4 research outputs found

    Review of 1,447 Breast Augmentation Patients Using PERTHESE Silicone Implants

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    Introduction A survey of surgeons in Brazil on their experience with PERTHESE silicone breast implants was performed. Materials and methods Surgeons that used PERTHESE implants between 2002 and 2008 were surveyed on the shape and volume of the implants used, surgical incision site, surgical plane of insertion, key postoperative complications, and surgeon and patient satisfaction. Results The survey had a response rate of 20%, with ten surgeons reporting data on 1447 patients. The majority of the implants used were 200-300 cc, round, and high profile. Preference for the traditional inframammary incision site (47% of patients) was favored over transaxillary (33%) and periareolar (19%), and both subglandular (55%) and submuscular (44%) planes of insertion were used. Over 97% of surgeons and patients were satisfied with the results and surgeons indicated that the implants were easy to use. Conclusions This review demonstrates that these implants are safe, maybe easier to introduce than other implants, and result in a high level of surgeon and patient satisfaction.341111

    Total-thickness lesion of the scalp of infectious origin

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    Scalp reconstruction aims to achieve an appropriate appearance and is fundamentally important to the integrity of the skeletal structure to protect the central nervous system. The present work describes the case of a child aged 1 year and 5 months with a total-thickness lesion of the scalp presenting with ischemic areas in the cranial calotte and absence of periosteum after infection. The lesion was urgently debrided, washed with 9% normal saline, and dressed with silver sulfadiazine ointment for 2 days. The patient was subsequently transferred to the surgical center, and multiple perforations were made in the outer table of the skull. A dressing was made with rayon gauze soaked with petrolatum emulsion and removed 7 days after the surgery accompanied by antibiotic administration. Finally, 10 days after surgery, split-thickness skin grafting was performed, and satisfactory aesthetic results were obtained.A reconstrução do couro cabeludo, além do propósito de manutenção da forma, é de fundamental importância para a integridade do arcabouço ósseo, com o objetivo de proteção do sistema nervoso central. No presente trabalho, é descrito o caso de uma criança de 1 ano e 5 meses de idade, com lesão de espessura total do couro cabeludo, presença de áreas de isquemia na região da calota craniana após infecção e ausência de periósteo. Foram realizados, em regime de urgência, desbridamento da lesão, lavagem com soro fisiológico a 9% e curativo com pomada de sulfadiazina de prata, durante dois dias. Posteriormente, o paciente foi levado ao centro cirúrgico para realização de múltiplas microperfurações da tábua externa do crânio. Foi realizado curativo com gaze raiom embebida em emulsão de petrolatum, que foi retirada no sétimo dia de pós-operatório, acompanhado de cobertura antibiótica. Finalmente, no décimo dia de pós-operatório, foi realizado enxerto de pele parcial, com obtenção de resultado estético satisfatório.30730

    Lesão de couro cabeludo de espessura total de origem infecciosa

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    A reconstrução do couro cabeludo, além do propósito de manutenção da forma, é de fundamental importância para a integridade do arcabouço ósseo, com o objetivo de proteção do sistema nervoso central. No presente trabalho, é descrito o caso de uma criança de 1 ano e 5 meses de idade, com lesão de espessura total do couro cabeludo, presença de áreas de isquemia na região da calota craniana após infecção e ausência de periósteo. Foram realizados, em regime de urgência, desbridamento da lesão, lavagem com soro fisiológico a 9% e curativo com pomada de sulfadiazina de prata, durante dois dias. Posteriormente, o paciente foi levado ao centro cirúrgico para realização de múltiplas microperfurações da tábua externa do crânio. Foi realizado curativo com gaze raiom embebida em emulsão de petrolatum, que foi retirada no sétimo dia de pós-operatório, acompanhado de cobertura antibiótica. Finalmente, no décimo dia de pós-operatório, foi realizado enxerto de pele parcial, com obtenção de resultado estético satisfatório

    Seven-year Institutional Experience In The Surgical Treatment Of Orbito-zygomatic Fractures.

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    Facial trauma is a common injury in the urban setting. Many studies have been published on the epidemiology of facial fractures, but few of them conducted in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of patients treated for orbito-zygomatic fractures at our institution. Retrospective analysis of 141 patients with orbito-zygomatic complex fractures who underwent surgical treatment between May 2001 and May 2008. The population studied consisted mostly of males (86.5% of patients), with a male:female ratio of 6.4:1. A marked predominance of patients aged 21-30 years was observed (34.3%). Traffic-related causes were the most common, with motorcycle accidents as the most frequent aetiology (24.8% of patients), followed by car accidents (19.2%) and interpersonal violence (15.2%). Associated injuries accounted for 88 lesions in 65 patients, and their occurrence was statistically associated with traffic-related causes. All patients enrolled in the study were managed with operative treatment. The most utilized method for treatment was internal fixation with miniplates and screws (83.7% of the cases). The complication rate was 24.8%. Orbito-zygomatic fractures can cause significant morbidity and impairment in patients' quality of life. Despite recent improvements in legislation and educational campaigns, traffic remains the main cause of these injuries. More intensive efforts should be made in order to reduce its impact in the aetiology of facial trauma.39593-