4 research outputs found

    General linear mixed models estimates of the relationship between baseline CSF biomarkers and MMSE score at baseline and over follow-up.

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    a<p>Standardized estimates with their standard error (SE) computerized from mixed models adjusted for age, sex, CSF biomarker, and their interactions with time (one model per biomarker).</p

    Predicted trajectories of MMSE score according to tertiles of CSF phosphorylated PKR.

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    <p>Mixed model is adjusted for age, sex, tertiles of CSF pPKR and their interactions with time in months. Solid line: lower tertile of pPKR (0–65 ODU), long-dashed sline: middle tertile of pPKR (65–100 ODU), short-dashed line : upper tertile of pPKR (>100 ODU). Cognitive decline is more pronounced in patients with high levels of CSF pPKR (short-dashed line).</p