33 research outputs found

    HRVATSKA ENTOMOFAUNA - iz sadaÅ”njosti pogled unatrag i planovi za budućnost

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    The development of entomological science in Croatia through the past 250 years can be divided into several periods. From the travel records in the late 18th century, intensive interest in insects and the creation of the first insect collections in Croatia, primarily by foreigners and later by local researchers, to the later establishment of museums and university institutions, until todayā€™s current scientific research in various institutes and university faculties. In the initial period, entomology in Croatia was exclusively studied by foreign researchers, and collected materials were stored in collections in their native countries. When systematics and entomological studies were already in full swing throughout Europe in the 19th century, they were in their beginnings in Croatia. Unfortunately, they have never reached full their development. University educated biologists of the 20th century carried out systematic and faunistic studies, and followed and kept up with the most recent achievements in biological sciences, especially molecular biology and biochemistry. Today we can proudly point to natural historians of world reputation. Despite the progress achieved in other sciences, faunistic studies in general and with respect to entomology have continually developed. For easier reference, the past 250 years have been divided into six periods, determined by the political and social changes in Europe, our country and in our surroundings and the view in the future. The works of scientists considered important for each period are described, particularly those of Croatian scientists. The remaining works are outlined in tabular form and their pooled numbers are shown in graphical form. The fact that our museum collections and vary rich library materials remained preserved after the two world wars is encouraging. Unfortunately until this day, the entomofauna of Croatia has still only been partially studied. Some orders, such as Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera have been intensively researched, while for many others we have no knowledge at all. We are aware that we must persist in this task, and intensify our efforts. We are following global efforts to protect our environment and biodiversity. Our efforts in those areas are in line with European and global efforts. It has been attempted in this paper to outline the work of many entomologists, to show their focus of study, area of study, representation (families, genera, species), assessed level of threat, endemism, etc. to provide an overview of todayā€™s entomology that is clear and accurate. The number of entomologists in individual institutions is given. The launching of scientific journals, scientific and professional associations and significant scientific books are mentioned. In the end, are outlined our plans for the future. Croatian entomofaunaIz povijesti entomoloÅ”ke znanosti u Hrvatskoj kroz minulih 250 godina nekoliko je razdoblja u njezinu uzlaznu razvoju. Od putopisa s kraja 18. stoljeća, preko intenzivnog zanimanja za kukce, pretežno stranaca, a kasnije i domaćih istraživača, izrade prvih zbirki kukaca u Hrvatskoj, do osnivanja muzeja i sveučiliÅ”nih ustanova te danaÅ”njih znanstvenih istraživanja u institutima i na fakultetima. U početno su vrijeme naÅ”u entomofaunu gotovo isključivo istraživali strani istraživači i entomoloÅ”ki materijal pohranili u svoje domicilne zbirke. I dok su u Europi sistematika i entomofaunistika u 19. stoljeću u punom zamahu, u Hrvatskoj su tek na početku. Na žalost one nikad, ni danas nisu u nas dosegle punu razvijenost. SveučiliÅ”no obrazovani biolozi dvadesetoga stoljeća osim sistematike i faunistike nastoje pratiti novija dostignuća bioloÅ”ke znanosti i ići u korak s njima osobito u molekularnoj biologiji i biokemiji. S ponosom možemo istaknuti naÅ”e danaÅ”nje prirodoslovce svjetskoga glasa Unatoč napretku u drugim znanostima ipak se istraživanje faune općenito pa i entomofaune odvija kontinuirano. Radi preglednosti, tih 250 godina podijelili smo na Å”est razdoblja koja su određena političkim i druÅ”tvenim promjenama kako u Europi tako i u nas i u naÅ”em okružju. Opisani su radovi znanstvenika važnih za svako razdoblje, a osobito domaćih znanstvenika. Ostali su prikazani tabelarno te skupno grafički brojčano. Ohrabruje činjenica da su i nakon dva svjetska rata muzejske zbirke i vrlo bogat bibliotečni materijal ostali sačuvani. Na žalost do danas je entomofauna obrađena samo djelomično. Neki redovi, primjerice Coleoptera, Lepidoptera i Diptera istražuju se intenzivnije, ali o mnogima joÅ” nemamo nikakvih spoznaja. Svjesni smo da moramo u tom poslu ustrajati, ali i intenzivirati ga. Pratimo svjetska nastojanja u zaÅ”titi prirode i bioraznolikosti. Uhvatili smo korak s europskim i svjetskim nastojanjima na tom području. Marom mnogih entomologa nastojalo se u ovom radu prikazati područje istraživanja, prostor, brojčanu zastupljenost (porodica, rodova, vrsta) procjenu ugroženosti, endemizam i dr. da bi uvid u entomofaunu danas bio jasniji i približno točan. Naveden je broj entomologa u pojedinim institucijama. Spomenuto je pokretanje znanstvenih časopisa, znanstveno-stručnih udruga te sve važnije tiskane knjige. Na kraju su naÅ”i planovi za budućnost. Hrvatska entomofaun

