5 research outputs found

    „alicja” Romana Honeta – szkic analityczny

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    The article analyses the volume of poetry by Roman Honet, alicja, by means of the method of analysis and interpretation of a literary text proposed by Jerzy Faryno. The division into primary content (direct, resulting from a linguistic utterance) and secondary content (resulting from a linguistic utterance indirectly) enables one to attempt to interpret uninterpretable, as it is considered in the literature on the subject, alicja. The structure of the volume itself, specific punctuation and grammar provide certain conditions concerning the image of poetic reality existing in the world presented by the lyrical I. What is more, the same motives appearing again and again, specific meta-oneirism, permanent palette of colours became a starting point for developing our proposal. This approach to the problem was also supported by thematic triplicity of poetic content visible in the poetry. The further part of the article presents intertextual references to the extratextual reality and real historical figures (related to the Second World War)

    Estimation of thermodynamic and thermochemical properties of solid heterogeneous rocket propellants containing scavengers

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    Nowym trendem w rozwoju stałych heterogenicznych paliw rakietowych (SHPR) jest obniżenie emisji gazów, powstających w trakcie spalania tych paliw powodujących pozostawianie śladu za dyszą rakiety, który tworzy się w wyniku kondensacji produktów spalania, m.in. chlorowodoru. Zgodnie z klasyfikacją AGARD powstające dymy nazywamy dymami wtórnymi. SHPR na bazie chloranu(VII) amonu (powszechnie stosowanego utleniacza) wytwarzają znaczne ilości chlorowodoru w produktach spalania. Istnieją różne metody na obniżenie emisji dymów wtórnych. Jedną z nich jest wprowadzenie do SHPR związków neutralizujących. Jako związki neutralizujące stosuje się sole metali ziem alkalicznych. Przeprowadzono szacowanie właściwości termodynamicznych i termochemicznych SHPR zawierających wybrane związki neutralizujące z wykorzystaniem programu ICT-Code (The ICT-Thermodynamic Code). Określono wpływ różnych związków neutralizujących i ich ilości na wybrane właściwości, m.in. na bilans tlenowy, gęstość, kaloryczność, impuls właściwy i ilość chlorowodoru w produktach spalania.A new trend in development of solid heterogeneous rocket propellants (SHRP) is a reduction of emission of gases, generated during combustion of propellants, leaving a trace of white smoke behind the nozzle as a result of condensation of combustion products including above all the hydrogen chloride. This smoke is called as secondary smoke in accordance with the AGARD classification. The SHRP based on ammonium perchlorate (commonly used oxidizer) generates significant amounts of hydrogen chloride in combustion products. There are various methods to reduce the emission of secondary smokes – one of them is the addition of scavengers to SHRP. Alkaline earth metal salts are used as scavengers. The estimation of thermodynamic and thermochemical properties of SHRP containing selected scavengers was carried out by using the ICT-Code software (The ICT-Thermodynamic Code). The influence of different scavengers and their amount on selected properties, e.g. oxygen balance, density, caloricity, specific impulse, and amount of hydrogen chloride in combustion products, was determined

    Research on Explosive Hardening of Titanium Grade 2

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    In this investigation, three different explosive materials have been used to improve the properties of titanium grade 2: ammonal, emulsion explosives, and plastic-bonded explosives. In order to establish the influence of explosive hardening on the properties of the treated alloys, tests were conducted, including microhardness testing, microstructure analysis, and tensile and corrosion tests. It has been found that it is possible to achieve a 40% increase in tensile strength using a plastic explosive (PBX) as an explosive material. On the other hand, the impact of the shock wave slightly decreased the corrosion resistance of titanium grade 2. The change in corrosion rate is less than 0.1µm/year, which does not significantly affect the overall corrosion resistance of the material. The reduction in corrosion resistance is probably due to the surface geometry changes as a result of explosive treatment