7 research outputs found

    Most important fish taxa in typifying the groups ‘I’ and D by SIMPER analysis.

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    <p>List of fish taxa in decreasing order of their importance in typifying the groups ‘INCREASE’ (‘I’) and ‘DECREASE’ (‘D’) by SIMPER analysis performed on presence/absence data. Cut off for low contributions: 90.00%. Group ‘I’ average similarity 18.05; Group ‘D’ average similarity 12.51; Group ‘F’ average similarity 15.44.</p><p>*Milazzo,</p>§<p>Linosa and Lampedusa.</p

    PERMANOVA Analysis.

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    <p>Permutational multivariate analysis of variance based on the Euclidean dissimilarity measure for presence-absence data. The test was done using 9999 permutations under the reduced model. The group ‘FLUCTUATE’ was excluded from the analysis.</p

    Percent distribution of fishing methods adopted by the respondents.

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    <p>Interviewed (Tot N = 32) were both recreational (N = 8, 25%) and professional (N = 24, 75%) fishermen.</p

    Study locations in the Mediterranean Sea.

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    <p>Study locations in the Mediterranean Sea.</p

    List of fish taxa cited by the respondents.

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    <p>The number of times in which they were assigned to the groups ‘INCREASE’ (‘I’), ‘DECREASE’ (‘D’) and ‘FLUCTUATE’ (‘F’) is reported.</p

    Results of the breakpoint structural analysis.

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    <p>The trend (increase ‘I’, decrease ‘D’ or fluctuate ‘F’), the year of statistically significant change (with CI at the 95% level) and results of the modified F test are showed for the species that contribute significantly in the SIMPER analysis. Confidence interval not shown because outside data time interval;</p>+<p>Increasing in last 10 years.</p><p>Probability of the Sup F <0.001 in all cases.</p

    Dynamic of the abundance of ‘SIMPER species’, according to fisher's perceptions.

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    <p>Trends of relative abundance on a scale from 0 to 5 (see text) of the species contributing mostly to the SIMPER analysis. Bold continuous line: mean relative abundance; dashed green line: null model of no temporal change in relative abundance; dashed blue lines: best fitting local regressions before and after break point; vertical dashed line: breakpoint or year of significant change in the temporal evolution of abundance, with 95% confidence intervals in red brackets.</p