a dysfunction of distal renal tubules with further development of hypomagnesemia, hypocalciuria and secondary aldosteronism which determine hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis. Features of epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, disease progression, differential diagnostics and evidence-based treatment are presented.Представлены разработанные экспертами Союза педиатров России клинические рекомендации по оказанию медицинской помощи детям с синдромом Гительмана — нарушением функции дистальных почечных канальцев с развитием гипомагнеземии, гипокальциурии и вторичного альдостеронизма, который обусловливает гипокали-емию и метаболический алкалоз. Отмечены особенности эпидемиологии, этиологии и патогенеза, клинического течения, дифференциальной диагностики, а также лечения, основанного на принципах доказательности

    Петлевые тубулопатии: синдром Барттера

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    The authors provide a review of current clinical guidelines regarding medical care provided to children with Bartter’s syndrome — impaired renal tubular function (loop of Henle) with the development of hypokalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis and hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism.  The specifics of disease epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis  are described. The issues of differential diagnosis and treatment based on the principles of evidence are covered.Авторами  представлены   основные  положения   актуальных  клинических  рекомендаций  по  оказанию  медицинской помощи детям с синдромом Барттера  — нарушением функции  почечных канальцев  (петли  Генле)  с развитием гипокалиемии,  гипохлоремии,  метаболического  алкалоза  и гиперренинемического  гиперальдостеронизма. Рассматриваются  особенности  эпидемиологии,  этиологии  и патогенеза.  Освещены вопросы дифференциальной диагностики, лечения, основанного на принципах доказательности

    Distal Tubulopathy. Liddle Syndrome

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    The clinical recommendations on management of children with Liddle syndrome which is characterized by severe hypertension along with low activity levels of renin and aldosterone in blood plasma, hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis, were developed by the experts of the Union of pediatricians of Russia. Aspects of epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, disease progression, differential diagnostics and evidence-based treatment are presented

    Loop tubulopathies: Bartter’s syndrome

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    The authors provide a review of current clinical guidelines regarding medical care provided to children with Bartter’s syndrome — impaired renal tubular function (loop of Henle) with the development of hypokalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis and hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism.  The specifics of disease epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis  are described. The issues of differential diagnosis and treatment based on the principles of evidence are covered

    A questionnaire survey of radiological diagnosis and management of renal dysplasia in children

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    Background: The condition called renal dysplasia is considered to be a frequent cause of chronic kidney disease in children. Formally, it is defined by histological parameters. In current nephrology practice, however, the appearance of the kidneys on ultrasound scanning is often used as a basis for the diagnosis. Methods: The European Society for Pediatric Nephrology Working Group on Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract hypothesized that the current diagnostic approach with regard to renal dysplasia was not homogeneous. Accordingly, we here report the results of a survey targeting pediatric nephrologists with 12 questions regarding their perceptions of the ultrasonographic characteristics of renal dysplasia and further tests that they might undertake. Results: Of almost 1200 physicians who successfully received the invitation, 248 from 54 countries completed the survey. There was a notable lack of homogeneity regarding the ultrasonographic diagnosis of renal dysplasia and also of follow-up tests, including genetic testing and further radiology. Conclusions: Based on the responses to this large survey, a picture emerges of nephrologists’ current clinical practice with regard to renal dysplasia. The Working Group considers that these results serve as an important sounding board which can provide the basis for more definitive recommendations regarding the challenges to clinical diagnosis and diagnostic follow-up of this important condition