124 research outputs found

    Evaluating the width of navigational channels

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    The width of a navigational channel is a very important issue for navigational safety, and therefore is calculated on the basis of ship parameters and surroundings. Research on the passes of navigating ships under different conditions is crucial for navigational safety in ports etc. The evaluation of the width of navigational channels under certain circumstances is the main objective of investigation discussed by the authors of this article. The evaluation of the width of navigational channels for big ships coming into Klaipėda port (Lithuania) has been taken as a case study. Also, the received results could be used in other ports and navigational channels

    Research on work methods for tugs in ports

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    Tug assistance in ports for increasing ship maneuverability, mooring and unmooring operations is a very important issue. New tugs are given increased possibilities; nevertheless, at the same time, work methods for tugs, including advantages and disadvantages must be carefully studied, evaluated and practically applied. The article presents the results of the carried out research on the work methods of a new type of tugs, thus offering recommendations for how to avoid drawbacks of working with new tugs during ship mooring operations

    Ship passing through straits

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    All ports and a number of waterways have straits to optimize investments in developing such systems reaching the maximum results with minimum expenditures. New high accuracy port navigational systems have a possibility of high precision ship positioning and any time should guarantee shipping safety in port waters which makes a good basis for the optimization of port development. A new type of ships with good steering equipment and ship steering knowledge and methods in combination with very high accuracy port navigational systems such as Eā€Sea Fix and horizontal/vertical port channel bottom scanning possibilities guaranteeing real port water bottom conditions could stimulate dramatically increasing ship sizes at the port entrance in case of guaranteed shipping safety. With reference to straits, a theoretical study and experimental results received by simulators and real ships under much the same conditions have delivered a new knowledge of the limit of big ship sailing in straits and the possibilities of increasing ship size under similar sailing conditions. The Klaipeda strait is taken as the case study for practical testing. The paper presents the results, conclusions and recommendations of a theoretical and practical study for the ships of an increased size at strait ports. First published online: 10 Feb 201

    Blue Growth Circular Innovation

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    Maritime sectorā€™s growth is defined and specified by Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Integrated maritime policy and Blue growth strategy. However, practical implementation of such positive regulations isnā€™t so resultative, because Blue growth, same as overall EU zone economic development meets significant troubles. Blue growth methodology needs to be more certain and sustained in overall system of EU development approaches. Here is highlighted, that further growth is possible in several areas: aquaculture, coastal tourism, marine biotechnology, ocean energy, seabed mining. Majority of core maritime activities as industry, logistic and infrastructure hasnā€™t provided as valuable in reason of methodological understanding of a growth in terms of physical and economic growth. Applied author Circular economy 3.0 methodology discovers sense of qualitative growth of holistic maritime economy system what enforces all maritime branches by advanced growth abilities of CleanTech, HealthTec and SmartTech approaches. This opens panel for discussion with business, politicians, communities on matter of improvement EU Blue growth strategy towards radicalisation of EU growth trends

    The safety of tankers and single point mooring during loading operations

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    Single point mooring (SPM) is used when typical port facilities cannot be applied. Offshore platforms and terminals producing oil and gas are the places where SPM can be employed. Accidents with SPM equipment and ships occurring during loading or unloading operations are very dangerous and may cause serious losses due to the high prices of tankers and facilities and because of polluting the environment with poisonous materials. Any possibilities of decreasing risk and increasing safety are very important. This paper presents the analysis of dangerous situations with tankers and SPM, discusses theoretical basis for study and makes practical calculations and recommendations on decreasing accidence probability during loading operations. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Erscheinungen des Rechtsextremismus und Nationalismus in Litauen

