7 research outputs found

    Arkansas Butterflies and Skippers

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    Since 1955 the writer has been compiling information on Arkansas butterflies and skippers. A list of species is presented from data obtained from personal collecting, extensive contacts with contemporary collectors, and a concerted literature search. A total of 151 species are listed on a chart which also shows from which of five designated areas in the state each species has been reported

    Checklist of the Sphinx Moths of Arkansas

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    In Memoriam: Lowell F. Bailey 1911-1988

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    Enhanced Phagocytosis of Salmonella enteritidis with Hypoagglutinating Mouse Antisera

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    It has been well documented that in humans a typhoid infection due to Salmonella typhosa is accompanied by the formation of serum antibodies which will agglutinate the bacteria in vitro. Furthermore the presence of the agglutinins has been correlated with resistance to the disease. Animal (e.g. rabbit) inoculation with the organism S. typhosa also results in the production of serum agglutinins. It was with some surprise, then, that Paulissen and Shechmeister (9) discovered that mouse inoculation with Salmonella enteritidis was not followed by production of agglutinins in amounts usually considered significant. The surprise was even greater when Hatch (4) showed that agglutinins were produced in mice against another Gram-negative organism Proteus morganii and that these agglutinins were protective. Gorer and Schutze (3) while able to demonstrate agglutinins against S. enteritidis in mice were unable to correlate resistance of the mice with them. The apparent differences in all these responses could be due to differences among the specie