5 research outputs found
Quality assessment of included reviews.
<p>+ = yes;? = unclear;— = no; N/A = not applicable</p><p>Quality assessment of included reviews.</p
Forest plots showing the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions compared with wait list control or treatment as usual on the outcomes a) Depression, b) Anxiety, c) Stress, d) Quality of life and e) Physical functioning in different populations.
<p>The size of the marker per review indicates the size of the study population. The breadth of the line indicates the 95%CI. All values lower than 0 indicate a significant difference in favour of MBSR/MBCT. Values between 0 and -0.2 indicate negligible effect; between -0.2 and -0.5 small effect; between -0.5 and -0.8 medium effect and lower than -0.8 a large effect.</p
<p>Effect sizes reported as in reviews in different outcome measurements for the intergroup comparisons. Values are significant except when in parentheses. Smd = standard mean difference; OR = Odds Ratio; Wmd = weighted mean difference; HR = Hazard Ratio; RR = Risk Ratio. Interpretation: Cohen’s d, Hedges’g and smd: effect size 0–0.19 = no effect; 0.2–0.49 = small effect; 0.5–0.79 = medium effect; 0.8 and above = large effect. () = not significant. WL = compared to Wait list control; AT = compared to active treatment control</p><p>Results.</p
Study characteristics.
<p>Syst = Systematic Review; Meta = Meta-analysis; MBSR = Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction; MBCT = Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy; TAU = treatment as usual; WL = waiting list; AT = Active Treatment</p><p>Study characteristics.</p
Quality assessment items based on the PRISMA criteria for systematic reviews.
<p>Quality assessment items based on the PRISMA criteria for systematic reviews.</p