6 research outputs found
Secretome proteins identified by 2D−DIGE.
1<p>genes also identified by Wartenberg ,et al. (43)</p
Top 50 downregulated genes plotted in ascending order by fold change.
<p>Black bars are the iron uptake genes, white bars are genes with various other annotations.</p
qRT-PCR evaluation of transcripts levels from genes that showed a differential expression in the microarray (A) representative genes (<i>MirB, SidA, Erg3, Erg11</i> and <i>Alp1</i>) and (B) the genes <i>HapX</i>, <i>SreA, AcuM</i> and <i>SrbA</i> encoding transcription factors that regulate iron uptake.
<p>Expression rates were normalized relative to mRNA levels of the β-tubulin-encoding gene (AFUA_1G10910) and set arbitrarily to 1 for the WT strain grown in 1% SM medium. Values are given in relative quantity of template compared to the original sample (RQ). RQ values were calculated by use of the equation: RQ  =  2<sup>–ΔΔCT</sup>, with ΔΔCT ± SD and ΔCT ± SDs. −Fe  =  growth medium lacking iron and containing 1 mM ferrozine. +Vori  =  growth medium supplemented with a sub-inhibitory concentration (0.125 µg/ml) of voriconazole. The experiment was repeated three times with similar results. Graphs show a representative experiment.</p
Significantly enriched physical clusters
<p>Significantly enriched physical clusters</p
Selected enriched downregulated gene classes in the <i>ΔprtT</i> mutant vs. WT<sup>1</sup>.
<p>1Top five genes with the highest fold change are shown in each category.</p>2<p>Ergosterol biosynthesis pathway.</p>3<p>Involved in amino acid catabolism.</p
Selected enriched upregulated gene classes in the <i>ΔprtT</i> mutant vs. W.
1<p>Top 10 genes with the highest fold change are shown in every category.</p>2<p>Gene located in a gene cluster.</p