    Foreword by the editor

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    From the Editor

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    CROATIAN ENTOMOFAUNA - Looking Back from the Present and Its Future Plans

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    U povijesti entomoloÅ”ke znanosti u Hrvatskoj u minulih 250 godina nekoliko je razdoblja u njezinu uzlaznu razvoju: od putopisa s kraja 18. stoljeća, preko intenzivnoga zanimanja za kukce, pretežno stranaca, a kasnije i domaćih istraživača, od izrade prvih zbirki kukaca u Hrvatskoj, do osnivanja muzeja i sveučiliÅ”nih ustanova te danaÅ”njih znanstvenih istraživanja u institutima i na fakultetima. U početno vrijeme naÅ”u entomofaunu gotovo isključivo istraživali su strani istraživači i entomoloÅ”ki materijal pohranili u svoje domicilne zbirke. U Europi su sistematika i entomofaunistika u 19. stoljeću u punom zamahu, a u Hrvatskoj su tek tada na početku. Na žalost one nikada, pa ni danas nisu u nas dosegle punu razvijenost. SveučiliÅ”no obrazovani biolozi dvadesetoga stoljeća osim sistematike i faunistike nastoje pratiti novija dostignuća bioloÅ”ke znanosti i ići u korak s njima, osobito u molekularnoj biologiji i biokemiji. Unatoč napretku u drugim znanostima, ipak se istraživanje faune općenito pa i entomofaune odvija kontinuirano. Radi preglednosti, tih 250 godina podijeljeno je na sedam razdoblja, a ona su određena političkim i druÅ”tvenim promjenama u Europi pa i u nas i u naÅ”em okružju. Opisani su radovi znanstvenika važnih za svako razdoblje, a osobito radovi domaćih znanstvenika. Ostali su prikazani tabelarno te skupno grafički brojčano. Ohrabruje činjenica da su i nakon dva svjetska rata muzejske zbirke i neizmjeran bibliotečni materijal ostali sačuvani. Na žalost, do danas je entomofauna obrađena samo djelomično. Neki redovi, primjerice Coleoptera, Lepidoptera i Diptera istražuju se intenzivnije, ali o mnogima joÅ” nemamo nikakvih spoznaja. Svjesni smo da moramo u tom poslu ustrajati, ali i intenzivirati ga. Pratimo svjetska nastojanja u zaÅ”titi prirode i bioraznolikosti. Uhvatili smo korak s europskim i svjetskim nastojanjima na tom području. Marom mnogih entomologa nastojali smo u ovom radu prikazati područje istraživanja, prostor, brojčanu zastupljenost (porodica, rodova, vrsta), procjenu ugroženosti, endemizam i drugo, da bi uvid u entomofaunu danas bio jasniji i približno točan. Naveden je broj entomologa u pojedinim institucijama. Spomenuto je pokretanje znanstvenih časopisa, znanstveno-stručnih udruga te sve znatne tiskane knjige. Na kraju su naÅ”i planovi za budućnost.The development of entomological science in Croatia, through the past 250 years, can be divided into several periods. From the travel records in the late 18th century, intensive interest in insects and the creation of the first insect collections in Croatia, primarily by foreigners and later by local researchers, to the later establishment of museums and university institutions, and until todayā€™s current scientific research in various institutes and university faculties. In the initial period, entomology in Croatia was exclusively studied by foreign researchers, and collected materials were stored in collections in their native countries. While systematics and entomological studies were already in full swing throughout Europe in the 19th century, they were at their beginnings in Croatia. Unfortunately, they have never reached full development. University educated biologists of the 20th century carried out systematic and faunistic studies, and followed and kept up with the most recent achievements of the biological sciences, especially molecular biology and biochemistry. Despite the progress achieved in other sciences, faunistic studies in general and with respect to entomology have continually developed. For easier reference, we have divided the past 250 years into seven periods, determined by political and social changes in Europe, our country and in our surroundings. The works of scientists considered important for each period are described, particularly those of Croatian scientists. The remaining works are outlined in tabular form and their pooled numbers are shown in graphical form. The fact that our museum collections and vast library materials remained preserved after the two world wars is encouraging. Unfortunately until today, the entomofauna of Croatia has only been partially studied. Some orders, such as Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera have been intensively researched, while for many others we have no knowledge at all. We are aware that we must persevere persist in this task, and intensify our efforts. We are following global efforts to protect our environment and biodiversity. Our efforts in those areas are in line with the European and global efforts. We have attempted in this paper to outline the work of many entomologists, to show their focus of study, area of study, representation (families, genera, species), assessed level of threat, endemism, etc. to provide an overview of todayā€™s entomology that is clear and accurate. The number of entomologists in individual institutions is given. The launching of scientific journals, scientific and professional associations and significant scientific books are mentioned. In the end, we outline our plans for the future

    From the Editor

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