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    'Das Thema des Berichts ist aktuell, weil sich in Litauen wie auch in den anderen Reformstaaten, besonders in denen, die die UnabhƤngigkeit erst vor kurzem gewonnen haben, die Gesellschaften teilweise radikalisiert haben. Dabei wurden linker Radikalismus und Extremismus in den Massenmedien und in der Ɩffentlichkeit ebenso stark angegriffen wie das ehemalige kommunistische System. Nationalismus und Rechtsradikalismus, sogar Extremismus wurden oft als ganz natĆ¼rliche oder sogar richtige Erscheinungen des postkommunistischen Zeitalters dargestellt. Der Unwille, die Tendenzen und Wurzeln des rechten Radikalismus und des aggressiven Nationalismus im ƶffentlichen Leben wahrzunehmen und zu analysieren, machte die Vorbereitung dieser Arbeit problematisch. Dieser Bericht beruht hauptsƤchlich auf Presseberichten, die meistens informativ, nicht aber analytisch sind. Es werden rechte und radikal rechte Parteien und ihre Kennzeichen themenbezogen dargestellt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird der heiklen Periode des Machtwechsel 1992/93 geschenkt, als zum ersten Mal in einem Reformstaat eine ausgesprochen rechte Partei durch eine linke postkommunistische Partei ersetzt wurde. Das war eine ernste BewƤhrungsprobe fĆ¼r die Demokratie Litauens.' (Autorenreferat)'The subject of this report is topical because in Lithuania, as in other countries undergoing reform and especially in those which have only recently gained their independence, societies have been radicalizing in some ways. Left-wing radicalism and extremism have been just as vehemently attacked in the mass media and in public opinion as has the former communist system. Nationalism and right-wing radicalism, even extremism, have often been portrayed as quite natural or even appropriate phenomena of the post-communist era. The reluctance to perceive and to analyze the trends and roots of right-wing radicalism and aggressive nationalism in public life posed problems in the preparations for this study. The report is based primarily on press reports which are for the most part informative but not analytical. The study presents rightist and radically right-wing parties and their characteristics in relation to selected topics. Particular attention is paid to the touchy period of the change of power in 1992/93 when, for the first time in a reforming state, a distinctly rightist party was supplanted by a leftist post-communist party. This was the first serious test of Lithuania's democracy.' (author's abstract

    Ship safety in open ports

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    Ports and terminals open to prevailing winds can cause problems to moored ships with a high freeboard. Such ships, i.e. ship and berth mooring systems, have to deal with significant aerodynamic loads.This paper addresses the theoretical approach of the influence of aerodynamic loads on a mooring system for ship and investigates whether windscreens can reduce aerodynamic loads on ships in ports. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Hydrodynamic interactions between ships in narrow channels

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    Hydrodynamic interactions between ships in narrow channels are important for studying purposes and practical tasks. The paper presents a theoretical basis for the interaction between ships in narrow channels to evaluate reciprocal actions between ships, the experimental results of real ships and data received applying calibrated simulators. The theory and experimental results displayed in the paper could be used for designing channels and evaluating navigational safety in narrow channels as well as for ship steering tasks in narrow channels

    Ship mooring to jetties under the crosscurrent

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    Quay walls or jetties in some ports or certain places of the ports are located in such a way that currents act at a particular angle to quay walls or jetties. Additional forces created by currents on mooring or moored ships as well as other forces produced by the wind, waves or shallow water effect should be taken in account when designing quay walls or jetties for ship mooring operations. The article describes ship mooring under crosscurrent conditions, calculates mooring methodology, experimentally examines the received theoretical results and provides recommendations to designers and ship operators when quay walls or jetties are arranged at a particular angle to the current. First published online 04 September 201

    Sea motorways as a part of the logistics chain

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    This paper presents the main tools of Sea Motorways as an important part of the logistics chain and can be used presented methodically as a framework for designing logistics or supply chains along with sea motorways. Various factors influencing the choice of logistics chains with sea motorway part are described. The methodology of evaluating sea motorways and the logistics chain is furnished. The paper concludes by identifying the best logistics chains including sea motorways. First published online:Ā 27 Oct 201
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