14 research outputs found

    Toxoplasmosis serologic tests in brazilian indians (krenakorore) of recent contact with civilized man

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    Serology in early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis

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    Avidity of specific IgG antibody as a marker of recent and old toxoplasma infections

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    For serologically characterizing a recent primary toxoplasma infection, the low avidity of IgG specific antibodies was studied. Avidity was evaluated as the decrease of IgG antibody titers in ELISA after treating plates with 6 M urea, as a dissociating solution of low avidity antigen-antibody complexes. Sixty nine serum samples were studied, presenting characteristic patterns of recent, transitional or chronic toxoplasmosis. Serological patterns were determined according to results of IgG and IgM immunofluorescence, IgM-capture, and hemagglutination tests. Twenty three serum samples from each of the referred patterns I,II and III were titrated. For chronic toxoplasmosis infections, which presented a serological pattern III, observed decrease of titers was 3% ± 3%. For pattern I recent toxoplasmosis sera it was 34% ± 12%, and for transition pattern II, 12% ±9%. Thus, a low avidity of IgG specific antibodies can be applicable for the diagnosis of a recent toxoplasmosis infection.A caracterização de infecção primária recente pelo Toxoplasma gondii se apoia principalmente na presença, no soro, de anticorpos específicos IgM. Para fins diagnósticos de toxoplasmose aguda, ou de contágio recente, a possibilidade de outros marcadores é altamente desejável. Um marcador de infecção recente atualmente referido é a baixa afinidade ou avidez de anticorpos específicos IgG. Para avaliação do novo marcador, titularam-se os soros contra poliantígenos do T. gondii pelo teste imunoenzimático (ELISA), antes e após tratamento dos complexos antígeno-anticorpo formados, com solução de ureia 6 M como agente dissociante. O deslocamento de anticorpos de baixa avidez foi indicado por uma queda de títulos, calculada em porcentagem em relação aos títulos iniciais. Foram estudados 69 soros, 23 de cada um dos 3 perfis sorológicos sucessivos, observados na infecção, e que a caracterizam respectivamente como recente, em fase de transição e crônica. Os perfis foram determinados segundo os resultados de uma bateria de testes, incluindo os de imunofluorescência IgG e IgM, de captura de anticorpos IgM e de hemaglutinação. Para os soros de infecção crônica a queda observada foi de 3% ± 3%, de 34% ± 12% para toxoplasmose recente e de 12% ± 9% para a fase de transição. Conclue-se que a determinação da avidez de anticorpos IgG pode ser utilizada como marcador de infecção primária recente pelo T. gondii

    Immunoglobulin M (IgM)-Glycoinositolphospholipid Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay: an Immunoenzymatic Assay for Discrimination between Patients with Acute Toxoplasmosis and Those with Persistent Parasite-Specific IgM Antibodies

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    In the present study we developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to measure immunoglobulin M (IgM) specific for glycoinositolphospholipids (GIPL) derived from tachyzoite membrane (IgM-GIPL ELISA). The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were compared with those of commercially available Toxoplasma-specific IgM serological tests, namely, immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with fixed tachyzoites and capture ELISA employing tachyzoite extracts. Our results show that all patients with acute toxoplasmosis, as determined by clinical data and conventional serological tests, were also positive by the IgM-GIPL ELISA. Interestingly, many patients that were classified as indeterminate, who had IgG with high avidity but positive results in the IgM-specific IFA and capture ELISA, were negative by the IgM-GIPL ELISA. Finally, we tested the sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and various parasitic infections and found no evidence of false positives in the IgM-GIPL ELISA